~19~ Stale sorrow

375 16 17

Word count: 2616

The interior was bright, stale hues of blue blending into states of bored, numb senses tired from an alert state.
Rows of chairs speckled with people wallowing in worry. Lined windows. Walls covered in posters of medical nonsense, charts, or nothing at all.

Nurses and doctors walked by on limbs ready to snap from their long day's work - limbs too tired to carry on yet driven to continuation anyways.

Well lit. Room after room of white light beaming down from long fixtures - the reflections lifeless in set shades of blues, grays, and eggshell white.

It was irritating more so than the silent ticking of time slipping from your fingers - ticking that always seemed to follow you to the places you thought safe.

It wasn't long 'till my panicked paces lead me over to the desk - eyes skimming over papers along the surface of a dark gray, front room counter of granite and my breathing fell to fire.

"Hello," the older woman perched upon an office chair smiles, cupping her hands as if too focused on me. "how may I help you?"

I swallow back pins. Nerves faint. Muscles stiff.

"I'm here to- my name..."

My gaze shifts - finger tapping impatiently on the patterened counter in front of me.

Each and every gown-clad person walking by, each and every mechanical point of noise, each and every surface lead to a path of fearful torment to my memory - a touch of pain and dull senses - sanitized surfaces melting in polished, picked out shades of white...white...white - composure barely kept below a heightened state of panic you're lulled into by the facades of color splashed onto paper along the walls.

His hands. Where were his hands...where was he to step in so I could make sure Summer -

My shoulders tense and I swallow back what felt like a rock.

"Yes?" She coaxes in tones I couldn't quite pick out.

"Corin Deire- my friend...she was checked in. I was told to-"
The gentle smile silences my rambling.

"You're Ms. (L/n)?"
I nod and her hand extends upwards to point at the hall beside her.
Another smile is sent my way.
"I was told you would be coming in shortly. The elevators are to the right in the second hall; you'll want the fourth floor, room one-twenty-two."

Another nod. Another round of tapping on the counter and with a somewhat rough push, I force myself to step back in an attempt to distance the situation.

The room felt still with the many faces of sorrow - pace hurried toward the destination where a button inscribed with an upward facing arrow was illuminated.

A small ding and my heart jumps at how fast the elevator had arrived - sleek doors of silver sliding open to reveal a polished interior.

It was moments after the fourth floor was pushed that the door trapped me in place - in my small corner and the shifting of the enclosed device told me of my ascension.

They weren't here.

They weren't here.

But they are - I saw him...heard their names...felt their presence.




I just needed time to slow down.

Bodies were rushing by in calm paces towards unseen destinations - faces glum in what was their job to bear, frames clad in caps and gowns of the same spectrum of blue painted along the walls and reflections on the floor - the dark wood of the door the same picked out, polished hue of white.

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