~12~ Faltering promises

413 12 3

Word count: 1751

The bell rung in three chimes. An easily recognized signal for all students to pack up their things and scramble to the chaos of the ever crowded hallway.

Quiet moments would be broken up by the lively stampede of young adults making their way to where they were needed - focus on one well-practiced direction.
Some went at it alone, braving the storm of cramped places while others had the lucky opportunity to walk it with close friends.

Corin was by my side within moments - taking my wrist in her hand as if to hold me close in inspection of my vastly different demeanor.

I could tell I wasn't holding back my worry as well as I thought I would have.
My nerves didn't have the time to fully calm down, to think back upon the scene lasting no more than four or five minutes tops. Minutes uncounted - trapped in a blur of panic.

"I see the color's back." Her tone was lighthearted - an attempt to get me to open up, and although I was grateful for her keen eye...I couldn't help but feel bad for making her worry.

A small part of me would've caved - tore down every fear of that small time...the crowded hall however, was one of the many things stopping me - wasn't the best place to spill out freshly opened wounds.

But where was?

I had given her a faint smile.

"Listen, I want you to know, you can talk to me."

I was convinced she could read minds.

"I wanna know what happened- if anything happened so I can help." Her hand tightened around my arm - her eyes dancing with pent up worry, with the knowledge she had to go...that class wouldn't wait for the both of us to clear the stormy water.
She pulled me to the side of the hall - buying precious time that continued to slip through her grasp.

"Really, I'm fine. But we will...we'll talk later." I reassure, yet the brunette seemed somewhat hesitant - silence her voice.
"Right now I just need time to think it all over- make sure I don't need to check myself into a psyc-ward or anything."

Another smile tempted her features - one more genuine.

"If that is what you want." Her voice softens over the sea of dispersing students. "But you have to promise me nothing happened, that you weren't hurt..."

My head shook slowly. "I wasn't. I promise." My hand lifted to playfully punch her shoulder.
"Only a few more classes left in the day. So brace yourself, for I have the major responsibility of dying your hair tonight. Unless you'd rather back out now and save yourself the trouble?"

Her shoulders straighten - having caught my hint of relaxed nerves - and she flashes a more confident smile.


My head shakes slowly at the quiet snapping of mechanical pencil lead now rolling across the table and I pull myself from my thoughts.

There was no sense in dwelling on it.

If I lingered on my worry, then so would she.

I just hoped I hadn't slipped up -

Corin and I had shared many things - were more like sisters at times - embarrassing stories, childish moments, down to more serious times and closely kept secrets.
Inseparable in many situations, and she was always there for me.
As was I for her.

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