~9~ Shadow coated secrets

380 16 1

Word count: 2805

The blonde waves - her motion an air of excitement to her farewell from her place behind the small front counter.

"See ya girlie!" Aimi smiles and I turn as I push through the door, sending myself off with a wave.

I step through the second pair of doors, my skin greeted with the mild warmth of late day breeze passing by. My steps were almost rhythmic, clicking on the concrete in succession after each other.

I wanted to ignore it - like I could at most other times...but it seemed off.

It was almost funny to say. A dry sense of humor I forced in times like these.

My screen flicks on within seconds, my fingers on autopilot in their mission to scroll through contact information.

The phone lifts, meeting my ear as the oh-so familiar ring signalled a few seconds wait before the line picks up.

"Bout time you checked in- I was starting to think you forgot about me." Corin teases, her voice walking the edge of electronic through the speaker of my phone.

I shake my head as if she could see me, brushing back a strand of my hair.

"Apologies." I start halfheartedly, counting each time my 'injured' ankle stepped in front of me. "Did you eat?"

"Is that even a question?"

"Right..." another halfhearted chuckles and my hand brushes down my face.

"Everything ok?" Corin then asks and I wasn't surprised she had picked up on my softer tone.

I nod to myself. "Yeah- sorry. Just tired, the diner got pretty busy."

"Is your ankle doing ok?"

"Sore...but it's fine." I fix my posture, glancing towards the different builds and colors of parked cars - a brief, reflective flash wanting to catch my attention. "How's your truck? Were you able to check it out?"

A hum of disapproval came in through the other end - the brunette's frame shifting.

"No. Not yet at least." She answers, "I did call Chris, but his dad has been rather busy at work. He's not exactly sure when he'll be able to come down and check it out, but it might be a day or two for the most part."

I nod - wanting to be ignorant to the feeling that traced a shiver down my spine - a feeling that cause my eyes to fall closed.

Paranoia was a fickle thing - twisting your nerves with the many images that were never there, testing you with the shadows it painted just in line for your sight to catch notice of.

I thought I had moved passed it - but just when you thought you had control over your nerves, it would strike with second guesses to if you had truly seen or felt what brushed by.

A wave of secrets teasing your senses - guilt to the many nights gone without sleep...the many still nights to clutch your courage close and stare at the ceiling to fight back the needles pricking at your eyes.

Uneasy breaths kept steady - hitched.

The hours slow in succession, a mockery of your constant reassurance that everything would be fine - that the sun would take away the fearful shadows, grant you time and peace that would never stay when needed most.

"...you there?"

I shake of a dull breath of crisp air.
A cold, running chill.

"Yeah. Sorry." My chuckle was more light. "I'll be back soon. Is there anything we need to go out and get before tonight?"

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