~11~ Fear. Panic. Fear.

492 14 1

Word count: 1741




My body was on autopilot - running into a place of temporary safety and I practically threw the door open, shoes skidding against tiled flooring and I didn't allow a breath to escape my lips - the stall was bardged into.

The door slammed shut.


My bag was thrown to the floor and I step back, almost tripping over my own feet - my hands steadying my frame as they held the walls.

I exhale quick, shallow breaths - something outside shifts.

My frame sits - my feet pulling themselves up onto the seat of the toilet and my knees were as close to my chest as they could be.

All had transpired within mere moments.

A step closer to my hiding place came the gentle tapping of a person outside.

They seemed hesitant - put off by my skittish actions and it took a few seconds for a timid knock to rap on the stall door.

"Hey...is everything ok?" A gentle voice spoke and I hold back from spilling every dirty secret.
"I don't mean to pry. I-I only ask because you looked on the brink of tears."

No. It's not - everything was far from ok.

I keep my eyes glued to the stranger's shoes - my breathing ragged, yet kept as silent as I could.

With a hard swallow, I gather whatever scrap of composure I could find, knowing full well making a scene would only lead to unwanted consequences.

"Um-" my voice cracks with the lack of a believable excuse.

I needed to calm down.

I nod as if she could see me - my eyes closed tightly as I reluctantly place my feet back down on the tiled floor below me.

My heart hurt - my body sore.

"Sorry." My apology came out as a whisper. "I-I...I'm just...I'm having girl trouble."

"Ah. That bad?" Her voice held sympathy and once again I swallow. Her feet shift as if she were silently scolding her choice of words.
"I'm sorry to hear about that. Is there anything I can do to help? Before I go I mean- I just...don't want to be late for class."

I look up - my heart pounding.

The lights were long, fluorescent coatings of yellow toned bathroom accents.

"No. No you can go..." I mutter, hesitant to wipe the unshed tears brimming in my eyes.
"My friend is on her way." I clear my throat. "I'll be ok."

The stranger's frame shifts - reluctant to go yet she hums and I pull out my phone from my pocket - gripping it close.
"Ok...well, I wish you the best."

The door slowly opens - her footsteps fading as it closes behind her and the late bell rings - making my frame want to jump, and without wasting a second my feet return to the safety of hugging my chest, my body held close as I practically curled into a ball.

I wish what I had said was the truth.

I wanted nothing more for a friendly face to tell me everything was ok...

I exhale a quiet sob, gaining enough composure to pull my phone away and turn it on with shaking hands - my fingers fumbling with the screen.

The contacts were read quickly - Corin my first pick.

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