Anonymously Yours I | BokuAka

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"You have your first duty tonight, Kōtarō. Do you think you could handle the museum all by yourself?"

"Of course! How hard could that be anyway? This isn't a Night at the Museum, the movie, right?" he answered

"Ah.. No.." the old security guard replied after chuckling to himself.


"Then, don't worry! I can manage!" Bokuto Kōtarō smiled widely, proudly.

"Are you sure about that? It may not be the Jurassic World, but I'm telling you, there's a ghost roaming around this place at night!" the man continued, horror flashed on his face as his expression turned serious.

"Whhaaa-" the owl head replied almost retreating a step back, his eyes grew double (if that's possible), he felt shivered all over him, shut his eyes for a second before replying
"N...No.. That.. ain't true, is it?"

"It's true... He's always here.. Do you not wonder why the night shift guard was available on the first place? It's always vacant... because, the guards we hired scamper away after one shift..." the head of security spoken giving Bokuto goosebumps.

"But... Bu..t..." Bokuto felt a cold wind encompassing the big entrance hall of the museum.
"I... I mean..."

"HAHAHA. You should have seen your face, kid. Of course it's not true!.. I'm just playing tricks on you!" the old security man laughed heartily tapping Bokuto's shoulder to calm the younger down.

"We... Well... That's a relief then." the owl head replied after scanning the place again- left and right and back.

"Your shift will begin at exactly 8pm, but you have to be here an hour earlier to receive more instructions, okay, Kōtarō?" Mamoru, the older guard, reminded

"Yes, Sir!" he replied energetically trying his best to forget the ghost thingy he just heard from the man

"Energetic are we? Anyways, Kuroo, the guy you met earlier would be with you, but he'll be staying at the  CCTV room like he usually does, and your job is to check each of the galleries and keep everything in place."

"Aye! Aye! Captain" Bokuto replied, his right hand on a soldier salute.

The old man chuckled.

"You can go home after this orientation or check out the place." Mamoru said smiling

"I'll tour around if you don't mind."

"Not at all.." the older man replied as he walked towards the door leading to the guard room just behind the building

Fukurodani Museum of Arts   and Sculpture Craft Work (FuMAS) is a famous cornerstone of dexterity in Japan. The term FuMAS was used to simplify the name, though it may appear to have negative meaning to some, it was artistically chosen by the owner himself to symbolize his own life.

FuMAS in english translations means to smoke. From the term FuMAS cigar which refers to the leftover tobacco used to make premium, long fiber cigar... the gallery owner see art as the leftovers of his life which he wanted to inspire other people with. Or let's just say, the only thing that's left to him- Art.

Almost a hectare sized football field, the museum is enormous and designed for indoor display of artworks.

There are exactly 5 galleries in the museum. Four of them are designed particularly accepting works from various artist, but one, and the fifth, is specifically dedicated to one particular artisan, an anonymously hidden in the initials 𝒜𝒦.

Bokuto strode through the gallery, fascinated with everything his eyes set on... Everything is beautiful.

But what caught his attention is all the paintings inside Gallery 5 with the name Lost Art on the nameplate right above the curving entrance... This is more like entering a cave rather than a room.

The light is dimmer in this place... but everything is painted amazingly! There are so many paintings with glasses posted on the white painted wall.. Bokuto walked in the red carpet placed in between the curved walls of the gallery ...

"Woaah... Cool..." Kōtarō wanders around looking at the paintings... and squinting his eyes as it darted down to the signature below one of the abstracts in there... 𝒜𝒦.

"Hmm..." he hummed and started checking each painting to see if the same initials are in there...

"This AK is amazi-" he almost yelled but stopped as his eyes spotted the biggest work at the end of the hall. It's a portrait of a green forest with white feathers scattered all around the painting.

In amazement, he wowed silently, intently staring at it.

"Beautiful." he said lifting his right hand in attempt to touch the painting.

"I know you're aware that you're not suppose to touch that, right, dude?." a voice startled Kōtarō as he looked at the guy standing behind him

~To be Continued~

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