Chapter 3

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Finding your way around town was a lot easier than you were expecting. It was fairly simple finding the supermarket since the town was so small. You went in and bought enough food to last you a couple weeks plus a few extra goodies for yourself. You ran the groceries back home, setting off once again not long after, returning the van and lacing up your skates there to make traveling faster. Next stop was exploring town. While driving you had spotted a few places of interest: an arcade, some video store, and finally Hawkins High School.
First stop you chose was the arcade. Having a few coins on hand, you decided to stop in and play a few games. While you were at it, you decided to ask one of the workers about any job openings. Sadly, they weren't looking for anyone so you just went along playing a few games before you left. Each game you played, you noticed most had the same top ranker, the repeating name striking a sense of familiarity in you. Once you played your final coin, you left, heading in the direction of the video store.
Maybe you could rent a movie or two for the night before having to start school.
Deciding you could care less about switching out your shoes, you open the door causing to bell to chime as you roll in, looking around at all the stocked shelves and cardboard cut-outs strewn about before spotting a girl at a desk right in the center of the store.

Hoping you'll have more luck here than at the arcade, you step up to the counter, straightening your posture.
"Hey would you possibly be hiring?" You ask.
She looks up at you seemingly sizing you up. "Possibly. Tell me some things about yourself. Name, age, top 3 movies, anything else you think is important."
"Okay (Y/N) (L/N), 19, Rocky Horror, Teen Wolf, Fast Times, and I just came here from California to finish my last year of high school. Anything else?"
"Nope, that's it. I think you'd fit pretty well here. I'm Robin Buckley." She says reaching out to shake your hand "Besides, we could use the extra help."
"I'm sorry 'we'?" You question shaking her hand.
At that moment a guy with well-kept brunette hair comes around the corner holding a stack of movies
"Hey, I didn't know what we were feeling so I picked out a few options for our movie today." He said looking down scanning the stack. "I thought maybe The Goonies since it has booby traps." He says laughing at his own secret joke, while Robin just rolls her eyes, completely over his taunting remark.
"Yeah, whatever Steve just come over here to meet our new hire." She responds.
When she said the boy's name something clicked. The name, the hair, the movie references and quotes you would both throw around.

"SteveTheHair85?" You ask with raised eyebrows, hoping it's actually him so you don't seem crazy blurting out a random username.
His head shoots up in shock meeting your eyes.
"(Y/N)66?" He asks in return, an absolute stunned look on his face while Robin gives you both confused glances.
"Looks like I won't be having to message you after all." You say grinning as he sets the movies down to stand in front of you.
"I can't believe I'm actually seeing you here, in person!" He exclaimed pulling you in for an unexpected hug.
You hugged back, laughing in disbelief before he pulled away, hands still clasped onto your shoulders as he looked at you.
"Y'know, you're a lot prettier than I imagined." He remarked, causing you to feel embarrassed by the abrupt compliment.
"You're one to talk. I can see why you call yourself "The Hair" now. Definitely a great feature." You respond trying to deflect the conversation to another topic.
You reach up attempting to mess with the silky looking locks atop is head while he swats your hands away playfully.
"Yeah, well if it's such a great feature, stop trying to mess it up. This is my lady magnet right here." He said touching his hair making sure it was still pristine.
"Oh? I thought you were the lady magnet Stevie." You taunt with a sly grin.
"Sorry, I am completely lost here. You two know each other?" Robin interjects, looking between the two of you, a lost expression covering her features.
"Sort of. We met in an online chat room. We only really know each other by our screen names." You answer, filling her in telling her all about Steve claiming to be a ladies man, to which she immediately laughed about, causing Steve to turn red from embarrassment. You also found out his last name, Harrington, and told him yours in return.
"So, you're in an online chat room?" Robin turns to Steve raising a brow at him.
"Can't just limit myself to Hawkins. If I did that how could I find anyone?" He answered, shrugging nonchalantly.
A moment of realization seemed to dawn on Robin's features. "Is that why you're on the computer all the time? You're using it to pick up internet babes?" She suddenly outbursts.
"Hey, not my fault they can't stop coming to me." He deflects holding his hands up in surrender.
"You always said you were sorting out the rental logs. You liar!" She exclaimed, hitting him on the arm. "This is exactly why we need more help cause you're slacking off thinking about impressing whatever girl walks in here." She accuses.
"Well, I think that's a great idea. That will give me more time to put on the Harrington charm." Steve gloats. "Plus, it'll be great to hang out with (Y/N) in person now that she's here." He adds smiling.
"So I take it I have the job?" You ask looking at them both.
"Consider yourself an employee, you start Saturday" Robin says.
"Awesome, well I should probably get going. I wanted to check out the school before I start tomorrow." You say looking around before spotting a movie that looked interesting, plucking it off the shelf placing it on the counter. "I originally came here to rent a movie so I'll take this one." You finish.
Robin picked up the VHS looking at it while Steve peered over her shoulder.
"The Evil Dead? Good choice." He remarked. "And you start school tomorrow? Isn't that a little bit stupid, making you start on a Friday?" He asks, while Robin rings you up and puts you in the system, giving you the total while you hand over the money.
"I was actually supposed to go today but I was so tired from moving in I just decided to not start until tomorrow." You say laughing slightly. "Well, I gotta go but I'll see you Saturday!" You say skating up to the door before opening it to exit and heading for the school.

The distance from town to the school seemed to be a bit longer than your old school had been. Slightly grateful that it was so you could listen to music, you pulled out your Walkman that was kept with you at all times. Not remembering what tape you had left in there last you press play, satisfyingly surprised to hear 'Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This' by Eurythmics begin.
The song was a guilty pleasure of yours, the hypnotic synth chords always drawing you in for another listen. You lived and breathed rock n' roll, but sometimes you would cave and listen to songs from other genres that caught your ear. The song only confirming you were listening to your mixtape full of those kinds of songs.
Smiling at your luck, you skate down the street, getting a few glances from people as you passed them, most likely from not seeing you around before.
This had been an eventful day. Grocery shopping, arcade games, movie rentals, a new job, and now a new school. So much had already happened in the short time you've spent in Hawkins so far. Unbeknownst to you, today still had a final surprise in store for you.

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