Chapter 11

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The car ride on the way to Reefer Rick's house was a little more than awkward. You were crammed between Dustin and Max in the back while Steve was driving and Robin sat in the passengers seat.
"C'mon guys why did I get stuck in the back with the children?" You complain, leaning forward between Robin and Steve.
"Because you whine like one, now sit back. Do you know what could happen to you if you were sitting like that and we got in an accident?" Steve scolded you as you flopped back into your seat, arms crossed.
"And there's the babysitter." Dustin commented, turning from the window to look at Steve.
"Hey! You might be teasing about that now, but you'll thank me one of these days." Steve said, glancing back at Dustin through the rear view mirror.

"I'm sorry but how do you two know each other?" You ask randomly.
"I should be asking you the same thing." Dustin throws back at you.
"I asked first."
"Yeah, well I asked second."
"That doesn't help your case dingus."
"So are you gonna answer or not?" You questioned.
"He's looked after me a few times. Now you."
"I met him in an online chat room"
"Online chat room? Isn't that where you said you were flirting with, in your words, 'some real hot chicks'?" Dustin asked Steve, causing him to stumble in his response.

"Yeah, well um (Y/N) is different. She was just a uh internet friend, just nice friendly chatting." Steve replied.
"Ew doesn't sound like it the way you're saying it." Dustin cringed.
"Oh, so I could have been a potential match for you? What's wrong, Stevie, am I not "a real hot chick' to you?" You ask him, honestly just trying to fluster him even further.
"No, no it's not like that, just uh, you're a conventionally attractive girl and all, but ummmm—you know what! I'm not gonna say anything else. For the rest of the ride no one is going to talk and we're just gonna listen to the radio." Steve concluded, reaching for the volume dial, turning up the radio "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper playing.
"Seriously?" Robin asked him from the passenger seat with a deadpan expression.
"Yep." Is all he said in response his lips pulled tightly into a thin line, seeming as if he was regretting his choice due to the song but continuing to stand firm, leaving it at that.

After the rest of the seemingly long car ride, the vehicle pulls up to a house, coming to a stop, leading you to assume this is the place. All of you exited the cramped car before approaching the front door. Dustin pressed the doorbell, and after no response, began pressing it repeatedly.
"Yeah, that's totally going to help." You remark with obvious sarcasm as he continues his attempts.
While Dustin begins yelling for Eddie and this Reefer Rick who owns the house, you notice Max walk off to the side of the home. Out of curiosity, and to keep an eye on her, you follow, spotting a metal building with a floodlight above the door that is surprisingly on.
"Hey guys." Max says, gaining the rest of the group's attention.
You all head towards the building, cautiously opening the door.
"Anybody home?" Robin calls, walking around.
"Do you really think he would answer us? He's probably scared out of his mind right now." You mention, thinking about how awful this must be for poor Eddie.
Lost in your thoughts, you're pulled back by the sound of a shuffle. Snapping your head in the direction it originated from you see Steve, oar in hand, jabbing at a tarp inside of the boat at the center of the room.

"What are you doing?" Dustin questions Steve.
"He might be in here." He simply replies.
"All the more reason not to jab around with an oar." You point out.
"Yeah, just take the tarp off." Dustin adds, looking at Steve.
"If you're so brave you take the tarp off." Steve shoots back, continuing to jab.

"Hey look over here, someone was here." Max says bringing your attention to what seems to be a burger wrapper and a few empty beer bottles.
"Maybe he heard us, got spooked and ran." Robin suggests.
"Don't worry. Steve will get him with his oar." Dustin sarcastically comments.
"Haha. I know you think you're being funny, Henderson, but considering everyone in this room has nearly died about a hundred times, personally I don't find it funny at all." He says, continuing to use the oar to poke at the tarp, only realizing his slip up a couple seconds after. "Oh shit." He curses, looking up to see your baffled expression.
"I'm sorry what?!" You exclaim looking at Max only for her to avoid your eyes.
Before you have time to interrogate Max about what Steve just said, you suddenly hear him screaming, spinning around to find Eddie holding a broken bottle against his neck.

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