Chapter 24

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"Dude, I'm telling you, you're taking us the wrong way." Steve argued with Dustin as the two, along with the rest of the group, trekked through the forest.
"It's north. I'm positive. I checked the map." Dustin assured.
"You do realize that Skull Rock, it's like a super popular make-out spot?" Steve asked incredulously.
"Yeah. So?"
"Yeah, well, it wasn't popular until I made it popular. Alright? I practically invented it."
"Oh! Then imagine what (Y/N) and Eddie are doing at your special makeout spot. They're probably all over each other by now." Dustin teased, making kissy noises and hugging himself while rubbing his hands along his sides.
"Oh haha very funny Henderson. Don't even joke about stuff like that." Steve huffed. "We're heading in the wrong direction." He added, changing the topic as well as his course from where Dustin was going.
"Steve, where are you going? Steeeeve!"
"Stop whining. Let's go. Trust me, and let's hurry."
"Yeah before they start doing something more than kissing."
"Shut up Dustin!"

After a few minutes of begrudgingly following Steve, the group reached their destination. Steve parted some bushes, stepping through, finding the rock formation before him.
"Oh, boom! Bada bing, bada boom. There she is, Henderson. Skull Rock. In your face, man. In your stupid, cocky little face. And look not a person making out in... siiiight NO!" Steve yelled when he finally turned back to look at Dustin, instead spotting you and Eddie, your lips locked together as Eddie leaned over you, your back resting against one of the large rocks. At the sudden shout, the two of you were shaken out of your trance. You separated quickly, the two of you resembling deers in headlights as you saw a distraught Steve Harrington, seemingly at a loss for words for what he just witnessed, raking his fingers through his hair in distress.

Dustin stepped forward to bring Eddie into a hug, glossing over the scene they had all just stepped into.
"We thought you were a goner." He sighed out holding onto the metalhead.
"Yeah, me too, man. Me too." Eddie responded, patting his back in return.
"And you, glad to see you're safe." Dustin added with a toothy grin.
"You and me both." You agreed with an airy laugh, gently hitting the brim of his hat causing it to shift down over his eyes as he chuckled in response.
Max slowly stepped towards you gaining your attention. No words needed to be exchanged before you reached out pulling her into an embrace, yourself needing it as much as she did too.
"Hey kiddo." You greeted with a tight smile as the two of you pulled away from the hug.
After a moment of silence between the eight of you Robin cut in.
"I'm sorry but are just going to ignore the fact we walked into those two sucking face, I mean how did that even happen?" She asked making things even more awkward.


"Then do it."
Eddie was in shock at your bold response. Debating if there was any truth to your challenging words, he took a moment to look nervously between your eyes and lips. As he was considering the validity of your response you had gotten tired of waiting. Rolling your eyes, you pulled him forward smashing your lips to his. The kiss, despite the harsh beginning, became gentle and sweet. Upon your harsh tug Eddie had stumbled forward, making you take a few steps back resulting in the position you're in now. Your back was against a rock as he towered over you, one arm stabilizing himself against the stone surface while his other hand firmly held your waist. You could feel him smile within the kiss, his thumb running along your side affectionately.
The two of you separated for a moment to regain your breath as Eddie let out a laugh of disbelief.
"I can't believe this is actually happening." He grinned as his forehead rested against yours, and giving you a small kiss as if to reassure himself this was reality. You returned his grin looking up at him through your lashes.
"You know this is actually a well-known make out spot so it's pretty ironic this happened here and—" He had continued.
"Eddie?" You cut in.
"Just shut up and kiss me again."
"Yeah, right that's so much better." He quickly agreed, dipping down to give you another peck as you giggled happily. Once again all the troubles the two of you were experiencing drifted away as you just focused on enjoying each others affection.

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