Chapter 5

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I do refer to El as Elle in this chapter. The spelling is intentional because (Y/N) doesn't know any better. So don't come for me.

As you cleaned up the empty Coke cans, popcorn bags, and candy boxes you thought about the events of your girls night. It had been a success for the most part. As soon as you arrived at the trailer park Max was shocked to find out you lived there. She later told you her trailer was just across from yours, which was a nice surprise. You immediately let her know that your door was always open to her, which she seemed very grateful for. As you let her into your trailer she took a look around, telling you that your place was nice to which you thanked her for, joking that you hired an interior designer. You both had a laugh at the obvious lie before catching up a bit, her telling you about things that had happened since she moved away. She told you about having a female friend named Elle, as well as a group of boys that had approached her when she first arrived here. Despite her calling them all sorts of names, you could tell that she really cared about them, which warmed your heart knowing she had people here. Apparently she had also gotten herself a boyfriend, some guy named Lucas, but before you could coo about her having her first boyfriend she immediately told you they were no longer together. After she told you of their breakup she explained that after Billy was gone she just couldn't keep up with relationships anymore.

At the mention of Billy you had decided to ask what had happened to him, assuming he had been so reckless that he finally crashed his car or something not too off from that assumption. That's when the night took a turn. She was silent for a while, on the verge of tears again, before shaking her head insisting she didn't really want to talk about that right now. In reality, she really did want to talk about it, but she also didn't want to bring you into the mess that was Hawkins, just wanting you to remain a normal part of her life.
You had caught on easily that it would be a good time to change the topic, mentioning your mom's recent marriage and how you had ended up here before showing her the movie you rented. She approved of your choice, her mood seeming to have lifted slightly. You then suggested she get the movie set up while you get snacks for the two of you. The rest of the night was full of jokes and watching movies before Max fell asleep on your shoulder in the middle of Nightmare on Elm Street, which you thought was ironic. You had shaken her awake, jokingly telling her Freddy Kruger would be after her with his large-clawed hand before suggesting that she take your bed for the night, sending her off to sleepily shuffle down the hall to your room.

You had finished cleaning up the mess from earlier, walking carefully down the hallway to check in on Max, quietly poking your head into the room to see her fast asleep. A soft smile pulled at the corners of your lips as you turned away, heading back to the living room to sleep on the couch for the night.


You woke up to someone kicking the couch you were currently laying on.
"Wake up (Y/N) we have to go to school." Max said causing you to shoot up, rushing to your room in search of something to wear.
"Chill out, (N/N) we still have plenty of time before we have to be there. Did you really think I'd wake you up right before we had to go?" She asked through the door.
"No." You lied, relaxing a bit, not rushing your search for an outfit anymore.
"I'm gonna head over to my place and change. I'll come back when I'm done." She informed you.

A few moments later, you could hear the front door close as you continued your search for something to wear. In the end, you settled on your white AC/DC High Voltage shirt accompanied with some high-waisted jeans that you tucked the shirt into, topping the whole look off with a leather jacket and of course your doc martens. The inspiration for the jacket coming from seeing that guy that caught your attention yesterday, thinking it was a nice look. Putting on your usual rings as well as some earrings and a cross necklace, you check yourself in the mirror. Taking in the entire look you can't help but feel like something is missing.
Pulling out your makeup bag, you decide to go bold for your first day of school. Taking out some foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and a tube of lipstick, you prepare to do your makeup. You put on a light layer of foundation, then some eyeliner smudging it slightly, finishing off your eyes with some mascara. Finally, you pick up the tube of lipstick, removing the cap to reveal a deep red, applying it to your lips and ultimately finishing off your makeup.
You step back once again, looking over your entire appearance nodding in satisfaction this time and walking out of your room.

As you reach the living room, you see Max already there waiting. She turns to you, eyes widening in surprise.
"Wow, you're definitely going to stand out today." She commented.
"That's the plan. Ready to go?" You grin, moving to pick up your bag and roller skates.
"Yep, all set. You won't be needing your skates though, we can just take the bus." She told you.
"Oh okay, I'm still going to bring these though." You say, holding them up slinging your bag across your shoulder heading to the door, opening it so Max could exit before you follow suit, turning back to lock the door before sitting outside, waiting for the school bus to arrive.

Soon enough, you see the yellow bus pull up, stopping to open the doors allowing you and Max to get on, both of you finding a seat near the back.
You had received a few confused looks from the students as you passed them trailing behind Max, but you paid them no mind.
When you were seated, the bus took off toward the school, Max beside you pulling out her Walkman and listening to her music. You start to dig in your bag, Max turning to you as you pull out your own, grinning at her before putting on your headphones enjoying just sitting with her listening to your mixtape "Whip It" by Devo playing.

After the bus made a few more stops picking up other students, you finally arrived at the school collecting your things and heading off the bus. Getting off with Max following behind, you hear someone call her name, stopping and turning to see what looked to be a teacher talking to her. The woman mentioned Max not coming by her office yesterday. This confused you slightly, but as the conversation ended Max walked towards you. After that the teacher began directing everyone to the gym.
"What was that about?" You ask concerned, glancing back at the woman. "Are you in trouble?"
"No, it's nothing like that. I've just been seeing the school counselor. It's supposed to help me deal with things or whatever." She answers looking down.
"Alright then. You know you can also talk to me if you need to, right?" You say, nudging her.
"Of course." She responds, looking up to give you a tight smile.

You followed Max's lead, trusting her to guide you in the right direction as you both entered the gym. The band was playing while the cheerleaders did their routine as Max and yourself walked up the bleachers, taking a seat wherever she chose. You took notice that the two boys beside her were the younger kids standing near the guy you took notice of yesterday, both of them wearing the same shirt saying "Hellfire Club" with a drawing of some sort of demon head with weapons on either side of it under the words.

When the cheerleaders finished their routine, taking a seat on the floor in front of the bleachers, the basketball team came running out. The douche from the other day grabbed the mic, greeting everyone before starting to make some bullshit speech. You leaned over to Max
"Who is this asshole?" You asked not so quietly, gaining looks from the two boys beside Max.
"That's Jason. He's the captain of the basketball team." She answered.
"More like captain of the douche squad, he bumped into me the other day and was a total ass about it." You complained, noticing the boys near you laugh at your comment.

You noticed one of the basketball players wave at Max, causing her to look away. This struck you as a little odd, but you brushed it off tuning back into the dumb speech as he mentioned the cheer squad, telling his girlfriend, Chrissy, that he loved her. You turned to Max, pretending to gag as an attempt to cheer her up. It was successful as you saw her crack a tiny smile with the added bonus of making the boys smile as well.

Jason continued making his speech, talking about winning the game for the people of Hawkins, listing off names. When he mentioned Billy, you looked to Max, holding her hand in silent support. She gently squeezed your hand in return as a way of saying thank you.

After the pep rally, you both walked through the halls, you could feel people's eyes on you once again. Glancing around, you notice a kid in a school jacket not looking at you, but at Max. It was the basketball player from earlier. The look in his eyes sad and longing. It was just a guess, but you were betting that was Lucas. If that was the case, part of you felt sorry for him.

Shaking off the thought, you continue on getting some help from Max to find your classrooms, ending up at the door for your first class of the day.
"Well I guess this is me." You smile at Max. "But hey, I'll find you at lunch, okay?"
She nods, giving you the same tight smile before waving and setting off in the direction of her own classroom.

You watch her leave, disappearing in the sea of students before turning to the door for your first class. Taking in a deep breath and shaking out your nerves, you reach for the door handle, pulling it open to enter the classroom.

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