Chapter 10

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"How many phones do you have?"

"You see this? Someone was murdered." Steve said referring to the news on TV.
"How many phones do you have?" The voice repeated.
"Two. Why?" Steve questioned.
"Technically three, if you count Keith's." Robin added.
"Yeah, three works." You hear a voice that sounds a lox like Max speak up, causing you to begin heading around the corner.
"What are you doing? What are you..." Steve starts to ask before you hear a crash.
"My pile!" Robin shouts.
"No, no, no! My tapes! Dude." Steve exclaims.

You round the corner only to see Dustin and Max making their way behind the counter, Dustin seeming to have taken over the computer.
"What's going on here?" You ask, crossing your arms looking sternly at the two kids.
"Setting up base of operations here." Dustin answers, not even taking a moment to look at you. Max on the other hand was looking at you guiltily.
"Base of operations?" Robin repeated, unamused at the kids antics. Steve and Dustin beginning to argue adding on to the antics.
"Get off." Steve says pushing Dustin.
"I need it." He pushes back. 
"For what?"
"Eddie's friends' phone numbers."
"Your new best friend you think is cooler because he plays your nerdy game?"
"I never said that."
Suddenly the arguing switches to Robin and Dustin
"Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around, but it's Saturday. It's our busiest day." She gripes, setting up the fallen VHS tapes
"Robin, I empathize, but this cannot wait." Dustin says from the computer.
"Calling Eddie's friends is an emergency?"
"Want me to strangle him or you want to?" Robin asks Steve.
"We could take turns." He suggests.
"Wait wait, what about Eddie?" You question worriedly as Dustin finally looks at you, realizing your presence, slight confusion coming across his features before he turns to Max.
"Can you fill them in while I do this?" He asks her, finally having enough of all the back and forth.
"Fill us in on what?" Robin questions, exhausted.


Max explains what happened last night about Chrissy being at Eddie's, then moments later him running out of the trailer seeming scared.
She also mentions the electricity flickering, and the fact that he had went to your trailer that night as well. This caused everyone to turn to you.
Although you were relieved that Eddie was alive, you were absolutely shocked at the fact Chrissy had died. You didn't know her at all but just to think that she died only a few feet from where you were, probably showering completely clueless, was a lot to handle. Eddie couldn't have done it, though. You hadn't known him long at all, but you still knew he couldn't be capable of that. You finally come out of your thoughts, realizing everyone is still looking at you as if waiting for you to say something.
"He just stopped by to give me the spare keys to my trailer that were left with his uncle. He um, when I invited him inside he told me he had something he had to take care of—oh my gosh." You murmur, running your hand through your hair, pacing around.
"Things he needed to take care of." Steve repeats. "That sounds pretty suspicious to me."
"Yeah, but if he were a killer why would he have given her the spare keys? He very well could have kept them and got her too if he did it, which he didn't." Dustin defends.
"No, no." You cut in, stopping your pacing to look at all of them. "I haven't known him long, but he wouldn't do that. Not to me, and not to that Chrissy girl." You continue while starting to pace again. "Someone must have been waiting in the trailer, then maybe... maybe Eddie just left by chance because of the keys and whoever it was made their move on Chrissy instead of him since she was alone, then snuck out a window or something, and when Eddie came back, he got spooked and ran." You explain, making up what you thought was a logical scenario in your head while everyone looked at you like you were crazy.
"What? I watch 60 Minutes, that could be a real explanation." You say in defense.
"Yeah maybe, but it's a reach" Steve responds.
"Well, there's only one person we can ask to find out, so let's make some phone calls." Dustin cuts in.

After about a dozen calls you're on edge, not having much to do while Max, Dustin, and Robin are all on phone duty, and Steve is helping, more so flirting, with a customer.
To try and distract yourself, you watch the interaction, seeing Steve recommend what was supposed to be your morning movie that Robin had picked out, before the girl brings up her boyfriend totally crushing Steve's hope. He rings her up then sends her on her way while you sit on the counter nervously fiddling with the Rubix Cube that was sitting nearby.

Quite a while passes until Max gets off the phone, letting you know she might have a lead. She explains there's a guy named Reefer Rick that Eddie gets his drugs from and crashes at his house occasionally. After some questioning about how to find out where he lives or his last name, Steve decides to speak up. He talks about how the cops would probably have this Reefer Rick guy in their system if he actually deals.
This caused Dustin and Steve to begin arguing. Dustin accusing Steve of believing Eddie is guilty while Steve defends himself, explaining the cops should be filled in on the information you all have now as well as how he believes Eddie's innocent until proven guilty but that we shouldn't rule out the possibility.

"That's precisely what we're trying to do here, Steve." Max interjects.
"And maybe we'd have a little bit more luck if you spent less time trying to find a girlfriend and more time trying to find Eddie." Dustin adds.
"Somebody has to attend to the customers." Steve defends leaning on the opposite side of the counter beside you.
"Especially if they're babes, right?" Robin teases, winking at him.
"Hey, not fair. Okay? I attend to all customers equally, babes and non-babes alike. We've got a very big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming for people."

He takes a glance at your constantly moving hands plucking the cube from it to stall your movements.
"Hey, quit that." He says, glancing at it to see it almost completely solved "What the fuck?" He muttered bewildered, setting it down beside himself, looking back at you. "Everything will be fine."
Robin suddenly perks up, seeming to have an idea. "Yeah, it can be." She agrees to Steve's earlier statement, turning to quickly get on the computer.
"What are you doing?" Max questions, moving behind her to look at the computer as well.
"Maybe we don't need a last name." Robin explains, typing a few things into the computer, a list suddenly popping up. "Twelve Ricks have accounts here." She points out, causing your interest to be piqued, getting up to join the rest of them around the computer.
"Lot of Ricks." Max comments.
"So, let's narrow it down." Robin responds, clicking on the first name.

You all begin selecting each Rick, looking through their most recent rentals, ruling out each of them that don't seem to be what a supposed drug dealer would rent out until you reach the fifth Rick of the twelve you had listed in front of you.

"Okay. Rick Lipton." Robin read, beginning to list off all the rentals as she has been doing for all the previous ones. "Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Cheech & Chong's Next Movie. Cheech & Chong's Nice Dreams. Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke."
Dustin let's out a laugh. "Bingo." He says in success.
"Lipton?" You question.
"Spelled like the tea. 2121 Holland Road." She informs.
"That's out by Lovers Lake." Dustin comments.
"Middle of nowhere." Max adds.
"It's a perfect place to hide." Robin concludes.

All of you share a look before rushing to gather your things, closing up the video store, and piling into Steve's car headed to hopefully find Eddie and get to the bottom of all of this.

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