Chapter 14

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"Guess we'll just have to share." He states, swiftly grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the bedroom.

Your ears became warm at the suggestion, yet you still allowed him to pull you into the room. Eddie reached over, flicking on the bedside lamp and laid down on the queen sized bed casually, patting the space beside him.
"Come on, get comfortable. I don't bite, unless you want me to." He joked with a dorky grin, making you feel less awkward.
With a slight smile you collected yourself for a moment, then moved to lay beside him. After getting under the covers you shifted into a comfortable position, glancing up at him.
"Cozy?" He asked looking down at you with a grin.
"Mhm." You nodded shyly, suddenly feeling flustered all over again.
"Good, cause we got an early morning tomorrow." He responds, turning over to shut off the lamp.
In the darkness you can only feel him moving to turn back towards you as you feel his warm breath fanning across your face.

You really tried to go to sleep, but the person just inches from you in the same bed made it almost impossible. After what felt like an hour you decided to say something.
"Eddie?" You called softly, checking to see if he was still awake too.
"Hm?" He hummed in acknowledgment.
"This is strange, isn't it?"
"Yeah, I was wondering when one of us would bring it up. Look, I have a confession to make. I've never been to a sleepover so I am pretty shit at this." He whispered.
You laughed at his lighthearted comment before responding. "No not this, I just mean everything. All the stuff that basically led to us being here." You whispered back.
"Oh yeah, that. It is, but I'm sure Dustin and his friends can handle it, they said they've been through this before."
"I hope so. I can't help but worry." You said getting choked up near the end, thinking of Eddie's situation, all of this talk of monsters and a different dimension, but most of all Max. All the things she must have had to endure and the possibility of what happened to Billy. It's not like you were close with him, but you didn't completely hate him either. He was just an ass most of the time. If there was any chance his death wasn't normal it must have taken a heavy toll on Max. Ordinary deaths are hard enough, so the idea of Max having to go through that alone crushed you.
Eddie heard your voice waver, reaching out in the darkness to draw you in towards him.
"Hey, everything will be okay. Don't worry, for now let's just try and get some rest, yeah?" He said in a hushed tone, using his free hand that wasn't wrapped around you to softly stroke your hair.
As you laid there being held by Eddie, you tried to clear your mind, focusing on the feeling of his warm body encasing your own, the faint smell of cigarette smoke, spearmint gum, and Old Spice filling your senses, eventually lulling you to sleep.


Eddie woke up first, looking outside the window at the foggy morning, dew droplets clinging to the window. When looking down at you he almost immediately melted at the sight. Your hair was messy, your lips parted slightly, soft shallow breaths escaping while you unconsciously snuggled closer into his chest officially causing him to become like putty underneath you. You'd probably think your disheveled state to be awful, but to him it was the most wonderful sight to wake up to. It almost felt like a crime to wake you up. Eddie considered being selfish for a moment and just enjoy watching your sleeping figure for a few more minutes, but before he could indulge the thought, you began to stir.
Prying your eyes open, you are met with an even messier haired than usual Eddie looking at you with a lopsided grin.
"Good morning, sunshine. Ready to make our daring escape?" He greeted, oddly chipper for what he just said.
"I guess." You huffed, moving to get up until the arm around your waist stopped you. Embarrassed, Eddie pulled his arm away, clearing his throat and getting up as well.
"I'll go get my things." You said, trying to escape the awkward moment, him just nodding in acknowledgment.
After collecting your things, the two of you slipped back into the boat shed undetected sitting in the boat playing cards to pass the time. Turns out Eddie was in fact very good at Go Fish. Whenever there was a noise, Eddie had pulled the tarp over the both of you resulting in a few flustering moments being so close together once again.

Flinging the tarp off for about the fifth time, Eddie grabbed the broken bottle he had from earlier clutched in his hand while you followed behind holding a pocket knife that you had stored away in your bag.
Peering out the window, Eddie moved back believing the coast was clear. You both relaxed slightly before the door swung open, both of you holding up your weapons at the ready as Eddie had his other arm in front of you protectively, making sure you were behind him.
A moment passed until you both calmed down realizing it was Dustin and everyone else.
"Delivery service!" Dustin announced, his tone lively holding up bags of food while Steve waved at the two of you.


"So we got, uh, some good news
and some bad news. How do you prefer?" Dustin asked, sitting on a stool beside the boat you and Eddie were in.
"Bad news first, always." Eddie answered through a mouth full of cereal, taking a swig of the Yoo-hoo before passing it over to you without a second thought for you to have some.
"Alright. Bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you. Also, they're, uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy." Dustin said, scratching the back of his head.
"Like, 100% kind of convinced." Max added.
"And the good news?" Eddie questioned, anxiously rubbing his hand over his knee.
"Your name hasn't gone public yet, but if we found out about you, it's a matter of time before others do, and once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you." Robin answered.
"Hunt the freak, right?" Eddie upsettingly asked, causing you to quietly grab the hand resting on his knee, catching Dustin's eye, not only noticing the gesture but the matching nails as well.
"Exactly." Robin confirmed.
"Shit." Eddie cursed, squeezing your hand for comfort.
"So, before that happens, we find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence." Dustin stated as if it were as easy as fulfilling a grocery list.
"That's all, Dustin? That's all?" You asked blandly.
"Yeah, no, that's pretty much it." He shrugged.
"Listen, I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this before. I mean, they have a... a few times, and... and I have once. Mine was more human-flesh-based, theirs was more smoke-related, but bottom line is, collectively, I really feel we got this." Robin rambled, trying to reassure the two of you.
"We usually rely on this girl
who has super powers. But, uh, those went bye-bye, and she moved off with Johnathan and Will so..."

The two names struck a feeling of familiarity in you, but you couldn't remember why. You sat there thinking it over while the group continued talking.

"So we're technically in more of the..." Robin trailed off as she tried to find the words to explain.
"Brainstorming phase." Max supplied.
"Brainstorming." Steve repeated in agreement, snapping his fingers.
"There... There's nothing to worry about." Dustin sputtered, his voice lacking any confidence in his own statement.
Eddie scoffed at their attempt to make this situation seem anything other than awful.

Thinking about all of this being thrown on Eddie and how he didn't deserve this frustrated you to no end.
First, he's known as a freak by that bully jerk Jason and now a murderer? Wait, bully that's it! You thought, realization dawning upon you as to why those names were so familiar.
"Those people you mentioned earlier, Johnathan and Will, and that girl. Is her name Jane?" You ask, the group all looking at you in shock.
"How do you know that?" Steve questioned.
"I know her, well kind of, she was getting bullied and I-" You began to explain.
"She's being bullied?" Max interrupted, a look of worry on her face.
"Well hopefully not anymore. I kinda punched the girl in the face." You admitted slightly embarrassed, fiddling with Eddie's ring on you thumb.
"Badass." Dustin praised.

Before the conversation could go any further you all heard sirens wailing in the distance, and they seemed to be getting closer.
"Shit." Steve cursed, moving over to the small window.
"Tarp! Tarp! Tarp!" Robin urgently instructed as Eddie slung the plastic covering.

Hi guys, sorry for the late update! Hope you didn't think I would skip the update today. My new job has been exhausting me lately so I accidentally fell asleep while proof reading this chapter before publishing it. 😅
- Nyx 💕

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