Chapter 21

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Exiting the grocery store with two plastic bags in hand, you set off to Reefer Rick's house. You were quietly cursing at yourself for not having a car to drive, no other choice but to resort to skating all the way there, which would take longer than when you had Steve driving you there.

Meanwhile Eddie was sat inside the boat shed tossing stray pebbles he had found into the empty tin can from his earlier meal, the only thing on his mind being you and how soon you would walk through the door. His thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of a car approaching, scrambling to hide underneath the window he glanced out seeing Jason and his lackeys exiting their vehicle, all holding weapons of some sort, heading towards the house. Eddie grabbed the walkie, speaking into it urgently.
"Hey Dustin, you there? It's Eddie, you remember me right? Hey uh, anyones there I really think I might be in a bit of trouble here okay? Wheeler, anybody?!" He asked hitting the device in frustration.


It had already started to get dark outside by the time you reached Reefer Rick's, sighing in exhaustion as you walked down the driveway having switched off shoes on the side of the road. You prayed that Eddie wouldn't be too upset that you took so long to get there as you neared the house. The closer you got you realized a car was parked by the home, the lights inside turned on. You cautiously pulled out your hunting knife from your boot that your grandfather had gifted you one year while visiting him out in the country. His reasoning for gifting you such a thing being "one can never be too protected." You were certain if it weren't for you needing a permit first, he would have gifted you a gun instead, but you had always preferred the metal blade over any firearm. Your grandfather seemed to have been right though, seeing as today seemed to be the day you needed to be prepared for whatever awaited you inside the house.

Creeping up to the porch, you cautiously reached for the door handle. Before your hand could reach the door knob, it was pulled open from the other side, revealing Jason and his basketball idiots all wearing suits, holding crowbars and baseball bats. Without hesitation you held up the knife in defense of the intruders.
"What the fuck." The boy in the baseball cap called out, taking a step back from the doorway.
"What are you doing here?" Jason asked rudely, glaring down the knife in your hands.
"What are you doing here?" You questioned, eyes shifting between all three in case any of them tried to make a move.
"We're looking for that freak who killed Chrissy, someone said he might be over here." Jason said, his tone laced with hatred for Eddie, who didn't even do what he believed he'd done.
"Well I hate to break it to you, but there's been no one else but me here." You countered, knife still raised.
"And why are you here huh? You never answered." Jason pressed, glaring at you skeptically.
"Needed some extra cash so I picked up an odd job cleaning up this house, but I got hungry, and seeing how the guy is in jail, he doesn't have the best food selection, so I had to go out for a little food run." You lied flawlessly, raising the bags lightly in reference.
"So it must have been her who made that food." The one in the baseball cap mentioned to the other guy behind Jason.
"Now unless you plan to beat me up with those little weapons of yours for doing what I'm being paid to do, I suggest you leave, because you're the ones trespassing here and I don't care to do what I have to in self defense." You threatened, staring straight into Jason's eyes, unwavering in your stance.
"Dude let's just go." The other boy spoke up, placing a hand on Jason's shoulder, trying to de-escalate the situation.
"Fine." Jason finally gave in, causing you to lower the knife as he shook off his friend's hand with a huff.
Suddenly a noise came from the boat shed, all of your heads turning in that direction. Letting out a sigh you knew you had been caught as Jason turned back to you, anger flaring in his eyes.
"You're lucky I don't hit girls." He sneered.
"Well you aren't, cause I do." You retorted, quickly sending a left hook into his jaw and swinging the bags of groceries at the other two, thankful you had decided to buy quite a few canned food items, before sprinting off towards the boat shed while his friends helped him up.
"Go, get her!" Jason yelled at his friends, pushing them away as they all ran after you.

Slamming open the door of the boat shed you were met with a frightened Eddie trying to quickly untie the boat from its post, jumping at the sudden noise.
"It's just me." You assured, looking around the place for something to paddle with, seeing two oars propped against the wall and quickly grabbing them to bring with you in the boat.
"I'm so glad you made it." Eddie said hopping in behind you, pushing the boat out onto the lake.
"Yeah me too, but more paddling now and reunion later." You ordered, moving the oar through the water as hard as you could.
"Right." He responded matching your efforts.
With the two of you rowing, you had gotten out pretty far before they had made it to the boat house. Feeling worried about them following, you continued to take glances behind you, seeing them emerge from the shed once they realized you had escaped.
"Ah shit." You said attempting to paddle faster.
"Hey freak! Where do you think you're going?" Jason asked, beginning to shed his jacket and shoes to swim towards the two of you, one of his friends, Patrick, with him doing the same.
Frantically, Eddie began trying to start the engine hanging off the back of the boat.
"Come. On. You. Piece. Of. Shit" He spoke, punctuating every word with a rip of the cord. "Come on help me out here man." Eddie desperately said pulling the cord a few more times. "Come on you piece of shit! Damn it, No? Okay." He frustratedly hit the useless engine before returning to helping you paddle.
As Jason and Patrick got closer, Eddie decided to stand, and attempt to defend the two of you.
"Hey stay back man!" Eddie yelled at the two boys, swinging his oar as a threat to them. "Stay away from us, stay back!"
After a moment you couldn't hear as much splashing as you had when they were pursuing you so aggressively.
"Hey come on let's go we almost have them!" You heard from behind you, finally taking a moment to turn around, seeing Patrick looking around as if trying to find something that wasn't around. Jason turned to him, trying to get Patrick to keep swimming, the two of them just treading water not coming after you at all in this moment.
"Patrick, Patrick!" Jason yelled for him. Despite the few feet between them, his unresponsiveness gave you a pit in your stomach, the feeling only deepening as you watched him get sucked under water by some force.
"No, no no no no no." You mumbled, realizing what was happening as Eddie looked back at your worriedly, seeing the unfiltered terror in your eyes as you watched the water.
"Hey Patrick, Patrick. Hey, Pat- Patrick!" Jason called.
Patrick's body shot up out of the water, hovering in the air. Eddie was so startled at the sight, he attempted to back away from Patrick hovering in the air that he tipped the boat, falling out causing you to follow being plunged onto the frigid water.
Upon resurfacing, you frantically searched for Eddie, hearing the sickening sound of Patrick's bones crunching just as Eddie had explained happened to Chrissy. Finally, you saw Eddie emerge from the black water gasping for air, looking up at the sight before you. Patrick was suspended in the air by an invisible force, bones snapping in unnatural directions until his jaw, with a nauseating pop, dislocated, his eyes disappearing inside his skull before his body was sent plummeting back into the water. Jason became focused solely on recovering Patrick from the water, now completely abandoning his pursuit of the two of you, allowing you both to make an escape. You began to swim to the opposite side of the lake. When reaching the edge, the two of you decided to search for your next hideout, knowing that no doubt this experience would make not only Eddie a bigger target, but paint one onto you as well for having tried to protect him.


Hey guys, sorry for the late-ish update today. I'm in the process of painting my front porch so that has kept me from my phone most of today. Hope you still enjoy the update.
- Nyx 💕

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