Chapter 8

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"Who's ready to beat Vecna's ass?"

You hop up from the chair, brushing off Eddie's comment, and answering Dustin.
"I sure as hell am!" You exclaim, walking towards him.
"Hey, looking good." He says, excitedly gesturing to your newly acquired club shirt and laughing giddily.
You grin proudly, pulling open your flannel, making the shirt more visible, and giving a spin.
"You like? I thought if I'm gonna participate, might as well fully commit." You say, happily.

The rest of the group, with the exception of Mike, spectate the interaction in bewilderment that someone new, much less a girl, would be joining their club.

"Well, let's not get overzealous here. You haven't even been approved yet. What are you anyways, level 2 princess?" Eddie interjects, causing the group to shake off their confusion, laughing at their leader's comment.
"Actually" You start, turning from Dustin to look at Eddie, seeing the smug grin on his face. Oh, how I'm gonna enjoy wiping that off his face. You thought before continuing.
"I'm a level 15 chaotic neutral elf rogue." You state while walking towards him, seeing his smile falter slightly. "So let me ask you this. Do you really want to insult Aradia Galanodel, arcane trickster and thief?" You question, finally standing right in front of him, leaning in causing his eyes to widen. "I can pickpocket you so fast your head will spin, and it just might. Right after I take it off with my vorpal sword." Leaning in even closer, moving to his ear you whisper, "All within a matter of seconds."
After you said that, you could have swore you saw him shiver slightly, causing you to pull back smirking, satisfied you had got him back for his previous teasing.
"So boys," You say turning back to the shocked group behind you. "Are we gonna play or are we gonna braid each others hair and talk about boys like this is the Girl Scouts?"
Dustin grins proudly, holding his hand out for Mike to give him a high five, which he does, both boys smug in their choice for a sub. A moment of stunned silence passes before Dustin breaks it.
"You heard Ms. Galanodel, let's get this party started." He says, taking a seat, ready to begin. The rest of you follow suit, situating yourself between Mike and Eddie.
"Oh Mike, I actually met your sister on the way here, she was really nice." You mention, turning to him.
"Yeah not to mention hot." One of the guys chime in, causing Mike to groan in disgust as the rest of them laugh. With that the game officially begins.


"The hooded cultists chant 'Hail Lord Vecna, Hail Lord Vecna.' They turn to you, remove their hoods. You recognize most of them from Makbar. There is one you do not recognize. His skin shriveled, desiccated, and somethin' else. He is not only missing his left arm, but his left eye!" Eddie says, rising from his seat, his left arm behind his back, his other hand covering his left eye dramatically.

This shocking revelation causes the whole group to uproar in anger. Things can be heard from everyone, shouts of, "What, no! That's impossible!"
"Vecna's dead!" Jeff states.
"He was killed by Kas!" Mike adds, clearly upset.
"So it was thought, my friends. So it was thought. But Vecna lives!" Eddie exclaims, slamming the figure back onto the board as everyone uproars in anger.

"You are scared. You're tired. You are injured. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or stand your ground and fight?" Eddie asks. "Come on." He adds, making Dustin hold up a hand signaling him to wait a second.
"I say we fight." Dustin suggests. "To the death."
"To the death." You're the first to say in  agreement, causing everyone to follow as a chant begins.
"To the death, to the death, to the death!" You all chant as you look around the table, ending as you lock eyes with Eddie, grinning.

As the game continues on, there are many losses as Eddie continues knocking figures off the board with every roll, getting fired up, almost practically standing on top of his chair while laughing at the group's misfortunes. There were a few successes, but not enough. All leading to you now all huddled together having a meeting.

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