Chapter 6

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I have decided to start updating every Friday. While that will be my official update day I may also update on Mondays occasionally (like I am now), depending on if I have enough chapters built up to do so.
-Nyx :). 💕

After getting a few awkward introductions out of the way, the day began going by smoothly. Other than a few people staring at you, things seemed pretty normal. Except for one thing, one of the people staring just so happened to be the guy who had caught your attention the day before. He had been in all of your classes so far and had actually gotten to sit right beside you in one of them.

Eddie thanked whatever higher being made that possible, using that time to steal glances at you, taking in your features up close. As he was looking at you, his eyes trailed to your hands looking at the rings adorning them, watching as you scribbled down notes, occasionally doodling on the margins. Almost too soon for him, the bell rang signaling it was lunch time.

You collected your things, heading out the door following everyone else to the lunchroom where you would look for Max. Before you could get far, a boy rushed past you knocking your things out of your hands.
"Dude, not cool." You groan, bending down to pick up your things.
"Shit! I'm so sorry." The boy says with a slight lisp. You look up seeing one of the boys from the pep rally.
"Here let me help." He says trying to pick up some of your things before you hold up a hand, stopping him from doing anything further.
"Thanks, but I got it."
"I'm Dustin Henderson, by the way. I noticed you've been hanging out with Max. How do you know her? I met her a couple years ago when-"
"Listen kid, I'm sure you're great and all, love the hat, but I rolled a 5 on politeness today, so I'm going to need you to leave me alone." You sigh out, picking up the last of your things before standing, looking at the boy who had a surprised expression on his face.
"I'm supposed to be meeting up with Max, so I gotta go." You say brushing past him and continuing to make your way towards the cafeteria. "Oh and to answer your question, I used to be her babysitter." You call behind you, not bothering to turn around.

Upon entering the room, you look around searching until you spot the familiar head of red hair, approaching from behind messing up her hair.
"Hey squirt, how's your day been so far?" You ask taking a seat beside her.
"Fine I guess" She mumbles "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that, though?"
"Eh it's been alright not anything interesting really." You dismiss, pulling out a brown paper sack, taking out an apple, a sandwich bag of pretzels, and a can of soda.
As you and Max continue to talk and eat your food, you're suddenly interrupted by someone speaking to the entire lunchroom.
"As long as you're into band, or science, or parrtieees, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!"
You turn to look for the source seeing the guy from your classes standing atop one of the tables, looking over at the basketball players' table, specifically at the douche jock Jason, everyone's attention now on the interaction.
Jason stands up, staring back.
"You want something, freak?" He asks.
The guy on the table makes devil horns at him, sticking out his tongue, causing you to smile.
Jason turns away, calling the guy a prick under his breath.
"Douche." You say, hiding it under a fake cough, causing Jason to look around, searching for the person who said it. After a moment, he gives up, turning back to his group as you finally let yourself laugh, glancing over to look back at the table where the guy stood.
You both lock eyes for a second before he turns away.
"It's forced conformity." He continues, "That's what's killing the kids!" He yells out, getting off the table, spooking an unsuspecting student before allowing a couple cheerleaders to pass.
You can't hear the conversation after that point until he stands up again, striding towards the middle of the lunchroom.
"I am army crawling my way to a D in Mrs. O'Donnells. If I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk that stage next month." He stated, causing his friends to laugh, while strutting between the tables. "I'm gonna look Principal Higgins dead in the eye. I'm gonna flip him the bird." He continues, raising his middle finger. "I'm gonna snatch that diploma, and I'm gonna run like hell outta here." He finished, running away from his group while they watch him smiling at his antics.
"Didn't you say that last year?" One of his friends ask.
"And the year before that." Another adds.
"Yeah, yeah and I was full of shit." He said, running back.
"This year's different. This year is my year, I can feel it. '86 baby." He smiled at his group, causing butterflies to turn in your stomach.

He was honestly really attractive. It also helped that he seemed to have the same taste in music as you did, having spotted the pins on his jacket during class and the hard to miss Dio patch on the back of his vest. You were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts by Max calling your name.
"(Y/N), are you seriously going to stare at him for the rest of lunch?" She asked causing your face to heat up in embarrassment.
"I wasn't staring." You defend. "I was just eavesdropping. I'm a very nosy person." You say hoping she'd buy it.
"Yeah, whatever. You were totally staring. I can see the hearts in your eyes from here." She taunts, causing you to scoff.
"As if, I don't even know the guy's name." You retort.
"His name is Edward Munson, but goes by Eddie. Spelled M-u-n-s-o-n. Be sure to remember that when you're writing 'Mrs. (Y/N) Munson' in your diary later." She teases even further.
"Hey, I don't even have a diary!" You say, kicking her leg under the table.
"Oh really, what's that blue notebook under your bed then?" She asks squinting her eyes at you.
"That is a journal." You say defensively, looking away, taking a bite of your apple so you wouldn't have to continue talking.
"Yeah sure, whatever you say." She scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"Hey did ever tell you I already got a job?" You suddenly ask, changing the subject in an attempt to save yourself from being teased any further.
"No, you didn't. Where and how did you even manage to do that?" She questioned confusedly.
"Family Video, and I just asked around. I actually asked about working at the arcade first but they weren't looking for anyone." You inform her, taking a sip of your drink. "By the way, I saw you're already tearing through all of their games here, Madmax." You comment, teasingly.
"Yeah it wasn't that hard but, how did you get hired so fast?" She interrogated you, still skeptical.
"They needed the extra help. Plus, it turned out I had been chatting with one of the employees in an online chat room."
"Wait what? Who?"
"Well I only just found out his name since all I knew was his screen name, but it's Steve Harrington."
"You're kidding me?"
"No, I'm not. Do you know him?"
Max explained that Steve watched over her once and got his ass kicked by Billy once. You told her about him trying to flirt with you, to which she pretended to throw up, making you laugh. After that, the rest of lunch went by normally.

Dustin and Mike sat down outside, exhausted from asking almost everyone in the school to sub for their D&D game.
"I hate high school." Mike said, groaning.
"There has to be at least one person that can play D&D." Dustin huffed.
"Who? We've tried literally everyone, you even asked Max!" Mike stated, seeming to give up.
At the mention of Max, Dustin suddenly had an idea.
"Not everyone." He said hopping up and jogging back towards the school, leaving Mike to follow him, confused.

You had been enjoying your free period, meeting up with Max to skate for a bit before going off to put your skates back in your locker. Just as you were putting them away you see Dustin running in your direction, his friend trying to keep up with him. Dustin suddenly stops in front of you, causing you to sigh as you shut your locker.
"What did I tell you kid? I-"
"What did you roll on generosity?" He inquires, interrupting you.
This question caught you off guard as you took a second to think before opening up your locker again, rummaging through your bag before pulling out a D20 causing Dustin to grin, looking at Mike's surprised expression while you go to roll the die inside your locker.
A moment of silence passes before you turn to the two with a serious expression.
"You've got 2 minutes to pitch."

D20s & Demobats (Eddie Munson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now