Chapter 28

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I just wanted to announce that today marks a whole year since I began this book!! The book is also almost at 5k reads. So I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to my readers and especially the ones who have stuck around since the beginning. This book wouldn't be what it is without you guys, and I hope you enjoy this new chapter to celebrate 1 year and nearly 5k reads.
Big love to you all.
~ Nyx 💕


The five of you had been walking for quite some time through the dark wooded area. The shriek of bats above the tree line sounding every now and then, causing you to involuntarily flinch watching the sky warily.

"Couldn't we have tried a road, or something just slightly less creepy?" Robin asked, following Nancy, yourself not that far behind the two while Eddie and Steve trailed a few feet back from you.
"I think we're getting close. We're almost out of here. Don't worry." Nancy assured, continuing to step over black vines and tree roots.

Catching up with Robin to walk alongside her, you let out a sigh.
"I know first thing I want to do when we get back is shower." You spoke up, trying to ease the tension of the seemingly never-ending trek to the house.
"Yeah, I'm right behind you on that." Robin laughed slightly, silence following a few moments after. "Listen I'm sorry about back there. I'm just so thoughtless sometimes, my mouth goes way faster than my brain and what comes out is this word vomit. Which now that I'm saying it out loud, that just sounds so gross and- and I'm doing it right now aren't I?" She huffed realizing her rambling as she was trying to explain her previous slip-up back at Skull Rock.
"Robin, It's fine." You dismissed waving your hand slightly in the air.
"I know you didn't mean to. We're cool." You reassured.
"Good." She sighed out, a relived smile on her face as you returned the same gesture, the two of you now walking in a comfortable silence while looking ahead, following Nancy's retreating figure.

Trailing the very back of the group, Steve jogged slightly to catch up with Eddie.
"Eddie. Eddie. Hey, man. Uh... listen, I just, uh... I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there." He stumbled out, patting Eddie once on the back.
"Shit. You saved your own ass, man. I mean, that was a real Ozzy move
you pulled back there." Eddie praised.
"When you took a bite out of that bat. Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath? He bit a bat's head off onstage."
"I don't..." Steve tried to say he didn't understand.
"You know? Doesn't matter." Eddie dismissed. "It's very metal, what you did. That's all I'm saying."
"Henderson told me you were a badass.
Insisted on the matter, in fact."
"Henderson said that?" Steve asked, surprised.
"Oh yeah. Shit. Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kinda annoying, to be honest. I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but, uh, guess I got a little jealous, Steve." Eddie admitted, looking over at him.

"I guess I couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a douche? No way, man. No way. That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe and my own personal Munson doctrine. Still super jealous as hell, by the way." He joked, leaning close to Steve. "Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh... normal circumstances. Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that's what I've learned about myself this week." Eddie muttered the last sentence depreciatingly.
"Give yourself a break, man." Steve retorted, moving his flashlight around, glancing at something to the side.

"See? The only reason I came in here was 'cause those ladies came in straight after you." Eddie stopped Steve, pointing towards Nancy, Robin, and yourself ahead of the two of them. "Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind. But Wheeler right there, she didn't waste a second. Not. One. Second. She just dove right in. Now, I don't know what happened between you two, but if I were you, I would get her back. 'Cause that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen." Eddie finished, placing a hand on his chest.
"Well what about her?" Steve questioned, motioning to you talking to Robin, thoughtlessly messing with the edges of the bandana Eddie had tied around your wrist as you spoke.
"You being the only one left behind can't be the only reason you jumped in." He commented, implying you were the main reason Eddie had dove in.
"Yeah well, you aren't wrong there. She totally tricked me though. Thought I had finally convinced her to let the other two handle it, but she just couldn't help but go right after 'em." Eddie sighed, causing Steve to laugh slightly.

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