Chapter 26

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Steve had dove into the lake leaving the four of you in the boat, watching the dark water for any sign on him returning.
"Where we at, Wheeler?" Robin asked, growing nervous from the passing seconds.
"Closing in on a minute." Nancy answered looking up from the watch she was using to see how long Steve had been under.
After a few moments you spoke up, "Maybe we should—"
Before you could finish suggesting one of you go in after him, Steve breached the surface of the water gasping for air,  startling everyone in the process.
"I found it." He breathlessly stated, moving closer to you all.
"You found it?" Nancy questioned back.
"I found it." He huffed, holding onto the edge of the boat.
"Dustin you're a damn Einstein, Steve found the gate." Robin radioed to him, but didn't receive a response.
"It's wild. It's more a snack size gate than the mama gate, but still, it's pretty damn big." Steve explained, clinging to the boat.

All of a sudden, Steve jerked in the water. There was a look of confusion on his face for a moment before he jerked again, this time being sucked into the murky water by an unknown force.
"Steve!" All of you called out, looking over the side where he was just pulled under.
"No, no! What the hell was that man?!" Eddie yelled, panicking.
"Nancy, really what happened?" Robin asked, panicking as well and turning to the only person she knew that could handle the situation.

Nancy stood up, raising a foot to rest on the edge.
"Wait wait wait, you're not going in there are you?" Eddie asked, his eyes wide in fear.
"Just wait here." Nancy instructed, not waiting any longer before diving in after Steve.
"No Nancy!" Robin cried out.
"No!" You and Eddie both yelled in protest, but it was too late.
With no sign of her coming back Robin sat on the rim of the boat, her back facing the water.
"No no no no no, what are you doing? She said wait." Eddie scolded placing a hand on Robin.
"Yeah I heard her." Robin replied, readying herself to fall in after the two.
"She's in charge."
"Are you kidding me? I made that shit up."
"Don't you go. Don't you—" before Eddie could continue any further, Robin had already leaned back falling into the murky water.

Now it was just the two of you remaining in the boat. With a moment of thought and a deep breath, your decision was made as you stood up.
"Hey hey no, not you too." Eddie jumped up, firmly holding your wrist.
"Eddie, we have to." You tried to reason.
"Mm-mm no." He hummed shaking his head, his eyes screwed tightly shut. "It's too dangerous, what if—" His voice quivered for a moment as he looked in your eyes, "what if you—" He didn't need to finish for you to know he was thinking of what he witnessed happen to Chrissy and what you had both seen with Patrick.
"Hey, it's okay. It won't happen." You softly spoke, using the hand he wasn't tightly holding to touch the side of his face.
He silently leaned into your palm, his curly locks brushing the top of your hand as they tickled it from his movements.
As reassurance, you moved forward, pressing your lips firmly onto his. Eddie didn't hesitate to return the kiss, neglecting to realize he had loosened his hold on your wrist.
Pulling away, you gave him an apologetic smile before letting yourself go, falling backwards out of the boat.
The shock of realizing how he had just been tricked by you jolted him back into high alert. Eddie desperately tried to grab you as you fell.
"(Y/N) no no no, please." He begged, watching you enter the water with a splash.
"Damn it! Son of a bitch! This is so stupid, this is so stupid. Shit! Shit! Shit!" Eddie yelled frustratedly into the night air, leaning to the side of the boat. Despite his fear, he saw no other option but to follow you. Without another second wasted he jumped in after you, albeit rather ungracefully.

You had already reached the large, red, glowing gate at the bottom of the lake, seeing it pulse with different hues of the burgundy color. You'd be lying if you claimed that the sight of it didn't fill you with fear, like a lightning strike through your entire body. The situation you're pushing yourself into becoming all to real now. Still, you pressed forward knowing there's no going back as you force yourself through the opening, feeling air on the other side rather than more water, which you were expecting. Surfacing, you gasp for the air you had been denied during your descent, crawling from the gate, and taking in your surroundings.
Red thunder was lighting up the dark grey sky and thick, black vines as far as your eyes could see stretched across the barren ground. Suddenly, a shrill shriek pierced your ears. You searched for what was making the noise, finding it instantly. Steve was being choked by the tail of a seemingly deformed bat while two of them sank their fanged mouths into his sides causing him to scream in agony. Nancy and Robin were there as well witnessing the same thing as you. They had already begun to take action using an oar and flashlight to fend them off. You began rushing to search for some sort of weapon, managing to spot a board wedged between the inky colored tendrils surrounding you, pulling it out and running to help your friends.
Robin and Nancy had seemed to have their own covered, Steve now joining the fight with nothing but his bare hands, so that left you swinging at any bat creature that came your way.

You had been so preoccupied that you hadn't noticed Eddie arrived as well until you had to strike a bat that almost went for his head. It fell to the ground screeching in pain, as you reared your weapon back to finish it, a sharp pain seared into your forearm, relinquishing your grip from the plank. One of the creatures had latched onto you, wildly flapping it's wings in an attempt to drag you away. In an effort to remove it, you used your other hand to hold its head pressing and trying to unhinge its jaws, but before you could get too far another had attacked your neck, strangling you just as the other had done to Steve moments earlier. You were now panicking, the hand being used to remove the biting bat now trying to free your airways from the constricting tail. It had all happened so quickly, from the bite, to the one choking you, and now a third had coiled around the bend of your elbow in an attempt to tug away the hand you were using to free yourself. Letting out strangled shouts you hoped the others would notice as you were now being lifted into the air by the force of these shockingly strong creatures, your feet no longer on solid ground. A situation that felt as if it happened for minutes was only a few seconds as Robin took notice of what was happening.
"Holy shit, holy shit, (Y/N)!" Robin yelled running at you, gaining the group's attention, Nancy hastily following after her.

As soon as he heard your name Eddie snapped his head around to see the horrific sight before him. You were suspended a few feet into the air, eyes glassy from the lack of oxygen, and blood dripping from your wrist where one of the bats had their fangs in you. You were kicking your legs desperately trying to shake away from the bats, but suddenly you began to go limp, eyes struggling to stay open as they began to close.
With fear and adrenaline coursing through his veins, Eddie did what he feels he's done best these past few days. He ran.

...towards you.

Happy New Year!
Sorry I have been failing to update on the schedule I had promised. From now on I will be going at my own pace and posting as I finish chapters. I hope you all have had a very happy holidays and wish you all a great new year :).
- Nyx 💕

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