Chapter 27

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Hello, before you read I just want to apologize for my inactivity. In all honesty I did slack and not write as much as I should, hence why I stopped publishing, but also the amount of interactions my work got had dwindled down to nothing making me believe no one was interested anymore. A recent comment has made me realize that isn't true. So I am publishing this chapter as a new start of my writing. I do ask that you be patient with me though, restarting will be slow because I am working on a patio outside my home that is a large project and taking a big portion of my time. I'm still going to try my best to begin writing again & publishing more chapters. To those who have stuck around and kept this book, thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy this chapter.
~ Nyx

With fear and adrenaline coursing through his veins, Eddie did what he feels he's done best these past few days. He ran.

...towards you.


Eddie charged forward, broken oar in hand and ready to strike as he yelled out,
"Get the hell off her you motherfuckers!" swinging with all his strength at the demobat suffocating you.

You were starting to become lightheaded, no longer feeling the ground beneath you as you kicked weakly. While you struggled, you thought you heard someone say your name but you weren't too sure. The voice sounded distant, as if you had cotton shoved in your ears. Not long after though you saw Robin and Nancy running towards you, assuring you that someone had noticed and was coming to help as well as confirming someone must have said your name.
Black began dancing in the corners of your vision as you took notice of another figure running in your direction, the shaggy hair and denim vest being a dead giveaway of who it was. As your eyes began to close and your conscience faded, through your muffled hearing there was a loud shout of something you couldn't quite make out. Suddenly you felt your neck jerk as oxygen rushed back into your airways. Eddie had struck the demobat clean off of you, causing you to look as it tumbled yards away.

Nancy and Robin were also joining in, beating the one biting you with their makeshift weapons in an attempt to remove it before the remaining two could drag you away any higher than the couple of feet it had already succeeded in.
Eddie grabbed hold of your legs, pulling you down while Steve moved to grip the last bat by its neck, prying it's tail from the bend of your elbow. With a few more struggling moments you were now finally free, Eddie clinging to you for dear life and you dazedly wrapped your arms around him in reciprocation.

"Thanks guys." You huffed out, still trying to regain your breath.
"Yeah don't mention it." Steve huffed as well, holding onto his sides.
"Are you okay?" Nancy asked, moving over to Steve in order to assess the damage the creatures caused.
"Well, they took about a pound of flesh. But other than that, yeah, never better." Steve responded.
"What about you?" Eddie asked, looking you over. He ran his hand over the already bruising line around your neck before looking down and gently raising the hand with your bitten wrist. You tried to pull away but he gently gave your hand a firm squeeze.
"Hang on, let me." He softly ordered as he casually pulled out the bandana hanging from his pocket, carefully wrapping the fabric around the wound. When he was finished he gave it a final look before nodding in approval.
"Good as new." He joked, meeting your eyes with a small smile at the corners of his lips. You smiled back, wrapping your fingers around his hand that was still holding your own.
"Uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?" Robin spoke up, ruining the moment as she was crouched over one of the dead creatures, inspecting it with her flashlight.
"What?" Steve asked.
"It's just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear, and I think we should get you both to a doctor soon because once symptoms set in, it's too late. You're already dead." Robin rambled, referring to both you and Steve.
"Robin, let's just worry about getting back first. I doubt there's a urgent care in this place anyways." You huffed, not wanting to think even about the possibility of inter-dimensional bat rabies.

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