Chapter 23

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The sound of rustling leaves made you jolt awake. You scanned your surroundings for anyone approaching only to see Eddie walking away, the way he was carefully stepping appearing as if he was trying to sneak away.
"Hey, where are you going?" You questioned, moving to rub your eyes, only for your motion to be stopped by Eddie's jacket, that you now realized was draped over you.
Despite once again being in a not so ideal situation, Eddie became tongue tied at your appearance, your slightly messy hair from the damp morning air, the way you cutely rubbed the sleep from your eyes after moving his jacket to your lap, and how your lips pouted unknowingly when asking your question.
"I- I um uh, I'm pretty sure I heard a construction site or something not too far from here. I was going to check it out, see if they have a walkie or something. I just didn't want to wake you." He bashfully explained, arms crossed while playing with the ends of his hair.
"Well I'm up now, maybe I could come with. I'm an excellent lookout." You teased with a lazy grin.
"Yeah sure, c'mon." Eddie smiled, walking back over to extend his hand to you.
You took his hand, allowing him to help you up. Dusting off your now dry clothes, you then gave Eddie his jacket.
"Thank you, for this last night." You thanked him as he accepted the jacket shrugging it back on along with his vest.
"Oh it was no problem, our clothes were still pretty damp so I didn't want you to get too cold." He explained. "I think I heard the sounds from over this way." He continued, walking in the direction he had referenced as you followed him.


Nancy and the rest of the group had pulled up to Reefer Rick's home, noticing multiple vehicles and people swarmed around it. The entirety of the crowd were listening to Chief Powell as well as demanding answers.
"Nothing to see, just step back a little. All right?" Chief Powell began, "As many of you know, the Roane County line received a call a little after midnight reporting a homicide here on the lake. Officer Callahan here and myself arrived first on the scene. We made our way to the shore of Lover's Lake, about ten yards from that house you see behind me. It was there that we found the victim, an 18-year-old senior from Hawkins High, Patrick McKinney. His limbs and his body, it was disfigured. There was an eyewitness on the scene. We got a serial killer on the loose. We have also identified a person of interest. Eddie Munson." He informed as he held up a photograph of Eddie.
"There was also a claim by the eyewitness that he is not working alone. Now, we do not have any photographs of the assumed accomplice at this moment but they are described as a (Y/H) female with (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, who goes by the name of (Y/N) (L/N). We encourage anyone with information to please come forward. You've got a lot of questions, and I'm going to answer as many as I can. Two o'clock at town hall, where anyone from the Hawkins community is welcome. But right now, I've got work to do, and I appreciate your understanding." Chief Powell finished, walking away as reporters continued to ask him questions.

"This is not good, this is really not good." Steve spoke, as the rest continued to watch the crowd moving after the Chief and his Sheriff.
Suddenly the group could hear radio static before a voice came in from Dustin's bag.


"Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler?" Eddie spoke into the walkie as you sat beside him, anxiously waiting for him to finally get through to them. 
"Eddie, holy shit are you okay?" Dustin's voice came through.
Eddie clenched his fist triumphantly as you let out a sigh of relief. He pressed the button to respond.
"Nah man, pretty... pretty damn far from okay." He spoke, using his free hand to rub his face in frustration.
"Ask if (Y/N) is with him." You could hear Max worriedly order on the other line.
There was a small shuffling noise, then you heard Steve cut in. "Yeah, is (Y/N) with you?"
You reached over, clasping your hand over Eddie's to press the button and pull the walkie towards you.
"I'm here guys." You spoke, hearing relived sighs from the group.
"Well, you may want to lay low, we'll explain later." Dustin spoke, you and Eddie sharing worried glances.
"Where are they?" You could hear Steve.
"Where are you?" Dustin repeated the question.
"Skull Rock, do you know it?" Eddie answered them.
"Uh yeah, that's near Cornwallis and..." Dustin began.
"Garrett, yeah I know where that is." Steve interrupted.
"Hold tight. We're coming, we're coming."  Dustin reassured.
Eddie clutched the walkie, eyes shut tight and nodding. You reached out to rub his back comfortingly.
"Hey, they're on their way, so things will get better." You tried to soothe.
"No they won't, you heard Dustin. He wants you to lay low so that clearly means you've been pulled into this too somehow."
"Yeah, okay that does seem pretty bad, but worse case scenario... we change our names, get fake ID's, and run away together." You spoke.
"You'd really want to run away together?" Eddie asked, a slight laugh in his words.
"Well I mean sure. It would get lonely on my own, and you're not the worst person to be on the lamb with." You joked. "I mean we have similar styles, similar taste in music and favorite bands."
"Oh really?" He asked turning to you.
"Yeah, I knew that the first day I saw you. You were standing outside with your club. All the patches and pins on your vest are some of my favorite bands." You explained.
"Enlighten me then." He challenged with a raised brow.
"How?" You asked with a small laugh.
"Tell me your favorite songs from them." He suggested.
At his challenge, you got a mischievous idea.
"Alright, stand up then." You instructed, beginning to stand as well.
"Uh, okay." Eddie hesitantly answered, standing.
"Well for starters" You began, stepping forward to place a hand on the Megadeth patch on the lower right side of his vest, feeling his body stiffen. "Bad Omen, then Flight of Icarus." You continued trailing to the Iron Maiden patch above the previous. After that, you moved your hand to the Motörhead patch on his chest "Dancing On Your Grave" You stated, looking up at him through your lashes while keeping your hand firmly in its place.
Eddie swallowed nervously, anticipation building for your next move.
With a satisfied smile you began touching the pins on the other side of his chest. You ran your finger over the pins of Judas Priest, W.A.S.P., Accept, and Mercyful Fate. "Living After Midnight, Wild Child, Breaker, Desecration of Souls." You listed the songs of the respectful bands. "And last but not least" You continued, slipping both your hands, that had been resting on his chest, to his back, grazing the Dio patch adorning it before interlocking your fingers underneath his messy hair as you did in the kitchen nights ago. "Holy Diver. What do you think now?" You questioned leaning in slightly, gaging his reaction.
"I think I want to kiss you." Eddie breathlessly spoke, not even giving his words a second thought.
"Then do it."

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