Chapter 15

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"Tarp! Tarp! Tarp!" Robin urgently instructed as Eddie slung the tarp.

When Eddie had slung the tarp, he had also covered you. So there you were, laying on the floor of the boat, a box of Honey Combs between the both of you.

"Hey." Eddie said, embarrassedly realizing what he had just done.
"Hi." You responded, just inches away from him.
"You come here often?" He asked, trying to lift the awkward tension.
"All the time, though I just come for the amazing food." You joked taking a small palmful of the cereal in your hand and eating it as he chuckled at your response.

Suddenly, the tarp was ripped away. Looking up in surprise you realize the culprit was Steve.
"You aren't a wanted criminal, come on get up." He told you, helping you out and creating distance between you and Eddie.
"Suspected criminal." You corrected.
"Sorry, force of habit." Eddie apologized, having been used to doing that for most of the day anytime the two of you had heard a sound from outside.

As if uncovering the tarp made him see you with new eyes, Steve glanced at your shirt.
"Hey, what happened to your shirt, that's not what you were wearing when we left you. You had a striped shirt on." He stated, looking suspiciously between you and Eddie, while Dustin grinned smugly and Max looked at you with her brows raised.
"It got dirty so I gave her one of mine." Eddie explained, thinking he was helping, but it only caused Steve's eyes to practically double in size.
"Dirty how?" He questioned further, looking at you for an answer.
"Oh my gosh, I got distracted when I was cooking and some spaghetti sauce spilled on my shirt." You scoffed.
"Distracted." Dustin muttered amusedly, turning to share a look with Max.
"Distracted how?" Steve continued to press.
"Can we stop talking about (Y/N)'s shirt? It's creepy enough that you remember what she was wearing." Robin pointed out.
"Let's just go see where the police are going." Max spoke up, putting a stop to Steve's interrogation.
Max hurriedly steps out of the boat house.
"Finally, something sensible." Robin sighs, following Max out the door.
Dustin files out behind the two females while Steve turns to you and Eddie, making the "I've got my eyes on you" gesture before leaving.

"What's his deal?" Eddie asks, sitting up in the boat.
You rolled your eyes. "I wish I knew. I only met him in person three days ago and he acts like he has to protect me from everything."
Eddie lets out an amused chuckle. "That's cute."
"It's annoying." You scoff, gathering your things.
Eddie's face falls as he sees you getting ready to leave, hurriedly reaching out to grab your wrist, stopping you from moving.
"Where are you going?" He asks, his pleading eyes looking up at you desperately.
Your heart melts at the sight as you fight the urge to audibly coo at him. He looks like a sad, lost puppy gazing up at you.
"I'll be back, I promise." You assure him. "I just want to see what's going on."
He drops your hand, giving you a nod. Feeling sorry for him, you reach out, cupping his chin in your palm, making him look up at you.
"You have the walkie. If anything happens, you call and I'll come right back to you. I promise."
Eddie's hand moves up, his fingers curling around your wrist as he gave it a light squeeze, his eyes full of desperation. Despite his need for you to be close to him, he released your wrist, nodding his head as he murmured an, "Okay."
In a moment of brazenness, you leaned forward placing a soft kiss to his cheek before heading out the door to catch up with the rest of the group.

Eddie watched you exit the boathouse, a hand gently touching the place your lips had just been.
She kissed me. He thought dreamily, sitting there just thinking of you and eagerly awaiting your return.

You had caught up with the group, accompanying them to wherever the cop cars were headed to. The surroundings seemed somewhat familiar as you realized it was the way to your trailer as well as Max and Eddie's.
Whatever is happening it can't be good.
You thought while you came to a stop, everyone exiting the car and looking towards a girl talking with an officer. Getting out of the car to get a better look, you met the eyes of the girl you had seen in the school the night of the basketball game, Nancy Wheeler. At first she seemed relived until your eyes met, then her expression was filled with confusion.

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