Chapter 13

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"Well there's no time like the present right?" He questioned giving you a lopsided smirk, holding you close as you looked up at him with wide eyes.

"You? Eddie Munson, offering to slow dance with me? In a kitchen of all places. Do you even know how to dance?" You asked him, trying lighten the mood and calm your racing heart at the close proximity between the two of you.
"Yeah sure, done it plenty of times. I had all the girls begging me at the school dances." He replied sarcastically as he slid his hand from yours moving it to rest on your hip. "This is how you do it though, right? I honestly have never actually done this." He bashfully admitted, making a smile appear on your face.
"Yeah, it is." You nod. "Then, I put my arms like this and we just sway, it's simple." You instruct, moving your hands underneath his messy hair, fingers brushing along his neck and interlocking behind it.
Eddie could feel electricity in the wake of your touch, your soft hands cooling his now rapidly warming neck. He followed your lead, swaying along to the song as you looked up at him smiling. He would do anything to keep that happy expression on your face. In that moment, he couldn't think of anything more beautiful than you, here with him, slow dancing in a kitchen. Despite his messy circumstances, and the fact that you were in a drug dealer's home, holding you close made him forget all about it, even just for a moment.

Having Eddie so close sent your thoughts and heart racing. This new proximity gave you the chance to admire his full, rosy pink lips, peering up into his deep brown eyes, you see them glancing at your own lips. Before you knew it, his face was inching closer to yours. Heart pounding in your ears, you began leaning in too.
This moment couldn't have been any more perfect for the both of you.

Suddenly, a hissing noise caused you to pull away, whipping your head towards the stove seeing the sauce boiling out of the pot and onto the open flame.
"Ah shit!" You exclaim, pulling away from Eddie, to his dismay, and turning off the stove removing the lid, only for the sauce to bubble up angrily, splashing hot red globs onto your shirt, causing you to let out a string of curses at the burning liquid seeping into your clothes.

Eddie quickly rushed to your side looking at the red spatters on your shirt.
"Oh man, um I keep some extra clothes here sometimes, I'll go find you a clean shirt." He said disappearing once again down the hall, returning moments later.
"Here, the bathroom is just down the hall to the left, you go change and I'll handle the food." He told you as you held up the shirt examining the print on it. It was a plain black shirt with Metallica's Damage Inc. on the front.
"Thanks." You said, following his directions to the bathroom and changing. When you walked back into the kitchen you noticed Eddie had cleared the table and set it up with two fresh plates of spaghetti and a couple glasses of water. He was sat in front of one of them waiting for you.
When Eddie saw you come out wearing one of his band tees he couldn't help but stare, admiring the way it fit you, secretly thanking that tomato sauce for messing up your shirt so he could see the sight before him. He honestly wouldn't mind giving you his entire wardrobe just to see you wear them.
"Thanks for taking care of the food." You thanked him taking a seat.
"Yeah no problem." He said shaking himself out of his thoughts.


With the food eaten and the kitchen cleaned up, the two of you moved back into the living room sitting around comfortably listening to your mixtapes and talking.
"So how old are you?" He asked as you began taking off your shoes.
"20. You?"
"The same. So were you held back?"
"Nope, late start. Not everyone flunks twice like you do." You teased looking up at him from your seat on the floor.
"Hey how do you even know that?" He asked, jokingly offended.
"I may or may not have overheard your friends at lunch, but hey third times a charm, right?" You winked at him, causing his heart to jump.
"Yeah, sure." He agreed turning away from you to look down at his hands.
Following his gaze, you suddenly get an idea.
"Hey, did you know I can read palms?" You question.
"Yeah, want me to read yours?"
"Um sure, here." Eddie said holding out his hand as you moved to sit in front of him on the couch, taking his larger hand into your smaller ones.
"Okay so this line right here is for your lifespan. This tells me that you're going to live a long and healthy life, that's really good." You say running your finger along the crease of his palm.
He was listening intently, enjoying the sound of your voice almost as much as the feeling of your cool fingers touching his hand as he hummed in response.
"Now this one is for your love life, you're going to have some trouble, but one day there will be someone that will be as head over heels for you as you are with them." You continue. "and lastly luck, ooh that one doesn't seem too good." You say pulling your hands away.
"You're telling me." He scoffs.
When you had pulled your hands away he was disappointed it ended so soon. His hand felt empty, almost lighter , he noticed, as he looked down at it. That's when he realized it was lighter, not because you had pulled away, but when you did, you had taken one of his rings along with you.
"Hey, you really are a thief!" He said looking up to you, admiring his ring on your thumb. "Do you really know how to read palms or was that all just to get my ring off of me?" He questioned.
"Oh that was total bullshit." You laughed. "I just wanted to see if I could take one without you noticing and it worked for a bit." You admitted. "But now I think it looks better on me, so here." You slip off one of your own rings, a silver ring in the shape of a coiled snake with red gemstone eyes, grabbing his hand once again and slipping it onto his pinky. "Now we're even." You say smiling, placing your hand near his own, admiring the swapped out jewelry.
"You should let me paint your nails." You comment absentmindedly as you look at your chipped black polish beside his plain nails.
"What?" He asks, confusedly.
"Well, I mean we're already exchanging things. We swapped rings-"
"Not willingly." He interjected, jokingly.
"Well we did, and I'm wearing your shirt, also not willingly, but you should let me do something for you." You explain moving to pull a bottle of black nail polish from your bag.
"Why do you even have that?" He questions, realizing he's probably not going to get out of this.
"I keep it on hand for touch ups, but now this is a perfect opportunity. We can be matching." You add, hoping that will convince him.
"Will it come off easy?"
"Sort of. So, can I?"
Eddie groans, holding out his hands, pretending to give in begrudgingly, but his small smile gives it away as you grin excitedly, opening up the bottle.
You finish up fairly quickly, nodding in approval at your work, then starting on your own, propping your legs casually on his lap, lounging on the couch with him. Eddie was about to run a hand through his hair before you quickly gave it a gentle smack.
"No touching anything. Your nails still have to dry." You say.
"Seriously?" He huffs, holding his hands awkwardly in the air.
"Yes, but you don't have to hold them up like that you can rest them on my legs or something. I don't mind." You say, focusing back on your nails.

Eddie did what you suggested, gently placing his hands onto your legs. He watched you carefully painting your nails, your eyes looking almost crossed in concentration. The adorable sight causing his heart to squeeze in adoration until you had looked up, catching his gaze which caused him to look away quickly.

Some time had passed with the two of you continuing to talk, the music now just background noise, while your nails dried, both of you remaining in the position you were in. You had both gotten comfortable with each other, laughing and joking around. He told you about his band Corroded Coffin while you talked about how life was in California and how you moved here and met Steve and recognized Max.
"Wait so you met Steve in a chat room?"
"Yep, and somehow I moved exactly where he lived."
"So you two aren't a thing?" He asked, surprised.
"Oh, gosh no! Why does everyone assume that?" You say tossing your head back, groaning.
"Well, to be fair I saw him lead you to his car the night of the game, and you were new so I thought he had already used his moves on you." He admitted with a grimace.
Taking notice of this, you smirked "What's wrong, Munson, were you jealous?" You ask looking him in the eyes.
"No." He responded way too quickly, looking down at his hands still resting on your legs.

As he was looking he noticed thin, black lines on your ankle, peeking from underneath the hem of your jeans.
"Do you have a tattoo?" He questioned, trying to change the subject before his face got any warmer from embarrassment.
"Huh? Oh, yeah I do. I honestly forgot I even had one. It's usually covered by my boots." You chuckle, reaching to shift your pants leg revealing a skull with the top of its head resembling a D20.
"That's pretty neat. Do you have others?"
"Nope just the one, what about you? Any more than those three?" You ask, nodding to the ones on his right arm.
"Yeah, a couple." He reached to move the collar of his shirt, revealing a black widow and some demon-looking head.
"Oh, those are cool." You comment, shifting to move closer, absentmindedly running your fingers over the spider.
Eddie's breath got caught in his throat as he felt you touching his chest, his breathing shuddered, causing you to finally realize what you were doing.
"Sorry." You said, shyly pulling back from him.
"Don't worry about it." He said clearing his throat "Well, we should probably get some sleep, we have to get up early to sneak out." He mentioned, trying to shift the tension.
"Yeah that's a good idea." You agree, moving to stand. "I can take the couch."
"Are you sure?"
"Eddie, you slept in a boat. You deserve to have a good night's rest in a bed."
"Yeah but I'd feel awful taking it when you could. I don't mind the couch, honestly."
"Well neither do I, so please just take the bed." You pleaded with him.
Eddie stood there contemplating if his next move would be the right one.
"Guess we'll just have to share." He states, swiftly grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the bedroom.

D20s & Demobats (Eddie Munson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now