Chapter 12

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After you all heard Eddie's side of the story and talked for a little while longer, agreeing to bring supplies for him later on, the group stood getting ready to leave.
"Wait guys, we're just going to leave him alone?" You asked incredulously.
"Well yeah, what else should we do? If Vecna is actually out there we need to go figure out how to defeat him. The sooner the better." Dustin told you as everyone was already at the door while you remained, standing near where Eddie sat.
"Well I'm staying here with him. He shouldn't be left alone." You declare, Eddie looking up at you with an awestruck look.
Being the perceptive boy he was, Dustin saw the look in Eddie's eyes, and decided to go along with your decision.
"That's fine with me, everyone else cool with it?" Dustin asked, looking at the rest of the group.
Max and Robin nodded, shrugging their shoulders, thinking it wasn't the worst thing ever. You noticed Steve begin to open his mouth, but before he could say anything Dustin was ushering them all out the door. As Max was about to slip out you called out stopping her.
"Max, we're going to have a talk later about all of this." You warned as she just nodded guiltily "And stay safe!" You added. Dustin followed the group out the door, but as he was about to step out he tossed you a walkie.
"Stay in touch" He told you as you caught it, giving him a nod in agreement, then he left.

You watched Steve's car drive away. When it was finally out of sight, you turned around, noticing Eddie's eyes already on you.
"So what have you been doing here all by yourself?" You ask in an attempt to start a conversation, looking around the small boathouse, finally taking in your surroundings. It wasn't much, there was the previously noted burger wrapper and beer bottles, life jackets, rope, tools, and the obvious boat docked inside the center of the room.
"Oh, not much just hiding from the entire town, as you can see I paid extra for the five star accommodations." He joked sarcastically, gesturing to the boat with an awkward smile.
"You slept in there?" You asked him surprised.
"Well yeah I'm trying to be as inconspicuous as possible."
You wrapped your arms around yourself as you felt a cold breeze come in from the opening that led to the lake.
"Eddie, it's freezing in here. That couldn't have been a comfortable night." You said looking at him sympathetically.
"Well you know, I managed." He responded giving you a tight smile.
Letting out a sigh you held his hand, pulling him to the door.
"C'mon." You beckoned, opening the door, beginning to walk out before you felt yourself being tugged back into a firm chest.
"What are you doing?" He asked panicked.
"Taking you into the house so you can get some proper rest. Just because people think you're a criminal doesn't mean you have to sleep like one." You told him, looking up at him. His eyes softened a bit before he shook his head in disagreement.
"It's too obvious."
"Well how about this? We go in there just for tonight, and leave really early before anyone around wakes up to sneak back in here."
He paused for a moment, thinking it over before allowing you to open the door again, his hand still clasped in your own, leading him to the home under the cover of the night.

Entering the house you shuffled around in search of a light switch, groping at the wall for it until the lights suddenly turned on. Searching for Eddie in the newly lit area, you spot him by the light switch grinning at you smugly. Rolling your eyes you pass him going to the living room and flopping down on the couch, searching through your bag you had brought along from the video store earlier that morning.
"So we're in here, now what?" Eddie asked, plopping himself down beside you in the same fashion.
"Well there's a few things we could do. Sleep, eat, entertain ourselves." You listed still rummaging through your bag.
"Entertain ourselves?" Eddie questioned confusedly, a pink tint dusting his cheeks at the thoughts that had immediately come to the forefront of his mind.
Finally grasping the little box you were looking for you grin, pulling it out.
"How good are you at poker?" You ask holding up the pack of cards.


"This is bullshit." Eddie groaned removing his jacket.
"What's wrong, Van Halen, getting hot under the collar? It's not my fault you don't know how to play." You laughed out.
"I do know how to play, you must be counting cards or something. And no, it's not because of you, it's just really warm in here right now." He dismissed.
"I can't believe you would take me for a cheater. I would never." You say faking a shocked expression. 
"Yeah well could we just put a pause on the cards for now? We've been playing for a while and I'm actually starting to get hungry." Eddie commented standing up to stretch.
"Yeah, sure, Munson, blame it on your hunger instead of your crappy poker skills." You tease getting up and passing him to enter the kitchen.
"Hey, if it were Go Fish I would have smoked your ass." He called, following after you causing you to giggle.
"Sure." You snorted, bending down to search the cabinets while Eddie rummaged through the top ones.
"Oh, this should do, right?" He asked catching your attention, seeing him holding a can of spaghetti-o's.
"Are they still good?" You ask, eying the can skeptically.
"I'm sure they're fine, they're only a- a year out of date." He said pausing to check the date, his answer causing you to cringe in disgust.
"Yeah absolutely not, under no circumstances are we eating that. Maybe I can find something else." You say, turning to continue searching the rest of the cabinets.
In the end, all you could find that was still edible was some noodles, rice, beans, a can of tomato paste, flour, hot sauce, and a bottle of tequila.
"We could always just drink." Eddie suggested leaning towards you as you looked at the items before you.
"No, because then we would be drunk within minutes from drinking on an empty stomach." You mentioned, hitting his shoulder.
"That's the only reason?" He asked smirking while you tried to ignore him thinking of what you could make with what you had.
"Okay I think I got it. What about just plain old spaghetti, better than year old spaghetti-o's right?" You ask, glancing at him.
"Sounds good to me." He agreed, not really able to think of anything else.
With that, you started looking through the sparse amount of spices Rick had in his pantry and began cooking.

A little while had passed since you started cooking and Eddie had wandered off down the hallway. He hadn't been back out in a while, so you had assumed he might have fallen asleep until he walked out carrying something.
"Look what I found." He announced proudly, setting a boom box up on the counter near you. "Do you have any tapes with you?" He asked, with an excited grin that made your heart melt.
"Yeah there's some with my Walkman in my bag, you can go get them." You told him, putting a lid on the pot as he went to go retrieve them.
When he returned, you were sitting on the countertop waiting. Eddie popped in one of the cassettes pressing play.
"Oh, my love, my darling. I've hungered for your touch"
The speakers softly played. You recognized "Unchained Melody" by The Righteous Brothers as the song played, causing your cheeks to burn in embarrassment.
"Why do you have this song?" He asked you, laughing a little.
"It's a stupid reason, let's just skip it." You reached over to press the button but Eddie's hand stopped yours.
"C'mon, just tell me. No judgement I promise." He pressed.
At this point it felt as though your face was on fire.
"It's super cheesy, but I've just always pictured dancing with someone to this song, so I'm kinda attached to it." You admit pulling your hand away, but before you could get far, he grasped your hand again pulling you near the middle of the kitchen.
"Well there's no time like the present right?" He questioned giving you a lopsided smirk, holding you close as you looked up at him with wide eyes.

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