Locked up

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The moment the sound of his alarm going off fills his bedroom, Joe sits up with a smile. Today is the day. Today he is going to meet the other people from the Bohemian Rhapsody cast.
The ginger hops out of bed and hurries into the bathroom to take a shower. After months of waiting, a few weeks ago he finally got the call telling him he got the part. Joe couldn't be more excited. This is gonna be the most amazing role he has ever played.
Yesterday he got an email telling him the names of his fellow actors, to make the meeting of today easier.
Joe screamed it out when he saw the name of his best friend in the email. Rami is going to play Freddie Mercury in this movie. Joe finally gets to see him again after almost three years of keeping in touch only via texting and instagram.
He didn't recognize the name Gwilym Lee, but after doing a quick search on the internet, he seems very nice to Joe.
And then there is that third name on the list.
Ben Hardy. 

What the other cast members don't know is that Joe and Ben know each other very well.
It was a total coincidence that they met five months ago.
The British boy just showed up at the front door of Joe's temporary apartment. He was soaking wet from the rain and asked the ginger if he knew a good hotel nearby.
Joe let the boy in so he could warm up a bit and offered him to stay over instead of going to an hotel. They soon got to talking about everything and anything. That's when Joe found out that Ben is an actor too.
After that night the two kept touch, and they often meet up to go to a baseball game or something.
When they were watching a movie in Joe's apartment one night, the ginger fell asleep against Ben. But he was yet awake enough to hear Ben whisper his confession.
The moment Joe heard it, his heart started to beat faster because of happiness.
"You're so beautiful Joe. I wish you knew how much you mean to me. You're much more than a friend to me." Ben's voice whispered full of admiration.
Joe felt the boy's lips on his forehead after the confession. He quickly opened his eyes and didn't hesitate. He smashed their lips together. It was one of the scariest moments of his life.
But Ben kissed back.
And now, Joe is lucky to call Ben his boyfriend for three months already.


As soon as Ben wakes up he jumps out of bed. Excited for this day he walks to the kitchen and starts making himself breakfast. Normally Joe would be here too after spending the night. 
But today Joe isn't here.
Joe asked him shyly if it was okay if they would go to the first day of their new job separately. He explained that Rami doesn't know that Joe's gay yet, and he wants to get to know Gwilym first before telling him.
Ben of course didn't mind, and promised to act like they're friends. Although he knows it will be hard not to flirt or stare.
As Ben takes a sip of his coffee, he can feel the nerves a bit already. Even though today is just the first script reading, they will start with rehearsing the actual scenes in a week.
In a week he will meet Roger Taylor. Ben hopes with all his heart the rockstar won't hate him.
After shoving the last piece of toast into his mouth, Ben gets ready to leave.

Once Ben arrives, a guy of the crew brings him to the other actors. "Gwilym, Rami? This is Ben Hardy. He will be playing Roger Taylor." The guy says as he gestures towards Ben.
Ben smiles shyly at the two boys in front of him as he gets introduced. "Nice to meet you." Ben's words are immediately received with big smiles by his fellow actors.
"Nice to meet you too. Ugh, where is Joe?" Rami asks impatiently while looking at his watch. "Trust me, you're gonna love him. He's very sweet and funny. The only thing is that he's always late." He grins.
Gwil smiles at that.
Ben giggles softly and smiles. If the two only knew how much Ben loves Joe. 


A few weeks later, it's time to start shooting after weeks of rehearsals.
All boys are very excited about it.
They also got to know Brian and Roger quite well, and found out it wasn't necessary to be nervous around the two.
The first few days the two rock stars were present at set, Roger couldn't help teasing Ben a bit. The drummer noticed how nervous Ben was about meeting him, and pretended to be tougher than he actually is. Luckily for Ben, Brian told Roger to stop torturing the boy.
Despite he is having a great time at this job, the moments on set have also been hard for Ben, since he isn't able to kiss Joe in front of the others.
The only moments they have private are the breaks. They are mostly spending those in either Ben or Joe's trailer, finally able to show affection for one another.

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