You are the reason

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"Where the hell is everyone?" Roger asks. He looks around in confusion.
Brian shrugs, and looks at the quite abandoned movie set in front of them. "I don't know." The only people he sees are some people of the crew. But no one of the cast, nor the director.
"We aren't late, are we?" Roger asks his friend.
Brian looks at his watch and shakes his head. "No, we're even a bit early." He says, seeing that they still have ten minutes to go.
"Well that has never happened before." Roger laughs.
Brian smiles at that. Today is the day of the rehearsal of their cameo in the Bohemian Rhapsody movie. But they decided to come a little earlier, so they could see the boys rehearsing some of the performances.
Then one of the assistants walks in. "Hi uhm, could you tell me where everyone went?" Brian asks him friendly.
The assistent nods. "They're in the common room. Joe fainted on stage, so everyone has the rest of the day off." He explains before walking on.
The two rock stars look at each other and immediately make their way to the common room without hesitation.

There they see Joe sitting on the couch, surrounded by Rami and Gwilym and the director, all with worried looks on their faces.
"Joe, you really need to eat something. You just passed out." Rami says as he hands his friend a granola bar.
Gwil nods in agreement.
But Joe pushes the granola bar away and shakes his head. "No, I don't. I'm f-fine."
When the ginger sees that Brian and Roger have entered the room, he quickly looks down so he doesn't have to see their gazes.
Brian frowns. "The boys are right Joe, you gotta eat something. You look very pale." He says.
Joe shakes his head again. "I'm not hungry. And I just haven't slept that well lately, that's all." He says softly.
Gwil sits down next to Joe. "Why won't you eat? And what's keeping you up at night? There has to be a reason behind all this?" He looks up at Brian and Roger, not knowing what more he can do to help their friend.
Joe looks away and doesn't answer the questions.
Both Gwil and Rami sigh at the ginger's stubbornness.
"Look guys, why don't you just take Joe to the hotel? That way you can get some rest. Tomorrow we'll start a few hours later so you can sleep in. Health is more important than a shooting schedule." The director says to the actors.
Brian and Roger both start nodding. "I couldn't agree more." Roger says.
The ginger shakes his head. "No no, that isn't necessary. I don't want you to mess up the shooting schedule because of this. Plus Ben will be back tomorrow and I don't want him to worry. I am fine." He says before getting up and leaving the room.
Joe is right.
Tomorrow Ben will finally be back. He left about one and a half week ago, because his father ended up in the hospital after a stroke. Luckily Ben texted his friends two days ago that his father is quite okay again, and that he is ready for shooting.
Fortunately they are quite ahead of schedule, and in the days Ben wasn't at set they mainly just rehearsed.
Joe is happy his friends don't know what the reason behind all this is.
Or better, who the reason is.


When the friends are on set the next morning, Gwil receives a text from Ben. He quickly looks if Joe is around. When he doesn't see the ginger anywhere, he opens the text.

(08:42 Am) Ben: Hey, I'm almost at set. Is Joe okay again after yesterday? Does he know I'm back a few hours earlier than planned?

(08:42 Am) Gwil: Hey. Well, he still looks like a zombie, but it looks like he managed to sleep a few hours. And no, he doesn't have a clue. How about you sit down in his trailer and surprise him? He will be happy to see his best friend again.

Gwil smirks, and walks to Roger and Brian. "Hey guys." He says with a smile. "Can I ask you a small favor?"
Brian immediately nods. "Yeah of course. Always."
Gwil smiles. He can still remember how nervous he was the first time he would be meeting Brian and Roger. But soon he learned how nice the two are. "Could you two maybe get Joe to his trailer with an excuse? Ben is waiting there for him." Gwil explains.
Roger smirks and nods. "Sure, leave that to me." The drummer walks away, towards Joe's trailer.
Brian sighs and rolls his eyes. "I'll make sure he doesn't say anything stupid." He says.
Gwil giggles and nods. "Thank you Bri."

Not even five minutes later, Gwil receives another message from Ben. The tall boy frowns when Ben asks him and Rami to come to the trailer.
Gwil quickly searches for Rami, and he finds him in his trailer talking to Lucy. "Hey, can you come with me? Ben is with Joe in Joe's trailer, but texted me if we can come as well." Gwil explains.
Rami gives him a quite worried look. "I hope Joe is okay. Oh God, what if he fainted again?" He says, immediately panicking a bit.
Lucy gives him a kiss on his cheek. "He'll be okay. Just go to them." She says reassuringly before leaving the trailer.
With a big smirk Gwil looks at Rami. "I see you and Lucy are getting along quite well?"
Rami blushes and nods. Without saying anything, he pulls Gwil along towards Joe's trailer.

In the trailer they see Ben sitting on the couch with his arm around Joe, the latter is curled up in Ben's side. The ginger clearly has been crying, but is now fast asleep.
"What happened?" Rami asks softly.
Ben looks down at the sleeping boy against his chest. "Well, as soon as he saw me he hugged me. He told me how terrible he has been feeling, and suddenly started crying. I pulled him with me on the couch and he spontaneously fell asleep against me like this." The blond says, still quite amazed.
Gwil and Rami look at each other, not knowing what to say to that.
"Why does he look so pale?" Ben asks.
Gwil sighs and looks at Joe with concern. "I haven't seen him eating anything ever since you left, and I don't know when he last had a proper night's sleep."
Ben's eyes widen at that. "But...why? Why won't he eat?" He asks while running his hand through Joe's hair.
Gwil shrugs, but Rami seems to know it.
"Well, love does crazy things with a man." The black-haired boy says. He has to make an effort not to grin when he sees the quite jealous look in Ben's eyes.
"He has a crush on someone?" The Brit asks.
Rami nods. "Yep. Back when we were filming the pacific the same thing happened. He had a crush on someone, but that person left after three days because all his scenes were filmed. He didn't eat anything until we made him." He explains, looking at his sleeping friend.
Ben raises his eyebrow. "So his crush is the reason Joe is practically starving right now?" He asks.
Rami looks at Gwil, the latter immediately nods to say he is thinking the same thing Rami is. "We think you are the reason, Ben." The tall boy says.

A big smile creeps on Ben's face. "You mean he...-" He doesn't know how to finish his sentence.
Then Joe suddenly starts nodding against his chest. "I like you Benny." He mumbles, confirming Ben's thoughts. With his eyes still closed, the ginger crawls onto Ben's lap and presses the side of his face against the blond's chest.
With a hint of happiness in his eyes, Ben looks at Rami and Gwil. The two boys wink at Ben before leaving the room, wanting to give them some privacy to talk.
"I like you too Joe. You have no idea how much." Ben whispers. He smiles when Joe lets out a yawn. "Maybe you should lie down on your bed, hm? I think you'll be more comfortable continuing you nap there, won't you?" He suggests.
Joe snuggles closer into Ben's chest and nods. "Hmm okay then. But only if you'll join me." He mumbles without even thinking about it. When he realizes what he just said, he opens his eyes. "Sorry, that was weird, you don't ha-"
Before the ginger can finish his sentence, Ben has scooped him up from the couch. He walks over to the bed the trailer provides, and gently lays Joe down onto it. After that, he lies down next to Joe. He opens his arms with a smile. "Come here then."
Joe blushes and crawls close to Ben's body. He closes his eyes and sighs contently.
Ben looks at the boy with a smile. "Can I take you out for dinner tonight? You must be starving." He asks as he gently strokes some small hairs out of Joe's face.
A small smile appears on Joe's face, and he nods against Ben's chest. "I'd love that." He mumbles before yawning.
"Get some sleep first, okay?" Ben whispers.
Then a cheeky smile appears onto Joe's face. "Maybe give me a bedtime kiss?" He opens his eyes, and looks up to Ben.
Ben grins and leans in to briefly connect their lips. "That's all you're gonna get for now. You'll get the real kiss tonight." He says with a wink when they pull away.
Joe closes his eyes again and yawns. "I can't wait." He whispers before slowly nodding off.
"Sleep tight." Ben whispers with a smile. He gives the ginger a sweet kiss on his head. He can't feel happier at the moment. His big crush is sleeping peacefully against his chest.
What more could he want?

This is so cheesy I almost hate it but it's something I've written a long time ago so I couldn't improve it much

Anyways, sending my love to you all♡

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