Looking at the crescent moon {Lumi}

118 5 15

Tw: miscarriage

Lucy stares at the ceiling while listening to the sound of Rami's slow breathing. It's the middle of the night, but the teenage girl can't manage to fall asleep.
Her parents are out of town, which means Rami is staying over the whole week. She hoped that with him by his side, she would finally be able to catch some rest. But even with her boyfriend next to her, she is wide awake.
When Rami turns around in his sleep and lets his hand rest on Lucy's stomach, she bites her lip. She has been keeping it a secret from her boyfriend for a week now, but her period is eight days late.
"Can't sleep?" Rami mumbles with his eyes still closed. He starts rubbing his thumb over Lucy's knuckles when he notices he startled her by suddenly speaking up.
Lucy shakes her head. "Not really." She whispers. She sits up, and turns on the small light standing on her nightstand.
When Rami sees the frown on his girlfriend's face, he sits up as well. After letting his eyes adjust to the sudden light in the room, he puts his arm around Lucy. "What's bothering you love?" He asks with a sweet smile.
Lucy swallows. "I've been kind of hiding something from you." She admits.
Rami raises his eyebrow. "Something bad?" He asks.
The blonde girl looks away as she shrugs. "I'm not sure." She mutters.
That only makes Rami more curious.
"I'm late." The girl says after a minute of silence.
Rami raises his eyebrow. "Late as in?"
Lucy bites her lip. "As in my period is late." She immediately sees her boyfriend's eyes widen.
"But- b-but..." The boy stammers. "We used protection. Double protection, even."
Lucy nods. "I know, that's why I wasn't too worried before. But now... I'm suspiciously late."

Rami takes a deep breath. "Okay...-" He says. "How late?"
Lucy sighs. "Eight days." She whispers.
"Well, then we'll just have to take a test tomorrow." Rami says after a while of letting it all sink in.
"I'm sorry, I know it is far from perfect." Lucy says as she looks down at her hands.
Rami gives her a questioning look. "Why is that?"
Lucy shrugs. "We're only 17 and 18. What about our school, and the money, and are we responsible enough to raise a kid? And- and what will our friends say. I just-"
Rami doesn't give his girlfriend time to finish her rant, and kisses her on the lips to shut her up. "Darling, we'll find a solution to all of that. That is, if we keep it." He says.
"I don't think I can give it up. I want to go for it. So if you're not ready then I'll do it on my own." Lucy whispers.
Rami immediately shakes his head. "No no, you misunderstood me. I don't want you to do it on your own. I just wanted to be supportive. I mean, it's your body, your choice. But I'm glad you want to go for it." He smiles before leaning in for a kiss.
Lucy smiles. "I love you." She whispers.
"I love you too." Rami whispers back. "Within nine months we'll have gratuated. So instead of immediately going off to college we'll just take one or two gap years. We both have jobs and enough savings to buy stuff for the baby. Doesn't that show that we're responsible enough?"
Lucy lets out a shaky breath. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She says, smiling when her boyfriend managed to tackle all the problems she just saw within a few seconds.
"And I think our friends would love it, to be honest. I think that if you're really pregnant, our baby will get three uncles that love them very much. Can you imagine Gwil Ben and Joe playing with our baby?" Rami smiles widely at the thought.

Lucy crawls close to her boyfriend, and closes her eyes. "Thank you for calming me down. All week I've been dreading telling you about it because I thought it was something bad." She whispers.
Rami runs his hand through her hair. "No wonder you couldn't sleep." He smiles. "It's not something bad sweetheart. If that test turns out to be positive tomorrow, we're gonna be parents. It's something new, yes. But not bad."
Lucy smiles sleepily. "Stop it, you're getting me nervous." She says softly.
"Well we can't have that." Rami whispers in her ear before peppering her face with kisses. "Try to get some sleep my dear. Tomorrow we'll go to the drugstore, okay?"
Lucy yawns and nods. "Hmm okay." She mumbles.
Rami turns off the light, and lies down properly so they can cuddle. "Come here." He smiles as he opens his arms.
Lucy immediately cuddles up to his chest. "Goodnight. I love you." She whispers.
Rami gives her one last kiss. "Sweet dreams my love. I love you too."

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