I believe {Hardlee}

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With a smile, Ben watches his boyfriend enter the bedroom. "Hey handsome. Did the shower help a little?" He asks Gwil.
The tall boy shrugs. "I guess. I do feel a bit calmer, but the headache is still here." He mumbles. He loosens the towel around his waist and puts on some sweats instead.
Ben frowns and opens his arms. "Come here love."
Gwil forces a smile and crawls into Ben's embrace. He rests his head against the blond's chest, and lets out a soft hum.
"Will you now please talk to me? You only get headaches this huge when something's bothering you." Ben asks, running his hand through Gwil's still damp hair.
The brunette closes his eyes with a sigh. "I'm just dreading my birthday, that's all." He whispers.
Ben shakes his head. "Sweetheart, I know that's not the real reason. Because I remember that two weeks ago, I asked you if you had any ideas for gifts for your birthday and you started glowing. That smile on your face was definitely not a smile from someone who's dreading their birthday." He says.
Gwil lets out a groan. "I know. But I was looking forward to spending my birthday with you." He says with slightly red cheeks. "But now my parents want me to visit them on my birthday."
Ben thinks for a moment. For the eleven months he and Gwil have been dating, the boy only went to his parents when he really had to. "Gwilly, I never asked this because I know not everyone is as close with their parents as I am. But is there a reason you always dread going there?" He asks.
The brunette shakes his head. "I don't dread going there, why would you say that?" He mumbles, closing his eyes in the hope Ben won't see through his lie.
"Because you never visit them, unless they ask you to." Ben says.
Gwil lets out a yawn, snuggling a little closer into his boyfriend's chest. "It's nothing, really."
When Ben sees that Gwil is fighting to stay awake, he knows he won't be getting the truth today. "Alright then, I believe you." He whispers before giving the boy a kiss on the forehead.
"You know I love you, right?" Gwil suddenly asks.
Ben immediately nods. "Of course I do, why are you asking that?"
Gwil shrugs. "Just making sure." He whispers.
"Well I do know, and I love you too." Ben smiles. "Now try to get some sleep, okay? I don't want you to be sick tomorrow." He says before re-adjusting their position so they're both comfortable on the bed.
Gwil shows him a sleepy smile and nods. "Okay. Goodnight Benny." He yawns.
Ben pulls the duvet over the two of them, and closes his eyes as well. "Sweet dreams Gwilly." He whispers back.


The next morning, Ben is awake way before Gwilym is. With a smile on his face, he admires his still sleeping boyfriend.
But despite the peaceful silence hanging in the room, Ben can't help but worry a little.
Before he and Gwil were dating the boy went to his parents as often as he could. Or at least so Gwil told him. Which means Ben would be the reason why Gwil isn't going to his parents anymore.
The blond is pulled out of his thoughts by Gwilym shifting in his arms. "Morning handsome." Ben whispers with a smile.
Gwil rubs his eyes with a sleepy smile. "Hmm morning." He yawns. He opens his eyes, and kisses Ben's cheek.
"How are you feeling? No more headaches?" Ben asks, running his hand through Gwil's messy hair.
Gwil shakes his head. "No more headaches." He whispers before closing his eyes again.
Ben moves away from Gwil a little and sits up, earning a small whine from his boyfriend.
"Benny, it's cold without you." Gwil whines. He looks up at Ben, which allows him to see the frown on the boy's face. "Benny?"
Ben takes a deep breath. "Will you now please tell me why you won't go to your parents?"
Gwil sits up as well now. "I thought you said you believed me when I told you it's nothing?" He says, sounding a bit more snarly than he intended.
Ben shrugs. "I lied. I don't believe you. I just didn't want to add onto your headache last night." He says bluntly.
"Why is it so important to you that I see my parents?" Gwil asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Because I don't want to be the reason you don't see them!" Ben exclaims, tears forming in his eyes.

A bit startled by his boyfriend's raised voice, Gwil stays silent for a moment. Then he takes Ben's hands in his own. "Sweetheart, what do you mean?"
The blond swallows. "I'm obviously the reason you stay away from them. Before we were dating you said you'd visit them every week. And now you want to be away from them so badly that it's giving you a headache when you think about going there!" He rambles. He takes a quick breath to continue rambling, but he is stopped by Gwil.
"Ben, stop." The brunette says softly. "It's not your fault I don't like going to my parents." He says.
Ben blinks away his tears. "It's not?" He asks, his voice nearly above a whisper.
Gwil shakes his head. "No. I mean, it's true that I stopped going there when we started dating. Or well, when we moved in together, I guess. But that's because my parents are forcing me to introduce my... roommate to them." He looks down at his lap.
Ben's mouth drops open. "You... You told them I'm your roommate? And even then you didn't want them to meet me?" He asks.
Gwil bites his lip when he can hear how hurt his boyfriend is. He nods ashamed.
A long and painful silence falls.
Then Ben gets up out of bed. "I'm gonna take a shower." He mumbles.
Gwil quickly gets up too, and grabs the blond's wrist. "Ben, wait."
Ben yanks his hand away from Gwil. "What?" He snarls.
"At least let me explain?" The brunette pleads. "I want to tell them about you, I really do. And I'd love for you to meet them."
Ben raises his eyebrow. "But?"
Gwil sighs. "My parents are very religious. I don't know how they'll respond to me being with a man." He says softly.
"Well you won't know until you tell them, do you?" Ben mutters while staring at his hands. When the brunette stays silent, Ben looks up. "Gwilym?" He asks worried when he sees that Gwil's eyes are filled with tears.
"I'm sorry." Gwil sniffles. "I'm just so scared." He whispers.
Ben immediately feels bad for reacting the way he did, and steps forward to hug his boyfriend. "Don't apologise for crying Gwil." He whispers.
"I just don't want to lose you because I love you but I don't want to be cut off from my family either I- I" Gwil's ramble is put to a stop by Ben's lips on his own.
When they break the kiss, Ben gently caresses Gwil's cheek. "Breathe love, please." He whispers.
The brunette nods and takes a deep breath in.
"How about this," Ben says after a minute of thinking. "On your birthday we are going to visit your parents together. We'll keep telling them that I am your roommate."
Gwil raises his eyebrow. "You'd be okay with that?" He asks, his voice full with insecurity.
Ben nods. "I am. I'll just be on my best and try to win your parents over. Once they like me enough we'll just carefully test the waters." He suggests.
Gwil swallows. "I don't deserve you." He whispers with a small smile. "I love you."
Ben shrugs. "Too bad. You're stuck with me." He grins before connecting their lips. "And I love you too."

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