Play the game {Part one}

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Idk if I'm proud of this one shot but oh well

Third person

"We actually did it. We fucking graduated!" Rami exclaims happily.
Gwil laughs. "Why are so surprised about that?" He asks.
Rami shrugs with a grin. "Trust me Gwil, you don't wanna see my grades for some subjects." 
Joe rolls his eyes with a big smile. "Anyways, we made it. Now we can finally chill out." He says with a smile.
His two friends nod in agreement.
"So, speaking of relaxing, how about a small vacation? No parents." Joe says with a smirk.
Gwil looks at the ginger with a raised eyebrow. "Where you wanna go? It's not like we have a lot of money." He frowns.
Joe smiles mischievously, but doesn't say anything yet. He pulls out his lighter and lights a cigarette.
Rami takes out his cigarettes as well, and waits for Joe to light one.
The two smirk when Gwil gives them a look of disgust. "Oh come on Gwil, like you are innocent. Loosen up." Rami says to Gwil.
The latter sighs and rolls his eyes.
Joe takes a drag from his cigarette and blows the smoke towards Gwil. "Anyways, about that little getaway. My uncle owns this place, it's some kind of camping site. He offered us one of those bungalows to stay in, to celebrate we graduated." He explains.
"Whoa, that sounds awesome." Rami says, the excitement reflecting in his eyes already.
Also Gwil is smiling widely. After weeks of studying, they could all use some time to relax.
Joe smiles. "Well, we better pack our stuff then. We can have the bungalow for a whole week." The ginger says before he wants to walk away. But before he can, Gwil stops him. 
"Wait, Joe? Could Ben maybe come with us?" Gwil asks.
Rami sighs and rolls his eyes. "Your dull British friend? Last time you brought him he nearly said a word." He complains.
Gwil squints his eyes. "Well, you hang out with me too, and I'm British and dull as well so I think you'll survive. And his parents are going through a heavy divorce so it's not like he's going on a vacation this summer. Plus I asked Joe, not you." He immediately fires back.
Rami lets out a grunt and takes a few drags from his cigarette.
Joe lets out a soft giggle and nods. "Of course he can come. Tell him to be ready to leave tomorrow morning. We'll show him how to party." He says with a big smile. 
Gwil scoffs. "Oh trust me, Ben knows how to party. He isn't as shy and dull as you think he is. He is always playing a game. Pretending to be the shy boy is part of his game. You better be careful. Don't get played." He says.
Joe and Rami both look at Gwil in confusion.
"What do you mean exactly?" Joe asks.
Gwil shrugs. "Knowing Ben, he'll try it out on you soon enough. Although I just hope he listened to me for once and leave you alone. I gotta go now, see you tomorrow." He says before walking away.
Rami and Joe give each other another confused look, before saying goodbye to each other. 

Deeply absorbed in his thoughts about Gwil's words, Joe walks home.
Joe has only seen Ben once. But that one time was enough to grow a crush on the boy.
Although Joe did everything he needed to do to hide it. Which meant pretending to be the bad boy, so his soft side wouldn't shine through. 
It all really confuses Joe, since he only has been into women before.
But now Gwil asked if Ben could come with them to the bungalow, Joe couldn't be more happy.


"This looks really good!" Rami says once the four are standing in front of the bungalow.
Gwil, Joe and Ben nod in agreement.
Joe opens the front door with the key his uncle gave him so they can get in. "Come on, let's go claim our rooms." He says with a wink. He enters the bungalow, closely followed by his friends. 

"Looks like two of us will have to share a room guys. Gwil says. "There are three rooms and there are four of us."
Joe scratches the back of his head. "Yeah ehm, that's kind of my fault. I forgot to tell my uncle Ben was coming along too." He says, hoping his friends won't see he is lying. Because he knew all too well that he should tell his uncle about Ben. But the ginger didn't tell him on purpose. Joe just really hoped that if he didn't, he and Ben would get to share a room.
"That's okay, me and Gwil can share." Ben shrugs, not looking at Joe.
The ginger frowns for a second, but quickly puts on a smile again. "Then that's settled. Let's unpack our stuff." He says.
The others nod, and walk to their rooms.

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