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Ben is sitting on the couch in the living room of the apartment he shares with Joe.
The ginger is sitting on Ben's lap, his face pressed against the boy's chest.
All Ben does is softly rocking the boy to calm him down.
Ben knows that sometimes it just happens. Sometimes his boyfriend just starts panicking out of the blue, without even a reason that caused it.
Just like a few minutes ago.
But what Ben doesn't know is that this time, there actually was a reason behind the panic attack.
Ben got a text from an old friend of his, asking if he and Joe would like to join them going to a club.
Joe went into a panic attack the moment Ben told him about the plans. Somehow his anxiety couldn't handle having to be a night out with a bunch of strangers. But Joe decided against telling Ben about his fears.

"You okay again sweetheart?" Ben whispers.
Joe slowly nods against the blond's chest. But even though he might feel calm again, his mind is still conflicted.
He really doesn't wanna go out with Ben's friends tonight. But he also doesn't want Ben to stay home for him.
Ben presses a kiss onto Joe's forehead. "What do you wanna do tonight? Watch a movie?" He asks softly while playing with Joe's hair.
Joe looks up. "Don't you wanna go out with your friends?" He whispers.
Ben smiles and shakes his head. He knows Joe won't like it if he goes out with his friends without Joe being there.
The ginger is quite the jealous type.
He told Ben that on their first date already, just to prepare the boy. Ben doesn't really mind though. He thinks it's cute.
"The two of us are going, or neither of us is going. You're more important than my friends." Ben says with a sweet mile.
Joe smiles and puts his arms around Ben's chest to hug the boy. "You're sweet." He mumbles. "But you shouldn't stay here just for me. I'll probably fall asleep or something. Go have fun." He presses his lips against Ben's.
The blond smiles. "Okay then. But you're really sure?"
Joe nods. "Yes I'm sure."


That night, Ben is home from his friends quite early. He unlocks the front door of their apartment as quietly as possible. Even though it isn't that late yet, Joe is probably asleep already.
His friends are still at the bar, but Ben decided to go home. He only had two small pints of beer, so he isn't even drunk. Normally when he and his friends go out, they would get totally wasted.
But that was before Ben met Joe. Of course it was nice seeing his friends again, but he missed Joe already after half an hour.
After taking off his jacket, Ben walks to the bedroom. He smiles big time when he sees Joe curled up on the bed. On the tv in their room is still a movie playing.
Ben grabs the remote and turns it off, before sitting on the bed next to the ginger. He runs his hand through Joe's hair before giving the sleeping boy a kiss. "Joey." He whispers.
After shaking the boy gently for about a minute, a soft groan is heard from Joe. He lets out a confused noise before opening his eyes.
Ben smiles. "Hi love. Sorry for waking you. Just wanted to let you know I'm back." He whispers.
"Hey." Joe smiles sleepily at him, and rubs his eyes.
"I'm gonna shower real quick. You should change into something different than your jeans. I'll be right with you in bed, okay?"
Joe nods. "Hm okay." He mumbles before he slowly gets up.
While Ben makes his way into the bathroom, Joe walks to the closet in their room. After grabbing a pair of sweats, he decides that he should probably brush his teeth.
Just before he leaves the room, Ben's phone makes a sound.

"Hey sexy. Your phone buzzed." Joe mumbles as he walks into the bathroom.
Ben, who is still in the shower, smiles at Joe when the boy yawns. "Can you check who messaged me? I don't think it's very important but I'd like to know who it is anyway. My password is my birthday." The blond says.
Joe looks up, slightly surprised. Ben trusts him to look into his phone? Never before in any of his relationships has someone trusted him as much as Ben does.
"Uhm yeah, I- I will." Joe says with a smile.
"Thank you, handsome." Ben says with a wink.
Once Joe is done brushing his teeth, he walks back to their bedroom. He grabs Ben's phone and reads the messages Ben has received from his friends.

After five minutes, Ben is done showering. With only his sweatpants on, he walks into the bedroom where Joe is waiting for him.
"Did you cheat on me?" Is the first thing Joe asks when he sees Ben entering the room.
Ben looks at the ginger with wide eyes after hearing this question. He quickly sits down on the bed next to Joe, and looks him in the eye. "Of course I didn't sweetheart. Why are you asking that?"
Joe shrugs and looks down sadly.
Then Ben's eyes falls on his phone in Joe's hand. "What did those idiots send this time?" He asks.
Joe hands him his phone back, so Ben can read for himself what his friends are saying this time while they're drunk.
Ben smiles, slightly relieved, after reading the message.

(10:55 Pm) Rami: Had fun tonight! We should meet up again soon. But maybe then without the nudity. Kind of made it hard to focus.

"Listen Joey. I didn't fuck Rami. He is talking about my other friend Gwil. He brought his boyfriend Allen with him. And after a few drinks they got a bit touchy. I left at that point, but Rami texted me that they were both almost naked. So he left too. They basically fucked in the middle of a bar." Ben explains.
Joe looks down, a bit ashamed. "Oh." He whispers. "I'm sorry." 
Ben smiles, and pulls the boy onto his lap. "That's okay." He says before pressing a kiss onto Joe's cheek. "So I never asked, because I think it's cute when you're acting jealous. But is there a reason behind it?" He asks.
Joe shrugs at that, and stays silent for a minute.
Ben isn't looking at the boy's face, which is why he doesn't see the tears forming in Joe's eyes.
"I'm jealous because…. because you are you. You're so amazing, anyone will like you. And I'm just... me. No one likes me. No one will steal me from you. But you are so special. I don't want to lose you to someone else. And- and I." The ginger rattles. He stops talking when he feels Ben's hand gently caressing his cheek. He looks up, finally allowing Ben to see the tears sparkle in his eyes. 
Ben leans in, and kisses his boyfriend passionately and yet so tenderly. When they break the kiss, he wipes away Joe's tears with his thumb.
Joe smiles a little at that.
"You have nothing to worry about, baby. I'm all yours. And you're mine. I'm not letting anyone near you, because you're way too special. You're all mine, and I'm all yours. Do you believe me? Never say you're just you. You're yourself, and you're amazing. I don't want anyone else. I want you, Joe. The boy who makes me smile, the boy that gives the best cuddles, and the boy I love the most." The blond says softly.
Joe smiles and hugs the boy. "I love you, I love you, I love you." The ginger whispers during the hug.
After they let go of the hug, Joe curls up in Ben's side. He snuggles deep into Ben's bare chest, and closes his eyes.
"I love, love, love you too." Ben whispers with a big smile.
Joe smiles, and lets out a pleased noise when Ben starts drawing figures with his finger on his back. "That's nice." He mumbles before yawning. He enjoys the warmth radiating from Ben's soft skin, and he can feel himself sink deeper and deeper.
Ben giggles softly, and gives the ginger a kiss on the head. "Sleep tight my love." He whispers.
"Goodnight." Joe mumbles back before falling asleep completely.

Ben just spends the next hour admiring the sleeping boy against his chest. It's something he does very often, mostly the moments Joe doesn't notice it. "Gosh you're so beautiful Joey." The blond whispers to his boyfriend. "One day I'll marry you, that's a promise." After giving Joe one last kiss, he closes his eyes as well to get some sleep.

Going through some personal stuff right now guys, so the next upload might take a while.

Take care♡

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