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"How long has he been gone already?" Rami asks his friends.
The four actors just rehearsed the scene where they perform '39, and are all having lunch break now. But halfway through their break, Ben got a call and left the common room.
Gwil looks at his watch. "About fifteen minutes now. Maybe you should go check on him, Joe." He says to his friend.
The ginger raises his eyebrow and starts to blush. "I uh- why m-me?" He stammers.
Rami rolls his eyes. "Oh you know why. And maybe something's wrong." He says.
Joe nods, and gets up with a soft sigh. "Okay, I'll go check on him."

When Joe is standing in front of Ben's trailer, he listens if he can hear whether Ben is still on the phone or not. As a complete silence is heard, Joe knocks softly on the door before entering.
In the trailer, he sees Ben sitting on the bed. The blond still has his phone clasped in his hand, and is staring straight ahead.
When Joe sees the tears running down the blond's cheeks, he hurries over to the boy.
"Ben? Buddy, what's wrong?" The ginger asks while sitting down next to Ben.
The boy just sniffles as some more silent tears glide down his cheeks.
Joe just puts his arm around his friend in the hope to comfort him a little. But since he doesn't know what's going on, he doesn't know how serious it is.
Ben takes a deep breath, and as he does so, a soft sob escapes his mouth. "My m-mum called. She always takes Frankie out for a walk on the days I have to work." He mutters.
"Why did she call you?" Joe asks softly.
Ben uses the back of his sleeve to dry his tears. "To… To tell me Frankie is g-gone." He sniffles.
Joe's eyes widen a little. "Gone as in missing? Or as in....-" He doesn't dare to finish his sentence.
"L-last one." Ben chokes out before the tears are starting to fall again. "S-she just died out of the blue. I didn't- I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to her."
Joe swallows, and pulls Ben close to his chest. He gently rubs his hand over the boy's back to comfort him. "Okay buddy, listen to me. Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna go to my car, and I'm gonna drive you home. That way you can say a proper goodbye to her. I'm sure the director wouldn't mind giving us a slightly longer break." The ginger says.
Ben looks up, and shows the ginger a small smile through his tears. "Really?"
Joe nods. "Of course. I'll even come with you if you'd like me to."
Ben's eyes lit up a little at that. "I think I would like it if you'd come with me, actually. Thank you." He says softly.
Joe smiles, and gets up. "Everything for my best friend. I'll be right back, okay?" He gets up, and leaves the trailer after giving Ben a reassuring smile, on his way to find the director to arrange a longer break.
Ben is left behind with watery eyes, but despite that also a small smile on his face.


Not much later, the two boys are sitting in Joe's car, on their way to Ben's apartment.
"Sorry I'm being such a drama queen." The blond mumbles after a while of silence. He isn't crying anymore, but his eyes are still red and puffy.
"Why would you be a drama queen?" Joe asks without taking his eyes off the road.
Ben shrugs. "Well, I'm crying my eyes out over a dog so...-" He mutters.
Joe looks at the boy, and shakes his head. "Not just any dog Benny. Frankie was your best friend. Besides, nothing is as strong as a bond with a pet. When I was sixteen I had a hamster, and I cried for like five months straight when he died. Even though I knew hamsters only live for two years max." He smiles when he sees the grateful look in Ben's eyes.
Even a small smile has found its way onto the boy's face. "What was he called?" The blond asks.
Joe looks at the boy in confusion. "Hmm?"
Ben chuckles softly. "Your hamster. What was he called?" Ben asks.
Joe lets out a laugh. "Deaky. Every time you played disco music near him, he excitedly started running in his hamster wheel. Hence the name."
Ben smiles at that.
A few minutes later, Joe drives into the parking lot near Ben's apartment.

Once inside, Ben sees his mum sitting on the couch with Frankie curled up in her arms. He immediately hurries over and sits down on the couch as well.
With a look full of sympathy, Joe watches the tears welling up in the eyes of his best friend. When his phone rings, Joe walks into the kitchen. He doesn't want to ruin the moment for Ben.
"Hey Gwil." He says as he answers the call.
"Hey Joe, how is Ben doing?" Gwil asks.
Joe looks through the kitchen door at Ben, the latter has taken over Frankie from his mother. "Well he is still very sad, of course. But I think saying goodbye will really help the grieving." He says.
Gwil hums in agreement. "I think it will. You two won't have to worry about getting back in time. I told the director that I'm feeling really nauseous, and he called it a day."
Joe smiles at that. "That's sweet of you." He says.
"You should go back to him, I think he needs you." Gwil says before ending the call. 

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