Play the game {Part two}

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Joe's Pov

When I open my eyes the morning after our drinking night, I'm quite shocked when I see Ben curled up in my arms. He is still asleep, which means I have the chance to sneak out before he notices our position.
I slowly push my body away from Ben's, but his arm is clasped tightly around my waist. I start wriggling, to get away from his grasp. Which results in me falling out of bed. With a loud thump I hit the floor. And of course Ben had to wake up.
"Jeez Joey. Are you okay? What happened?" He asks me, still a bit sleepy.
Wow, he actually looks worried. I have to think of something, because I can't just say that I wanted to get away from him. "You pushed me out of the bloody bed. That's what happened." I say to him, pretending to be offended.
Ben lets out a soft 'Ohw', and gives me an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry." He offers me his hand, and pulls me onto the bed again. "Did you sleep well? Apart from me pushing you then." Ben asks me.
I shrug. "I guess I slept okay." I say.
Then I see a smirk appear on his face. "You seemed to be enjoying yourself last night." He says as he scoots closer to me.
I feel my cheeks starting to heat up. "What do you mean?" I ask.
He doesn't answer my question yet, and just runs his fingers over my chest.
I shiver slightly at the delicate touch.
"Well, you were moaning in your sleep.... and mumbling my name. You seemed to enjoy it." Ben pauses and just looks at me. "I'm willing to give you the real deal Joey. Not just a dream." He says in a low, seductive voice.

Although I'm embarrassed as fuck, and he is very sexy at the moment, I keep Gwil's words in mind.
Ben is always playing a game. Don't get played.
So I'm on edge. I see Ben leaning in slowly, so I decide to do the same. But just before our lips can touch, I move my head so I can whisper something in his ear. "So, this game you're playing? How does it work?" I whisper.
I can see the slight disappointment in Ben's eyes when we don't kiss. He shakes his head. "Screw the game. I have given up on that long ago. I like you way too much." Ben whispers back before he starts kissing my neck.
I have to stifle a whimper when I feel his teeth grazing the skin in my neck.
Then he moves to my lips. I gladly kiss him back, but once he moves his hand to my crotch I stop him. "Nah ah Benny. You've really quit the game? I'm gonna need some proof. Nothing's happening here until the last day of our getaway. If you're really that into me, you'll be willing to wait for me." I say.
Ben cups my face and kisses me again. "I will gladly wait for you. At the end of the week I'm gonna make you scream my name." He whispers.
I smirk at that. I honestly can't wait.
"I'm not gonna make the waiting easy for ya, pretty boy." I say as I stroke his cock with my fingers.
A few moans escape his mouth, and I can see he gets harder with the second.
Once I've made him a moaning mess, I get up from the bed. "I think it's time for breakfast, don't you?" I smirk when he looks at me with big eyes, pleading me to go on. Two can play this game. "I'll see you at breakfast once you've taken care of your... problem." With a huge smirk, I leave the bedroom.


Ben's Pov (sorry for all the Pov switches)

Joe was right. He really isn't making the waiting easy.
On the most inconvenient moments he just grabs my fucking dick and starts jerking me off. And when I'm almost cumming, he just leaves. He bloody leaves!
The worst thing is that after two days he started to do it in front of Rami and Gwil.
A few days ago the four of us went swimming in the lake nearby. And my sweet little Joey happened to swim past me, brushing his hands against me, against my private parts.
Luckily, Gwil and Rami didn't notice my.... boner. Long live the murky water of that freaking lake.

I gotta admit Joe is different than any other boy I've ever met. He really confuses me, we're constantly switching roles.
First I was the shy boy, and he was the bad boy. Then he got all vulnerable while I was full of confidence. Now he's the bad boy again, and I'm just...... horny.
Luckily for me, our trip ends tomorrow morning. Tonight, I'm gonna make my ginger boy scream like he never has before.

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