The Rhapsody tour {Maylor}

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They're not really a couple in this one, but still I thought it could make something cute. Enjoy!

Adam decided to leave the hotel a bit earlier today, so he'd have more time for his makeup. For the show from last night, he went a bit more basic, but today he wants to go all out. He's got his diamonds and glitter ready.
Tonight and tomorrow night they'll be in Amsterdam, to perform their show in the Ziggo Dome.
While doing his makeup, Adam starts doing some vocal excercises to warm up a bit. Later on the whole band will harmonize to warm up, but he just likes to be sure.

"Looking good."
Adam looks behind him, smiling when he sees Roger in the doorway of his dressing room. "Thanks."
Roger smiles. "You're here early?"
Adam nods. "I wanted a bit more time for my makeup. I needed quite some time covering up those bags under my eyes." He says as he rolls his eyes.
The drummer laughs at that. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I love touring but it really fucks up your sleep."
Then a grin appears on Adam's face. "Well there is enough makeup left, so if you want me to...-" He gestures to his makeup.
Roger immediately shakes his head with a loud laugh. "I'll leave the makeup to you. I haven't worn makeup since the Great Pretender clip. I'll just wear my sunglasses." He shoots Adam a wink before walking away.

After his makeup is done, Adam decides to see if Brian has arrived yet. He walks over to the guitarist's dressing room.
There Adam is stopped by someone of security.
"Hi, is Brian in the building yet?" He asks the man friendly.
All he gets back is a grumpy nod before the security guy opens the door of the dressing room for him.
He smiles when he sees a bunch of white curls sitting in a chair in front of the mirror. "Why are security guys always so angry?" He chuckles.
Brian shows him a small smile. "Because they get payed to do so." He says with a wink.
Adam raises his eyebrow when he notices the guitarist isn't as joyfull as he usually is before a show. "Everything alright Bri?"
Brian immediately nods. "Yes yes, of course. Just trying to brush out my curls. It's always such a fuss." He smiles.
Adam smiles. "I can imagine. I'll leave you to it. I'll see you later." He shoots one more worried glance at Brian before leaving the room.

"Hey, uhm, Rog?" Adam mumbles as he enters one of the backstage rooms, knowing the drummer will be there, enjoying his pre-show coffee.
Roger grins at the singer. "Missed me already?"
Adam lets out a laugh. "Always, you know that. But it's just...-"
The drummer gives the boy a questioning look. "It's just what?" He asks.
"I think Brian is a bit emotional. I think he could use someone to talk to." Adam says with a worried look on his face.
Roger puts down his coffee mug, and gets up from the sofa. "I'll go to him." He says with a soft smile. He closes the door behind him and makes his way to Brian's dressing room.

The moment Brian hears Roger's voice, he looks up. "Hey." He says softly.
Roger sits down onto the couch that the dressing room provides. He pats next to him. "Sit with me for a moment?"
Brian sighs softly and gets up. He plops down onto the couch with a groan.
"Talk to me." Roger puts his arm around his friend, hoping to offer him some comfort.
"It's nothing, I'm just a bit fragile thanks to the lack of sleep." Brian mumbles as he lets his head rest on Roger's shoulder.
Roger rolls his eyes with a smile. "Still, you need to tell me what's bothering you."
The guitarist closes his eyes for a moment. "I just miss him." He whispers.
Roger swallows. "I know Brimi, I miss Fred too." He mutters.
Brian lets out a shaky breath. "Not just Fred. John too. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Neil. But he doesn't dance like deaky." A tiny smile appears on his face.
Roger chuckles. "Well, I don't think anyone dances like Deaky."
A brief silence falls.
"Can you believe that it's already been thirty-six years since we were last in the Netherlands with Freddie and John?" Brian says with tears in his eyes.
Roger shakes his head. "It feels like yesterday to me. It's one of the countries that hasn't changed a bit since the 80's."
Brian raises his eyebrow. "What do you mean it hasn't changed? I think it has." He says.
Roger grins. "Well there are still cows everywhere, aren't there?" He smiles when he finally managed to get Brian to smile a little. He wants to run his hand through Brian's curls, but he is stopped by the guitarist.
"Don't mess them up, I just brushed them." Brian whispers.
The drummer rolls his eyes. "You know they're going to get tangled anyway when you're running around on stage."
Brian smiles. "Alright." He mumbles. He lets out a content sigh when he feels his friend's hand running through his hair.

"Is it true that Oliver is coming with us to France?" Roger asks after a while of silence.
Brian nods with a smile. "I believe so. I'm glad though. I know Adam misses him a lot." He looks at his watch, seeing they'll have some time before the warming up with the rest of the band. "I'm proud of Adam."
Roger nods in agreement. "Me too. If only Freddie could've met him. He would've loved Adam."
Brian smiles. "Can you imagine them picking out clothes together?" He chuckles.
"Boy that would be a lot of glitter." Roger grins. "I know it's hard sometimes Brimi. But these concerts keep Fred alive." He whispers.
Brian sighs softly. "I know that. And I love touring, I know Freddie would want us to keep sharing our music. It just brings back memories." He whispers.
"Good memories though." The drummer adds.
Brian nods in agreement. "Very good memories." He sits up with a smile. "Thanks Roggie, I feel so much better now."
Roger smiles. "I'm glad. So, are you ready?" He asks with a grin.
Brian smiles and clears his throat. "Ready Freddie." He ruffles his hand through Roger's hair, earning an indignant 'hey!' from his friend.
"Now I have to comb my hair again." The drummer says.
Brian raises his eyebrow. "Oh so you get to mess up my curls but I don't get to mess up your hair?" He crosses his arms with a playful grin.
Roger rolls his eyes. "Alright alright." He winks at his friend before getting up from the couch. "Let's do this, shall we?"
Brian nods. "Let's do this. We'll show them some rock and roll."


Anyone else watching the rhapsody stream this sunday? I'm so excited to see the show (Again🙃)

How was this oneshot? Like I said, there not a couple in this one, just very close friends. But I think it's because of that, that it works so well.

Anyways, sending my love to you all♡

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