The nurse told me

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"The only option is surgery. That way we can stop the internal bleeding. But that isn't without any risks. But not stopping the bleeding will be fatal for sure. The surgery has to happen within now and two hours, otherwise the damage will be to severe. He'll be made ready for the surgery in a few minutes." The doctor explains to Joe.
The ginger just stares at the still unconscious Ben in the hospital bed.
"I will give you a minute alone with him before surgery." The doctor says.
Joe nods, and mumbles a 'thank you'.
As soon as the doctor has left the room, Joe takes Ben's hand. With tears flowing down his cheeks, he looks at his boyfriend.
It all started like a fever. Ben wasn't feeling well, and stayed in bed. After almost a full day of sleep, he got out to grab something to eat.
Joe was sitting on the couch when Ben stumbled into the living room.
And then the blond just collapsed.
He hasn't been awake ever since. 

"I'm not going to say goodbye to you Benny. Screw that doctor with his risks. I know you're strong." Joe says softly before pressing a kiss on the back of Ben's hand. "Once you're outta here, we're gonna build an even greater life together. We'll move to a bigger apartment, everything better than my crappy student apartment we're living now." He says with a sniffle.
Usually, this would be the moment where Ben would start complaining about how the bedroom is too small, followed by some dirty joke about how he needs full range of motion to function well in the bedroom.
Joe runs his hand through Ben's hair. "And we'll get that stupid puppy you've been whining about for over a year now, because you finally managed to talk me into it." He smiles through his tears. "And we're gonna be really happy Ben. Because I'm gonna ask you to marry me soon. That's a promise." He whispers.
"I love you." Joe wipes his tears, and leans in to give his boyfriend a kiss on the head.
At that moment, the door opens and three nurses enter the room. "We're here to take Ben to the OR." One of them says.
Joe nods and gets up.
"As soon as we know how the surgery went we'll update you." She says.
Joe nods again, and walks out of the room to the waiting room. He sits down in one of the chairs, and buries his face into his hands.

Soon, the tears start falling again. He can't lose Ben. Ever since they started dating three years ago, they never have been apart for more than a week. If he loses Ben now, he doesn't know what he would do.
Joe grabs his phone, and dials Gwil's number. "G-Gwil? Can you please come to the hospital? Ben is in surgery because of internal bleeding. They say the risks are high, and I'm driving myself crazy right now." He rambles in one go. "Thank you." The ginger mumbles when Gwil promises to be there right away. He ends the call, and lets out a shaky breath. 

It takes Gwil less than five minutes to get to the hospital. He rushes over to Joe and immediately hugs the boy. "How did this happen? Internal bleeding?" Gwil asks when they let go of the hug.
Joe shrugs. "I don't know. He just collapsed out of a sudden. He must have fallen into something. The doctor said the bleeding is just below his ribs." He says, his whole body still shaking.
"What if he won't make it Gwil?" He says as he starts crying again. "I'll kill myself if I lose him."
Gwil immediately puts his arms around the ginger to comfort him. "D-don't say that. I-I'm sure he'll be okay." Gwil says, tears in his eyes himself.
"I don't know what I would do without him." Joe whispers with a sob.

After waiting in suspense for 45 minutes, a nurse approaches Gwil and Joe.
The latter both immediately jump up from their chairs.
"Hi there." She says with a friendly smile.
When Gwil sees Joe's hands shake like crazy, he takes the boy's hands in his own.
"Just here to say the surgery went well. Mr Hardy is still asleep because of the narcosis, but he'll wake up in about 30 minutes. Once he's awake and the checkups are done, you can go to him." The nurse says before walking away again.
Joe looks at Gwil with tears in his eyes, this time because of the happiness and relief.
The two hug each other.
"Told you he'd be okay." Gwil says softly during the hug.
Joe smiles and rolls his eyes. "I- I uhm, have to get something from home. But I'll be back before Ben wakes up." The ginger says.
Gwil raises his eyebrow. "What do you need to get?" He asks.
Joe smiles. "I made a promise to Ben. I only need to get something to keep that promise. I need to go."
And before Gwil realizes it, Joe has left the hospital. 

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