Sick day {Part two}

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Joe's Pov

After two long days of working on set, I'm finally on my way home. Because of the intense shooting schedule of this movie, I had to stay over in my trailer last night. Shooting started at an ungodly hour this morning, so sleeping over on set seemed the best option.
But now I can finally get some rest: The whole cast has gotten a week off before we're wrapping.
I'm more than eager to see my husband and kids again. I really missed them. It especially didn't help when Ben sent me a picture last night of the kids cuddled up in bed together. I know he meant well, but it only made me more homesick.
Ben had an audition a few days ago, and he is now waiting for a call back. Which means he is home all day long, and is able watch the kids. Usually I'm the one to bring them to school and daycare, and then Ben or Ben's parents pick them up. But with this new movie I'm doing, our routine has been a little messed up lately.
Just before getting into my car, I quickly send Ben a message to tell him I'm on my way home. Most of the time he immediately texts me back, but now it stays silent. I guess he must be too busy making dinner. Ever since I got him this cooking book for his birthday, being in the kitchen has become a second hobby to him. I love how excited he can get about simply making dinner.
I shove my phone back into my pocket, and turn on the radio of my car. It's only a twenty minute drive home, but since it's around rush hour it will probably take me a bit longer. As long as there's a radio in my car, I'll survive.


I get out of my car, glad that traffic wasn't too bad. I quickly take out my keys to open the door. "I'm home!" I call out as I always do when I get home. I step into the hallway and kick off my shoes. The house stays silent, which is rather unusual. I walk into the living room with a small frown on my face.
I only get more worried when I'm met by an empty ground floor. Normally Ben would be in the kitchen around this time, and Ava and Aidan would be watching tv or playing with their toys.
It's actually awfully quiet in the house. "Benny?" I call out. I drop my bag on the couch, and walk upstairs. Maybe they're asleep in our bedroom. It wouldn't be the first time that I find my husband and kids cuddled up in the big bed.
I knock on the door before slowly pushing open the door. And there in our bedroom, I see our seven-year-old daughter Ava sitting on our bed, Ben dead asleep next to her.
Ava gives me a small wive. "Hey Dad!" She looks at me with a big smile.
"Hi sweetheart." I walk over to her, and give her a kiss on her head. After that, I kneel down next to the bed so I'm on the same height as she is. Her dolls are lying on the bed around her. "What's going on here?" I whisper as I look at Ben.
Ava grabs her doll's brush again. "Papa is sick." She says softly before going back to brushing her doll's hair.
I look at my husband again, who indeed doesn't look like he's feeling very well.
"But I stayed with him, and made him soup." Ava adds with a smile.
When I move my eyes to the nightstand, I see that she indeed made soup. Or actually it is just a bowl of cold water, where she threw in a few of those baby carrots we have in the fridge. But I know she meant well, as she always does. "That's very sweet of you Aves. Where's your brother? In his room?" I ask her with a smile.
But she shakes her head. "Grandma took Aidan to her house so Papa could have some rest." Ava explains. She smiles at me and launches herself forward into my arms. "I missed you Dad." She mumbles against my chest.
I can feel my heart melt right here and now when she says that. With a smile on my face, I lift her up. "Aww, I missed you too Aves." When I notice that we're about to wake up Ben, I press a kiss onto her cheek. "How about we watch some tv downstairs, hm?" I suggest as I walk out of the bedroom with her in my arms.
She simply nods at that.

And so, I walk downstairs with her.
Just before I can put her down on the couch, she clings onto my shirt. "Dad? I'm kinda hungry." Ava whispers in my ear.
I smile softly, and put her down on the couch. "Why don't you watch some tv, then I'll order us some pizza." I say to her with a wink.
She immediately starts cheering. "Pizza!"
After I put on the tv for her, I walk into the kitchen so I can make a call in privacy. That's when I see that I have a missed call from Ben's mother. I decide to call her back first before ordering pizza.
"Joe, hi!"
I smile at Angela's cheery voice. "Hi Angela." I say to my mother-in-law. "Ava told me that you picked up Aidan to give Ben some rest. Thank you so much for doing that." I say gratefully.
"Oh no problem dear, that's what grandmas are for." She says through the phone. "We tried to convince Ava to come along with us as well, but she immediately started crying because she didn't want to leave Ben alone." She explains.
With a small frown I look at my daughter, who is laughing at something on tv. "She seemed fine when I got home, but I'll keep an eye on her." I promise. Before I can ask her what time I should pick up Aidan, she starts talking again.
"I know you will. And don't worry about Aidan, okay? He is staying with us for the night." Angela says.
I smile. "Only if you're sure?" I ask.
"Of course we're sure, we've been craving some time with our Aidy."
I can't help but feel incredibly lucky to have Ben's parents live this close to us. With my own parents far away, it's nice to have some support every now and then. "You're the best. Thank you so much." I say. "Give him a goodnight kiss from Ben and me, promise?" I ask her. 
"I will, I promise." Angela immediately says. "Look after both of them. Bye dear."
After I say goodbye to her, we end the call.

Once I've ordered pizza for me and Ava, I walk back upstairs. I enter our bedroom, and sit down on the bed.
Ben is still fast asleep, and hasn't noticed that I'm back yet.
As gently as possible, I place Ben's head into my lap. As I let my fingers roam through his blond locks, I can't help but smile at my beautiful husband. "Benny." I whisper. I softly caress his cheek, and I'm telling you, his cheeks feel like he's on fire.
Ben stirs a little, but doesn't open his eyes yet.
"Honey, time to wake up. You should eat something." I say, this time a little louder.
The poor thing whimpers before slowly opening his eyes.
"Hi baby. I'm sorry for waking you." I whisper.
Ben shows me a forced smile as he tries to sit up a little. "Hey, you're home." He suddenly starts coughing loudly. And even though I didn't think it would be possible, his face turns even redder. But at the same time, he looks pale like a corpse.
"Ben, why didn't you call me? You're obviously not feeling well. I could've come home earlier." I say to him, worried as I am.
He shrugs. "It- it's nothing. And I didn't want to worry Ava too much or ruin your shooting." Ben whispers as he rubs his eyes.
I shake my head. "It's not nothing Ben. You look awful."
Ben squints his eyes. "Thanks." He groans. "I just caught Aidan's stomach bug, that's all." He mumbles.
I smile a little and give him a kiss on his head. "Have you eaten anything today?"
He shakes his head. "I tried to, but I couldn't keep anything in." He admits.
That's all I need to hear to know that he's really sick. If he's throwing up everything he eats, he must be starving by now. "Well, I ordered a pizza for me and Aves to share, but I think it would be better if you eat something light, like a cracker or some toast or something?"
Ben nods. "Yeah. Thanks." He hugs me and snuggles close to my chest. "I haven't even had my kiss yet." He mumbles with a cheeky smile.
I sigh softly. I hate to disappoint him, but I don't want to catch the stomach flu. "Sorry baby, but you can have a kiss once you're better again. We can't both be sick, someone has to look after the kids." I say as I run my hand through his hair. I can immediately feel him pouting against my chest.
"We could call my mum while we lie in bed together?" Ben pouts.
I can't help but laugh at that. "Not this time darling." I giggle. 

"Do you want me to bring you some food here?" I ask him after a few minutes of just cuddling in silence.
Ben shakes his head. "No, I wanna try walking to the living room." He mumbles.
Try? What does he mean try?
But the moment Ben gets up from the bed I see why he said he wanted to try to walk. My dear husband nearly falls down after standing for less than a second. I hurry over to him to support him.
"I'm fine." He says when he sees my worried look. "Just a bit weak in the knees."
I take his hand, making sure he's leaning on me. "Just focus on me, okay?" I kiss his cheek before we make our way towards the living room. It's weird to see Ben, the strongest and toughest person I know, weak like he is now.
I sit him down next to Ava on the couch, and she immediately snuggles against him. "Are you feeling better Papa?"
I see Ben nod. "I am. And thanks for the soup, princess. It was delicious." He says to her.
Gosh, even when he's sick he's the best father in the world.
While Ben and Ava are watching tv, I walk into the kitchen. Since Ben has trouble walking three metres already, I figured that the kitchen might be full of the yet to do dishes. While we're waiting for the pizza, I might as well do them right away.

Once the dishes are done, I decide to make Ben some light dinner. Some toast with cheese, and a banana. It's not much, but for now it will do.
As I walk out of the kitchen with Ben's plate of food, the doorbell rings. I quickly put down the plate on the table, not taking the time to look at my husband and daughter. I'm sure they're alright.
I walk in with the pizza, and immediately smile. While I was doing the dishes, Ben has sprawled out over the couch, and Ava has plopped down on top of him.
Ava is asleep, to which I can totally relate to.
Ben's chest is so comfortable, anyone could fall asleep like that.
With a big smile, I sit down in a chair next to the couch.
Ben's hand is resting on our daughter's back, and with his eyes almost falling close he looks at her.
I see him smiling at me before closing his eyes as well.
I guess dinner will be postponed today.


Sorry, this sucks :)

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