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Joe takes a deep breath as he gets into his car. He did it. He didn't want to, but he couldn't keep lying to her. Breaking up with his girlfriend was one of the hardest things Joe has ever done.
But she deserved to know the truth. Until a while ago Joe was madly in love with her.
But then something changed. His feelings for her changed. He always thought that he was bisexual. But after being in this relationship for over nine months, he finally accepted that he is gay. When he told her today, she first got mad, then started crying, and then kicked him out.
So now he is on his way to his sister Mary. The ginger hopes he can stay there for the night, and tomorrow he will pick up his stuff.
Joe sighs softly. It takes him a lot to keep the tears away. It's in the middle of the night, and his car is the only one on the road. The darkness sends shivers down his spine.

Joe is about to turn on the radio to dispel the silence, when a the shadow of a boy appears alongside the road. He slows down the car, since the boy looks like he needs help. 
The boy looks up in surprise when Joe stops the car in front of him.
Joe rolls down the window. "Hey, are you okay?" He asks with a kind smile. He bites his lip when he sees two emerald green eyes staring into his own.
The boy nods. "Yeah, I am. I was waiting for my Uber, but I just got a message it isn't coming anymore."
Joe rolls up the window and opens the door of the car instead. "Well would you like a ride from me?" He can see the blond boy hesitating a second before nodding.
"Uhm yeah, okay." The boy says softly.
"Well get in then." Joe says with a reassuring smile.
The boy smiles. "Thank you. Never thought I'd end up hitchhiking." He says with a giggle.
Joe forces a small smile, blinking away his tears.
Are you okay?" The boy asks when he sees that Joe has been crying.
Joe nods with a soft sniffle and wipes away his tears. God he feels like such a loser. Here he is, sitting in his car like a crybaby. "Yeah, it's just that I broke up with my girlfriend today. Hence I'm driving here in the middle of the night. But anyways, where can I take you?" The ginger asks.
"I uhm- I guess I'll just go home. It's about ten minutes from here. I'm Ben by the way." The blond says with a smile.
Joe swallows when he can feel a tingling in his stomach. Now the boy is in the car, Joe can have a better look at his face.
Who knew that hitchhikers could be this hot?
"I- I uhm, I am J-Joe." The ginger stutters. 

"So, why did you break up with her?" Ben asks after a minute of silence.
Joe sighs. "I kinda found out, or finally accepted that I'm gay. And I didn't want to lead her on."
Ben nods to say he understands, and shoots the ginger a sweet smile.
As soon as Joe sees that he can feel his stomach flipping.
"Yeah, been there done that. But single life is fun too." Ben suddenly says.
Joe looks at him in surprise.
"What? You didn't think I could be gay?" The blond asks with a giggle.
Joe blushes slightly and shrugs. "Well I just figured that someone with a pretty face like yours must be taken." He says without taking his eyes off the road. He smirks when he sees he made Ben blush.
"So now you're flirting with me huh?" Ben says with a grin.
Joe giggles and shrugs. "Only if you want me to." He says with a daring undertone in his voice. When it stays silent he looks at Ben with an oblique eye. He sees the boy smiling widely.
But suddenly, he sees the smile turn into a frightened look.
"JOE! JOE WATCH OUT!" Ben screams.
A car is coming straight to them, clearly speeding.
Joe gives a yank at the wheel but cannot prevent them from being hit by the car. 


The first thing Ben hears when he wakes up are beeping sounds from a monitor.
That can't be good.
He doesn't know if he even wants to open his eyes, because he already knows where he is. But despite that, he makes an effort to open them anyways. The first thing he sees is his leg in a cast. That explains the intense pain. He tries to move, but immediately groans in pain.
Ben hears a door open. He feels someone attaching something to his hand. That better be an IV with pain medication.
"Hi Mr. Hardy. How are you feeling?" A man asks.
"Horrible." Ben mumbles.
"Well, that isn't very weird. You were in a car crash, along with someone else. Luckily you only have a broken leg and some bruised places." The man, probably the doctor, explains.
"W-where's Joe?" Ben asks softly. When it stays silent, he starts to panic. "Please, don't tell me he...-" He whispers with a soft sob.
The doctor shakes his head. "No no, don't worry. He just got out of surgery, and he could be rolled into this room any moment now." He explains.
Ben frowns. "Surgery?" He asks concerned.
The doctor nods. "He got hit more severely than you, but he's totally fine. He needed surgery for his arm, but it's nothing to worry about." He explains.
That's when the door of the hospital room opens, and a bed gets pushed in.
Ben tries to move his head to see Joe, but it hurts too much.
"You might want to keep still until the painrelief kicks in. You're body got a lot to endure last night." The doctor says.
Ben just carefully nods at that.
"Don't worry about your friend, okay? He's asleep now, mainly because of the strong pain relief we gave him. You'll start to feel very tired soon too. But at least you won't be in pain anymore. Press the red button if something's wrong." With those words, the doctor leaves the room. 

After a few minutes, Ben can feel the liquid from the IV run through his body. And again, he tries to move his head to look at Joe.
He smiles when he, thanks to the medication, finally manages to look aside this time. Next to him, he sees Joe fast asleep in the bed on the other side of the room.
The ginger's arm is in a cast, and a big wound can be seen on his forehead. The arm that isn't in a cast is full of bruises, just like Joe's neck.
After a while of silence, Joe opens his eyes with a yawn. He blinks a few times before turning to Ben. "Bennyyyyy!" Joe exclaims happily. The boy's speech is quite blurry, but Ben assumes that must be from the strong medication.
"You little sleepyhead." Joe giggles sleepy.
"Joe are you okay?" Ben asks.
The ginger shakes his head. "Nooooo. Your cute face is way too far. I need cuddles Bennyyy."
The blond boy can feel his heart warm, and reaches out his hand for Joe's. Luckily the beds aren't that far from each other. He intertwines their fingers.
Suddenly Joe gets up out of bed.
And although Ben is pretty sure the boy isn't allowed to, he feels too high from the medication to say something of it.
Joe walks over to Ben's bed and crawls next to the boy. "I like you Ben. This feels so gooood." Joe mumbles. He presses a kiss on Ben's cheek before snuggling close against the boy. 
Ben smiles as he feels his stomach tingling. "I like you too Joey." He whispers.
Both boys close their eyes, and soon feel themselves drifting off.


A few hours later, Ben wakes up because a shot of pain running through his body. Clearly the pain medication has worn off. But despite the pain, the boy smiles.
Because Joe is still sleeping in his arms. At least he ended up in the hospital with someone sweet and handsome.
After just staring at the sleeping ginger for a while, Ben notices that the boy has a notebook clasped in his hand. Carefully, Ben tries to take the notebook without waking Joe.
He smiles widely when he sees what Joe wrote in the notebook:

-Give Ben your number 
-Spend time with him
-Ask him out
-You wrote this so you won't forget, since you're on strong drugs right now.

With a smile, Ben leans in to kiss Joe's forehead. "Thank God we're okay." He whispers to the sleeping boy.
Joe yawns and smiles. "Thank God." He mumbles. He opens his eyes, and stares into Ben's eyes.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Ben whispers.
Joe lets out a soft hum while tiredly closing his eyes again.
"Last night, I was waiting for an Uber because I got stood up on a blind date. I was so depressed that I just wanted to go home for a drink." Ben admits. "I never thought I'd end up in a car with the hottest boy in town." He blushes.
Joe looks up at Ben and smiles. "Well I'm glad you got stood up. Otherwise I wouldn't be lying into a bed with a super cute hitchhiker." He gently cups Ben's cheek and leans forward to make their lips touch.
Ben melts into the kiss, but breaks the kiss after a few seconds already. "Ouch." Ben mutters as he gently touches his busted lip.
Immediately a worried look appears on Joe's face. "Sorry about that."
Ben grins. "Don't you apologize for that." He smiles before leaning in for another kiss.

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