Staring at you

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Joe's Pov

Today it's Monday. Which means my weekend is over, and I have to get back to work. Most days I take the evening shift. That way I can sleep in, and just chill the rest of the afternoon.
Luckily, I really like my job, so I don't mind. Well, the job itself isn't that special. But Brian, my boss, is one of the nicest persons I know. A nice boss makes everything easier I tell ya. I see Brian more like a friend than my boss.
Plus I work in a music store. And I love music. Brian's store isn't that big, but that makes it adorable. We do sell a lotta stuff though. From LP records, to guitar picks, to those tik tak thingies.
Or metronomes, I believe they're called.
Most customers are regular customers, but sometimes someone new walks in.
Just like today.


As I stand with my back towards the entrance, I hear a bell ring. The bell that indicates that a customer has entered. I close the till and turn around.
Since Brian left for some meeting with a supplier, I'm the one left to help the customers.
I was expecting someone I know. But the boy that just walked into the store is unknown to me.
But man, he looks good.
"Hi, how can I help you?" I ask with a polite smile.
With his green eyes he looks at me, and he nods. "Yeah, actually. I'm looking for new drumsticks." He says to me.
So we have a drummer here huh? He doesn't really look like the stereotype drummer. He looks adorable. With his slightly messy blond hair, and his twinkling green eyes. "Sure, this way." I say with a wink before leading him in the right direction.
He shoots me an adorable smile and follows me.
"So you're a drummer then?" I ask him, a tiny smirk coating my face.
He shrugs modestly. "If you may even call it that. Apparently I need to hit something to keep my focus." He grins at me.
I giggle at that. Happy to hear I'm not the only one with problems keeping my focus. I'm a daydreamer as well. Sometimes it's just nice to be somewhere else with your mind. "Yeah, relatable." I say.

Once I helped him pick out some good drumsticks, I lead him to the counter so he can pay for them. I secretly gave him a tiny bit of discount, but I'm sure Brian wouldn't really mind. What difference does one and a half dollar make anyway?
When the blond drummer guy is about to pay for the sticks, he suddenly stops moving. He literally freezes. All he does is staring at the drumsticks on the counter.
"Are you okay?" I ask him confused. No reaction. I can see his hands shake. That's the only movement he makes. Shaking.
After a few seconds of just being utterly confused, I take his hand and try to lead him to the back of the store. But he won't move. So I'm just standing here, holding his hand.
After a minute or three, I see him blinking a few times.
Without saying anything yet, I pull him with me to the back of the shop. "Are you okay? What happened?" I ask worried.
He smiles at me. "Yeah I'm okay. Don't worry, this happens a lot." He says.
I must look still very worried, because he continues speaking.
"I have epilepsy. So sometimes, when I lose focus, I pretty much freeze and my hands start shaking. A seizure doesn't last that long, luckily. It's kinda stupid, I know."
I smile when I see he starts blushing. "That's not stupid, don't say that. What made you lose focus?" I chuckle when he blushes even more.
He starts fiddling with his hands. "Y-you, I guess?" He says, clearly embarrassed. He turns around and wants to leave the store.
But I stop him. This boy has something special. "Where do you think you're going?" I ask with a smirk.
He turns around and shrugs. "Don't you think I've embarrassed myself enough? I was gonna go home."
I shake my head. "Nah ah, not before I have your name and your phone number. I wanna see you drum with those new drum sticks." I say with a wink.
The smirk that appears on his face must be even bigger than the one on mine. He takes a step forward, leaving less than 7 inches of space between our faces.
"I'm Ben. And you are?" He says softly.
I smile widely. Ben. Such a beautiful name. "I'm Joe." I say.

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