The Voyeurs

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A/N: For the people who don't know what The Voyeurs is, it's an 18+ movie where Ben plays Seb.


With a smile on his face, Joe stares at his beautiful boyfriend, the latter is still asleep. Joe was already asleep when Ben got home from work last night, so the ginger wants to take his time admiring him before he has to leave again.
Unbothered by the pair of hazel eyes so intensely focussed on his face, Ben snuggles deeper into his pillow. With a pleased groan, he continues his peaceful slumber.
Joe runs his hand through Ben's hair with a soft sigh. On the one hand, he kind of wants to wake Ben up so they can spend some time together before the boy has to go to work again. But Ben has been working so hard the past few weeks on his new movie, that he deserves some more sleep.
Ben hums softly before snuggling a bit closer to Joe's body, pulling the ginger out of his thoughts.
Joe brushes some of Ben's blond locks out of his face with an affectionate smile. "Hey you." He whispers, letting his other hand rest on Ben's bare back.
Ben stretches out with a yawn, not wanting to open his eyes yet. "Hey." He mumbles with a sleepy smile. "Hmmm... This is nice." He whispers as he enjoys the feeling of Joe's fingertips roaming his back.
Joe smiles at that. "I agree." He mutters, placing a kiss onto Ben's forehead. "How did you sleep? I didn't hear you come home last night." He asks.
Before answering Joe's question, Ben moves so he is now draped over Joe's body. He buries his face into the crook of Joe's neck to inhale his scent. "It was late, I wanted to be quiet for you. But I slept great, I always do when you're next to me." He sighs contently.
Joe smiles at that. "I love you."
Ben lets out a soft hum. "Love you too." He mumbles. "What time is it? Do I have to get up yet?"
Joe shoots a glance at the time. "Not for five minutes or so." He says softly.
"Good." Ben yawns.
A brief silence falls, during which Ben nearly dozes off again a couple of times.

"I'm sorry my work has been so busy lately. I hate that we've barely got any time to spend together." Ben suddenly mumbles.
But Joe immediately shakes his head at that. "Don't apologise for that Benny. I'm glad you're enjoying this acting job so much." He says. "Besides, we've both been busy. You've been making long days on set and I've been busy with my new script writing. So we're both to blame for not getting to spend that much time together."
Ben opens his eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light. "Well tonight I'm all yours, I promise. Shooting ends around six, and after that I'm free." He promises before placing a sweet kiss onto Joe's lips.
Joe feels his stomach flutter at the small kiss, and can't help but be excited about the idea of a night together. "I can't wait. How about I make us dinner? We'll turn it into a date night." He says with a smile.
Ben grins. "I look forward to it." He mumbles, trying not to stare at Joe's lips.
The ginger wraps his fingers around Ben's chin, pulling him in for another kiss. "I bet you do." He grins before making their lips meet once again. During the kiss, Joe pats Ben's hips.
The blond immediately gets the hint, and moves so he is straddling Joe's lap now.
"Benny...-" Joe sighs out in between the dancing of their tongues.
Ben's left hand rests on Joe's shoulder while the other rests on the boy's hip. "I... I really missed...- He pants against Joe's lips.
Without Ben finishing his sentence, Joe knows what he's hinting at. "I know...- He groans. He places one hand on Ben's chest, and slowly moves it down.
Both let out an aggravated noise into the kiss when Ben's alarm goes off in the middle of their kiss. "How about I just call in sick for work today so we can continue?" The blond grins.
Joe lets his eyes glide over Ben's naked chest once more. "As much as I would love that... You should probably get dressed." He pouts.
Ben rolls his eyes. "Ugh fine."
The ginger pulls him in for one last kiss. "Don't worry, you'll be done shooting within two weeks. I'll still be around by then." He says with a wink before pushing Ben out of bed as a sign that the boy should be getting ready for set.


"Sorry guys, I'm afraid we'll have to do some reshooting. Tonight might be a late one." The director calls out. "Take a short break to call your loved ones."
With a frown, Ben makes his way towards his dressing room.
He sees his co-stars Sydney and Justice doing the same, both not looking too happy about this either.
The blond plops down onto a chair before grabbing his phone. He bites his lip as the phone is ringing.
"Hey sweetheart. Don't worry, I've just started cooking our meal for tonight. It'll be ready when you get home." Joe says upon answering the phone.
That only makes Ben feel more guilty. "You are going to hate me." He mumbles with closed eyes.
It stays silent on the other end of the line for a moment.
"Oh. They need you to stay there, don't they?" Joe says, trying not to let the disappointment show too much in his voice.
Ben buries his face into his hands. "I'm so sorry Joey. They think it could become quite late again. I might even need to stay over on set." He says with a sigh.
"Don't feel guilty Benny, it's not your fault." Joe says reassuringly. "It just sucks that I have to miss you again. But we'll find some time together, I promise."
Ben frowns. "If you say so." He sighs.
Joe hums at that. "I do. Now go get'em, okay? Show them what a great actor you are."
That finally manages to bring a smile to Ben's face. He starts nodding, but then realises that his boyfriend can't see that. "I will. I love you." He says softly.
"I love you too. Bye Benny." Joe says before ending the call.
Ben has only just put away his phone when the door of his dressing room opens.
"Hey, we're about to start shooting again." Sydney says to him with a small smile.
Ben nods. "Yeah, I'm coming."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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