Girl stuff {Lumi}

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(Contains Hardzello too, but it's mainly about Lumi)    

"Finally, some time off! I'm exhausted." Joe says as he plops down on the couch.
He closes his eyes, but opens his eyes again when Rami starts whining.
"Jeez Joe, move aside a bit, will you? You're not the only one who's tired." Rami says as he pushes Joe aside so he can sit down as well.
The ginger sighs loudly. Because of the Borhap movie, the four friends are sharing a temporary home.
Which is fun, of course.
But it also evokes some frustration. Like Gwil being too tidy, Rami being too whiny, and Ben being too sexy.
Joe is falling hard for the boy, but decided to ignore the feelings. 

"Is Lucy coming over for dinner?" Gwil asks Rami.
The black-haired boy nods. "Uhm yeah, if that's okay with you guys?"
Ben, Joe and Gwil all nod with a smile.
"Sure. I'll make us dinner." Gwil says before walking into their kitchen.
"Let's watch a movie or something." Rami suggests.
He looks at Ben, who nods.
"Are you in Joe?" Rami asks without even looking at the ginger.
Ben chuckles softly. "I don't think Joe has enough energy to watch a movie." He says.
Rami looks next to him and sees Joe curled up against one of the pillows on the couch. His eyes are closed, and by the looks of it the boy is fast asleep.
Rami smirks when he sees the loving look on Ben's face.
"Maybe you should be his pillow. Closer you won't come." Rami whispers to Ben with a massive smirk before walking to the kitchen for some drinks.
He knows how much Ben likes Joe.
He also knows that he probably just made the blond very uncomfortable.
But to his surprise he sees that Ben actually did it when he comes back. Joe is now lying with his head in Ben's lap, still peacefully asleep. 


Halfway through the movie, Rami receives a message from Lucy.

(07:02 Pm) Lucy: Hi sweetheart. I'm sorry but I'll probably be a bit late for dinner. I have to go to the drugstore first for some painkillers for my mum. But I'll be right there after that. Love you xxx

Rami is about to read the message out loud, but when he sees that Ben has fallen asleep just like Joe, he remains silent.
Joe has moved, so his head is now pressed against Ben's chest. Ben's head is leaning on Joe's, and the blond's hand is resting on Joe's back.
Rami grins at the sight of the two cuddling for a moment, and then gets up.
He walks into the kitchen, and a delicious smell meets him.
"That smells great Gwil. What are you making?" He asks.
Gwil smiles and shrugs modestly. "Just something simple. It's pasta." He says.
"Sounds delicious. Anyways, Lucy is delayed a bit, and our two lovebirds have fallen asleep. So I was wondering if you needed any help?" Rami explains.
Gwil thinks for a moment, and then shakes his head. "No, I don't think so. Maybe you can pick a few movies we can watch tonight?" 
Rami nods, and leaves the kitchen again.


When the four boys are sitting on the couch with a plate of food on their laps, the doorbell rings.
Rami gets up excited. "That will be Lucy."
He walks towards the hall to open the door for his girlfriend.
"Hi boys!" Lucy says happily as she enters the living room. They all greet her, and after that Gwil walks into the kitchen to get Lucy her food.
"Why are you so late?" Ben asks curiously.
Lucy shrugs as she sits down. "I had to go to the drugstore first. My mum is having pretty bad migraines lately, so I had to get her some painkillers. Plus I needed some girl stuff too." She explains.
Joe puts down his cutlery. "Please Luce, I'm eating. I don't need to hear about period stuff." He says.
Lucy rolls her eyes and gives the ginger a playful nudge. "Not that kind of girl stuff Mazzello!" She says indignantly. 

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