Against the rules

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"Rami! Don't leave me here all by myself, you moron!" Joe yells at his friend.
But Rami obviously doesn't care about leaving Joe all alone at a bar, and leaves together with a blonde girl. Great.
Rami left with a girl, and Joe is surrounded by women he isn't attracted to in the least.
Not because they don't look pretty, but because Joe is gay. Too bad for him that the only guys in this bar are on top of a lady.
The ginger groans softly and beckons the bartender. His only hope to at least try to make this night fun is to get wasted.
So that's what he's gonna do.
Luckily for Joe he is someone who gets drunk easily.

After half an hour he has stopped counting the amount of shots he's been taking, and is almost drunk enough. In the corner of his eyes he sees a boy sitting down next to him.
As soon as the blond sees Joe looking at him, he shoots the ginger a big friendly smile.
Joe straightens up in his chair a little and decides to wait with the next shot of alcohol. He wants to remember this boy's face for sure tomorrow morning.
While Joe is gathering all the courage he has in him to say something to the boy, it turns out that isn't necessary anymore. He feels a gently tap on his shoulder and turns around.
"Hey. Can I maybe- uhm- buy you a drink?" The blond boy says with light pink cheeks.
Joe frowns. "I uhm- I'm sorry but I'd rather buy my own. I just have these rules for myself." He says reluctantly. He would actually love nothing more than having a drink with this guy.
"Can I ask why?" The blond boy asks curiously.
Joe shows him a small smile and nods. "Yeah well, about a year ago a guy bought me a drink, and it turned out he had spiked my drink. So I've been more wary since that." He explains.
The blond gives him a look of sympathy, and lets out a soft 'ohw'. Then a playful grin appears on his face. "Well.... maybe you can buy me a drink then? I trust you in not drugging me. Or don't your rules allow you to buy a random guy a drink?" He wiggles his eyebrows, earning a giggle from Joe.
Joe smiles, and can feel his confidence grow with the second. "Maybe not. But they don't say anything about cute guys, so I think we're good." Without waiting for the blond to answer, Joe beckons the bartender for some drinks.

After just talking a bit and drinking a lot together, Joe has gotten to know the blond boy quite well.
His name is Ben Hardy, and he's gay just like Joe. Now the ginger is interested for sure.
When the two of them are both really wasted, Ben suddenly gets up. "Come oooon Joey! Let's have some funnnnn." The boy say in a slurred speech. He pulls the ginger along with him, out of the bar.
Both have trouble walking straight, and have no idea where they are going.
Joe giggles loudly and lets himself gladly being lead by Ben through the city. This probably goes against every one of his rules, but the ginger couldn't care less at the moment.
He really likes Ben.
He's falling hard.

Suddenly Ben pulls Joe into a dark alley. He walks the ginger up to a wall and starts kissing him. First their lips move slow, but the kiss quickly grows more rougher and hungrier.
Joe lets out a soft moan of pleasure, feeling Ben's hands roaming his body. His arms find their way around Ben's back.
Ben's lips are so soft, but also strong at the same time.
When Ben starts grinding his hips against Joe's, the ginger lets out a gasp against Ben's lips. "Ah...~"
Ben smirks into the kiss, and gently pulls Joe's bottom lip with his teeth to tease him.
Joe parts his lips, giving Ben the access he was waiting for.
After a long and passionate kiss, they pull away to breathe. "Come with me to my place?" Ben whispers, slightly panting from the kiss.
Joe nods eagerly. "Love to." He whispers before he presses his lips against Ben again. "Hmmm Ben...~" He whispers with a soft moan when Ben starts kissing his neck.
"This way." The blond whispers in Joe's ear. He takes Joe's hand and intertwines their fingers.

Within two minutes, the two arrive at Ben's place.
Joe immediately notices that Ben isn't living on his own in this house. "Who's living with you?" The ginger asks curiously as Ben leads him upstairs.
"My roommate Gwilym. But he won't be home until tomorrow afternoon." Ben says with a huge smirk. He opens the door of the bedroom and pushed Joe inside. With his foot, he pushes the bedroom door close.
Joe has to admit that he has never been horny like he's now. He wants Ben so badly. Luckily for him he doesn't have to wait any longer.
Ben pushes the ginger onto the bed, and takes his shirt off.
Joe just stares at the boys abs for a moment, and bites his lip.
"Like what you see?" Ben asks with a grin.
Joe just nods at that with red cheeks.
Ben starts kissing Joe's neck again, trying his best to leave some marks. "I feel pretty lonely being shirtless." He whispers.
Joe smirks and takes his shirt off as well.
Ben gives him a nudge so Joe is now totally sprawled out on the bed. As soon as they're both naked, Ben grins when he sees how hard Joe is. "You better be ready for a long, long night Joey." Ben says while teasing the boy by stroking his member.
A few moans are heard from Joe. "God Ben...~ YES! I'm ready, I need you!" He moans.


The next morning, Joe wakes up next to a still sleeping Ben.
Both boys are completely naked, and the room smells musty and sweaty from their activities last night.
The ginger yawns and crawls even closer to Ben. He closes his eyes and sighs. He can't believe how at home Ben makes him feel. Last night was amazing. He doesn't want this to end. He wants to stay, and never leave again.
But what if he's just a fling to Ben? A quick fuck and bye bye.
It wouldn't be the first time Joe got too attached to someone who saw him as a one night stand.

Suddenly, Joe feels an arm around him. Damn, Ben's arms feel so strong and muscular. He feels Ben giving him a kiss on his head, and immediately his stomach starts tingling.
"Time to wake up Joey." Ben whispers.
Joe groans softly and yawns. "But I don't want to." He mumbles.
Ben laughs at that. "You're adorable." He says before giving the boy a kiss on his nose.
Joe smiles sleepily and opens his eyes. "Good morning." He whispers before leaning in to peck Ben's lips.
But as soon as they break the short kiss, Ben pulls Joe into a longer kiss. He hums into the kiss, and lets his hands travel down under the duvet.
A shiver runs down Joe's spine as soon as he feels Ben's hand caressing his inner thigh. He moans into the kiss.
At that moment the door of Ben's bedroom opens. Quite startled, the two boys break the kiss.
"Hey Ben I-" The tall boy stops talking as soon as he sees Ben and Joe in bed, both without any clothes. "For God's sake Ben, your door has a fucking lock!" The door closes again with a loud bang.
"Sorry Gwil! You weren't supposed to be home yet!" Ben shouts back with a grin. Then he turns back to Joe. "How about a round two, hm?" He wants to dive into a deep kiss with Joe, but the ginger stops him.
"Benny, are... are you sure we're on the same page? Because I-" The boy doesn't get to finish his sentence, because Ben kisses him.
When they break the kiss, Ben shows Joe a warm smile. "I think we are. I don't want this to be a one night stand. I wanna be able to hold you in my arms and watch you falling asleep every night. I wanna take you on dates. I like you Joey. No, it's even more than that. I'm falling in love you." He says softly. He can feel his cheeks flush.
Joe smiles widely and can feel his heart glow. He cups Ben's face with his hand, and softly caresses the blond's cheek. "I think I'm falling too." He whispers before kissing Ben passionately.


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