A true love's kiss

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Quick A/N: I have several one shots in which Ben and Joe have kids, so in each of those one shots the kids will have the same two names. I'm too lazy to come up with 50 different names🙃


"Joe, I just think she's too young." Ben sighs. 
Joe rolls his eyes. "She's four years old Ben. She isn't a baby anymore. Are you ashamed of who you are? Is that why you don't want to do it?!" He snarls.  
Both boys grow more and more angry with each other. 
"It's not that I don't wanna do it Joey. I just think it's too early. And of course I'm not ashamed of who I am. You know I love you and our family. But this is something huge, it's too soon. Why won't you get that?!" Ben says irritated. 
"You're just scared!" Joe says in a raised voice. 
Ben clenches his fists. "Jeez, you can't always have things your way!" He shouts back. 
"Ugh for God's sake, get lost!" Joe storms out of their bedroom, and not much later the front door closes with a bang. 
Ben lets out a shaky breath and closes his eyes for a second. 
Ben turns around to see Ava standing in the doorway of the bedroom.
Tears are sparkling in her eyes. "Did Dad leave us?" She asks in a trembling voice. 
Ben quickly walks over to his daughter and lifts her up. He sits down on the bed with her on his lap. "No no, don't worry Aves. Your Dad is just getting some fresh air." The boy gives Ava a kiss on the head in the hope it will calm her down a little.. 
She presses her face against Ben's chest, playing with the buttons of his shirt. "Are you and Dad gonna split up?" She suddenly asks, almost whispering her question in fear of the answer. 
Ben bites his lip and closes his eyes for a second. Because he fought with Joe, their daughter is now almost crying. "No sweetheart. I'll always love him, and he will always love us. Never doubt that." He says. "Sometimes people fight. But that doesn't mean they don't love each other. Okay?"
Ava nods, and smiles at her father. "Okay. Can we go watch tv together please?" 
Ben smiles and nods. "Of course we can sweetheart."

And so, Ava is now sitting on the couch, cuddled up against Ben. Her eyes are focused on the tv, and every now and then a giggle is heard from the girl because of the show they're watching. She has her arms clasped around her favourite doll. 
Ben, on the other hand is more focused on his phone than on the tv. It's about an hour after Joe left. He doesn't know where the ginger went, and whether he's safe or not. Ben has already sent like a hundred messages, but no response yet. 
Maybe Joe was right. Maybe he is just scared. 

When Ben finally has found the courage to call his boyfriend, his phone rings. 
But Joe isn't the one calling him. It's an unknown number.
"Sorry Aves, but my boss is calling. I'll be right back." The blond says to the girl before getting up.
He walks into the kitchen before answering the phone. "Hello, Ben Hardy." He says. 
"Hello Mr. Hardy. Am I right if I say that you're Joe Mazzello's emergency contact?" An unknown voice asks. 
This definitely isn't his boss. Ben immediately starts shaking. This can't be very good. "Uhm y-yes, that's right. I'm his husband." He says. 
It stays silent for a few seconds on the other side of the line. "May I ask you to come to the hospital? Your husband was hit by a car. He's in a coma." The voice continues speaking. 
Ben immediately starts to breathe faster once he hears that. He stammers a 'yes' before ending the call. The first tears start to make their way down his cheeks. He has to bite his lip to keep himself from sobbing too loud. He can't tell Ava that her father got hit by a car. She wouldn't even understand what a coma is. 

After recovering himself, he walks back into the living room. "Sweetheart? I'm afraid I have to go to work." He says, hoping it won't be too visible that he cried.
Ava looks up and pouts a little. 
"I'm gonna drop you off at Gwil's house. Then you can play with Tess and Lexi. How's that?" Ben says, trying to sound calm. 
A smile appears on the little girl's face, and she nods. She always loves going to her uncle Gwil to play with his daughters.
"Okay then. Go get your shoes." Ben says after giving the girl a kiss on her head. 
Ava jumps up from the couch and hurries into the hallway.
While she is putting on her shoes, Ben quickly calls Gwil. "Hey Gwil. I need you. Can I please drop Ava at your place for a playdate with the twins? Joe is in the hospital and- and I just-" The boy rattles. 
"Whoa mate, slow down. What do you mean Joe is in the hospital?" Gwil asks, clearly confused. 
Tears well up in Ben's eyes. "We-we got in a fight. He left and got hit by a car. He- he's in a c-coma. I need to go to him. Please?" He explains. 
"Y-yes, yes of course. She can stay with us as long as necessary." Gwil says. 
Ben takes a deep breath. "Thanks. We'll be there in a few minutes."

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