Sick day

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Joe lets out a soft groan when his alarm goes off. He looks next to him in bed, and sees nothing but emptiness. He sighs softly.
Right, Ben had to stay over in his trailer on set last night, because shooting took longer than expected.
He has to admit it really sucks to have different jobs now. When he and his husband were both in the Bohemian Rhapsody movie a few years back, they could spend much more time together.
But both are now doing an acting job they really like, so they just make it work. On the days they both have to work, Aidan goes to daycare while Ava is at school.

Joe buries his face into his pillow with a soft groan, knowing he should really get up now. He needs to wake Aidan and Ava, so he can get them ready for school and daycare.
With a sigh, the ginger swings his legs over the edge of the bed. He puts on a shirt and some sweatpants, and walks over to the kitchen. There, Joe starts making himself some coffee in the hope he'll wake up a bit. After a few sips, he takes two plates out of one of the cupboards so he can make the kids some breakfast.
Once that's done, he puts down the plates of breakfast on the table.
After quickly glancing at the clock to see what time it is, Joe makes his way to Ava's bedroom. He knocks on her door before going in. "Morning princess." He smiles.
Ava immediately shakes her head, her eyes still unopened. "Why does school have to start so sooooon?" The seven-year-old girl groans as soon as her father enters her room.
Joe laughs at that. "Come on love, on your feet. You can't be late for school." He says to her.


"There's the bus!" Joe calls out.
"I'm ready!" Ava exclaims before grabbing her backpack. "Bye Dad." She gives Joe a kiss on the cheek before leaving the house.
Joe smiles widely. "Love you." He waves at her until the front door closes behind her.
For a brief moment, the entire house is filled with silence.
After putting Ava's breakfast things into the dishwasher, Joe decides to wake up Aidan. Even though today is Joe's day off, Aidan is still going to daycare. They have planned a trip to the zoo, so Aidan couldn't be more excited. Joe softly knocks on the door of the three-year-old's room before entering.
He walks over to the sleeping boy, and switches on the small desk lamp standing on his nightstand. Mainly because the floor of Aidan's room is quite often littered with lego pieces and other toys. "It's time to get up princess." Joe whispers before squatting down next to Aidan's bed. He gently caresses Aidan's cheek, and immediately frowns. He moves his hand to the boy's forehead, quite shocked about how warm he feels to the touch. "Oh my poor boy... you're really warm." He mumbles.
Aidan is still fast asleep with his teddy clutched in his embrace, not bothered by the light in his room or the sound of his father's voice.
Joe gets up and leaves the room for a minute, walking into the bathroom. He quickly looks for an ear thermometer in one of the bathroom cupboards. Once he has found it, he walks back to Aidan. He sits down on the edge of the bed, and starts gently rubbing his hand over the boy's back. He whispers his name a few times, hoping he'll wake up. "Come on honey, open your eyes." He whispers.

After a while, a soft groan is heard from the three-year-old boy. He rubs his eyes, slowly opening them.
"Hi sweetheart." Joe softly says to him, giving the boy time to wake up a bit.
Aidan slowly sits up, sniffling weakly. "My... my tummy hurts Dad." He whimpers, tears welling up in his eyes.
Joe pulls him onto his lap, and gives him a kiss on the head. "Shh, I know buddy. I think you have a fever. I'm gonna take your temperature, okay?" He says, showing him the thermometer.
Aidan just nods at that, and lets Joe do his thing to take his temperature.
"You've got a hundred and three fever." Joe says with a frown.
With his bottom lip trembling, Aidan looks up at his father. "What now Dad?" He whispers in a shaky voice.
Joe gives him a reassuring look. "Now, we make you as comfy as possible." He gets up from the bed, and carefully lifts up Aidan. He grabs the boy's teddy with him before walking to the living room with him. He puts Aidan down onto the couch, and hands him his teddy. "I'm gonna call daycare to tell them you're staying home today, okay? I'll be right back." He says.
Aidan lets out a sob. "But I really wanted to go to the zoo!" He cries out.
Joe swallows. "I know Aidy. But sick people need to stay home so they can be taken care of." He says softly. "Papa and I will take you and Ava to the zoo another time, okay?"
The boy nods with a sniffle. "O-okay." He hiccups.

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