Happy Valentines day

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A/N: I know it isn't valentines day but I just wanted to upload this so shut up😂

Ben walks into his daughter's room, smiling when he sees his daughter Ava and his son Aidan playing with their toys on the floor. "Hi my darlings." He says with a smile.
He lifts up Aidan, and runs his hand through the two-year-old's ginger hair. When Aidan was born two years ago, he came out looking exactly like Joe and nothing like the surrogate mother. After breaking their heads about the right name, Ben and Joe decided to name him Aidan, which means little fire. It seemed a well suited name for the little redhead.
"Do you want to tell your dad that dinner is ready or should I get him?" Ben asks the six-year-old Ava.
The girl jumps up from the floor with a big smile. "I'll get him!" She squeals before hurrying to the office, where Joe is writing a script for his new movie.
Ben smiles at her enthusiasm. "What about you, hm? Are you hungry buddy?" He says to the little Aidan.
The boy starts nodding. "Food!" He cheers, earning a loud laughter from his father.

"Dad, papa has made dinner." Ava says as she enters the office. She walks over to Joe's desk and grabs his hand.
Joe smiles and closes his laptop. "Alright alright. I'm coming." He says when the girl start pulling his arm. He gets up, and lets his daughter lead him into the dining room.
Ben immediately walks over to his husband, and locks their lips together. "Hi love." He whispers with a smile when they break the kiss. "Did you get a bit further on your script?"
Joe sighs. "I guess. I'm just not sure my female character has the right name." He says before hugging Ben. Then he feels someone tugging on the leg of his trousers.
"You should name her Ava!" Ava smiles.
Joe laughs at that. "Maybe I will." He says before running his hand through his daughter's hair.
Ben gives Joe one last kiss before they sit down at the dining table to eat.


Later that night, Joe is cleaning up the kitchen while Ben is changing the kids into their pyjamas.
The ginger starts humming a song while his mind wanders off.
The day after tomorrow it's valentines day. But Joe doubts that he and Ben will get the chance to celebrate it properly. Of course, with Joe working at home it is easier to combine their work with the kids. Ben has the time to go off to auditions while Joe looks after the kids while writing his script.
But that also means that they hardly ever get some time alone. Since they live in London, Joe's parents are far away from them as they live in New York. Ben's parents often offer to baby sit the kids, but somehow the two always end up cleaning the house or doing some chores they never got to.
Not exactly the ideal Valentines day.
And even during the evenings when Ava and Aidan are asleep, the two aren't allowed any time alone. Because even though Aidan's got a beautiful nursery of his own, he still prefers to sleep with his fathers in the big bedroom every night. They tried to move him back to his own bed as soon as the little boy would fall asleep. But all that brought them was Aidan screaming bloody murder. 

"The kids are all ready for bed, I said I'd be there in a minute to read them a bedtime story." Ben says as he enters the kitchen. He walks over to his husband, and sneaks his arms around Joe's waist from behind. "I don't say it enough but you look gorgeous." The blond whispers before pressing a delicate kiss onto the skin in Joe's neck.
Joe hums contently and turns around. "So do you." He whispers before leaning in for a passionate kiss.
Ben groans into the kiss, enjoying this rare moment of intimacy. "It sucks we can't have some time alone valentines night. I wouldn't mind a night of cuddles without little Aidan in between us." Ben mumbles as he hugs Joe's body. He nuzzles his face into the crook of Joe's neck and closes his eyes.
Joe nods in agreement. "I know, me too." He whispers.
After hugging like that for a while, the two let their lips collide once more.
"Eww! No kissing, more reading!"
Their kiss is interrupted by Ava, who is standing behind them. She is looking at Ben with eyes full of anticipation, waiting for him to read her and her brother a book.
Ben rolls his eyes. "Alright then." He walks towards Ava's bedroom, but stops when he notices she doesn't follow him.
"I just need a moment to talk to daddy." Ava says with a mysterious smile.
Both Joe and Ben raise their eyebrow. "Uhm, okay?" Joe giggles.
Ava waits until Ben has left the room, and then walks over to Joe. She raises her arms to say she want to be lifted.
"What's on your mind my princess?" Joe asks her as soon as she's in his arms.
"Well, I heard you and daddy say that you want one night without Aidan in your bed." Ava says.
Joe smiles and nods. "Well yeah, your papa and I haven't really had much time alone lately. But Aidan starts to cry when he isn't with us during the night." He says.
Ava starts glowing. "I've found a solution to that!" She says proudly. "Aidan is just scared to be alone at night. So I told him he can sleep in my room the night before valentines day. Now you and papa can be alone!"
Joe runs his hand through Ava's blonde locks. "You are a smart little thing, aren't you?" He starts tickling the girl, earning a bunch of loud giggles from her. "You're amazing Aves, I love you." He says before kissing her on the cheek.
Ava lets out a loud 'eww!' before jumping out of her father's arms to get away from any more kisses. She runs away to her bedroom, so Ben can start with their bedtime story.
Joe bites his lip with a smirk. Now that the night before valentines day has opened up, he should start planning. He wants it to be unforgettable, since it will be the first time in a while they have the chance to get intimate.

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