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A/N: This chapter is a bit rushed because it was written at 3 am so please don't mind it too much :)

"Fred, you're not feeling well. There's no shame in calling off the concert." Brian says, absentmindedly tapping the neck of his beloved Red Special.
The singer is lying in Jim's arms, still gasping for breath after the brief soundcheck. "We can't do that to those poor people." He mutters.
Roger sits down on the arm rest of the couch Jim and Freddie are sitting on. "Freddie, you just sang for two minutes and you're worn out." He says with a raised eyebrow.
Freddie winces softly when he feels Jim's hand on his forehead.
"Your temperature is still up." The Irishman says with a frown. 
But Freddie shakes his head with a groan. "Jimmy...- It's just a headache." Then he looks at John. "I suppose you agree as well?" He grunts.
The bassist nods. "I do." John says.
"I really think the guys are right, love. Your body is exhausted thanks to this tour. Grant it one night of rest, please." Jim whispers.
Freddie sighs at that. "The show is not for another three hours. I'll be fine." He mumbles.
Brian gets up. "How about the three of us go back on stage and complete the soundcheck?" He says as he looks at John and Roger. "Then Fred can rest a bit, and we'll still be ready for the show tonight if we do decide to go through with it." He suggests.
Freddie shows him a grateful smile. "Sounds like a plan." He says softly.

As soon as the other three left the room, Freddie buries his face into Jim's broad chest. "I'm glad you're here." He says. And even though his voice is muffled a bit by Jim's shirt, his boyfriend immediately understands what he just said.
"Of course. I'm always at the soundchecks." Jim smiles.
Freddie closes his eyes. "I really wanna do the show tonight." He whispers after a while of silence. 
Jim gently lets his hand rest on Freddie's lower back. "Fred, you've never cancelled a show before. Why is this so important to you?" He asks carefully.
Freddie shrugs. "I don't want to let anyone down." He mutters, sounding like he's on the verge of tears.
"You won't, I promise." Jim says, really hoping Freddie will listen to him. "You're not blowing it off entirely, you'd just reschedule the concert." He explains.
Freddie rolls his eyes. "I guess that's true." He sighs. "Can't I just try it? We can always just end the concert early?"
Jim frowns. "I guess that would work. But you have to promise me not to push yourself too far, okay?" He smiles when Freddie nods. "And from now till the start of the concert you have to take things easy, okay?"
Freddie yawns. "Fine. I'll just take some pain meds and lie down in my dressing room for a while." He whispers tiredly. "Will you stay with me?"
His boyfriend smiles. "Of course. Let's both get some sleep, alright? Sleep off the jetlag a little." Jim suggests.
"That sounds nice." Freddie hums. He can't help but grin when he is picked up by the strong Irishman and carried to his dressing room.


"You sure you got this Fred?" Roger asks, only a minute left before they're supposed to be on stage.
The singer nods. "I'm sure darling. The show must go on." Freddie says. After his nap from this afternoon, he does actually feel better already.
"Just let us know when it gets too much." John says with a sweet smile.
Brian and Roger nod in agreement.
"And I'll be ready when you need me." Jim adds.
Freddie moves a bit closer to his boyfriend and kisses his cheek. "Honestly love, stop being such an over worried dramaqueen. I'm feeling completely fine, I promise." He assures his boyfriend.
Jim rolls his eyes with a smile. "Alright then. Break a leg." He says before blowing the singer one last kiss.
"Ready to rock?" Roger asks with a grin, twirling his drumsticks.
The other three nod. After they all take one last deep breath, Brian is the first to walk onto the stage. He is followed by Freddie, John and Roger, in the order they always walk on stage.

Freddie walks towards the microphone, just like his friends walk towards their instruments.
Brian looks to his side. "Ready Freddie?" He asks.
To which Freddie nods.
Which is a sign for Brian to start with the guitar riff of Now I'm Here. As the notes make their way into the large concert hall, the lights shine onto the stage.
The whole hall erupts into loud applause when the four boys appear from behind the darkness.
Freddie grabs the microphone. He takes a deep breath in when he can feel the heat of the stage lights radiating onto his skin. If anyone asks he would never admit it, but the brightness immediately causes his headache of earlier this day to come back.
Roger, John and Brian all share a worried look when Freddie misses his cue for the first lyrics.
"Really darlings, you're gonna let me do all the work tonight?" The singer says to the audience with a grin on his face. "Let me hear you."
That reassures the other three a bit more, but they silently agree to keep an eye on their friend.

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