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Before heading down to breakfast, I changed into a pair of brown plain robes. The bath was so luxurious that I could have stayed there all day. I did not want to stand out like the day before and have another episode. I left my clean hair down in wet curls and wove a braid down one side and decided to ask Taury to work her magic later.

My course schedule was on the writing desk. There were two. The first had said that this week would be introductory classes and next week the formal schedule would take place. My guess was that it was already Ventus, the second day of the week. By my door, I tried to reach somewhere inside myself to find this power I hadn't come to terms with having yet. There was nothing. Surely, I would be kicked out. The exam must have shown a faulty result.

In the pod outside my room, Alden was just stepping out of his room too. After shutting his door, he saw me out of the corner of his eye. Smiling slyly, he put his arm out like a gentleman ready to escort a lady. I raised my eyebrows and brushed past him to the spiral staircase without a word. He chuckled behind me. I wasn't ungrateful for his help yesterday. I just didn't know him. He confused me with his push and pull.

I found my friends in the dining hall at the mahogany tables we had claimed the day before. Alden and his brothers right behind him, took their seats at a new table at the front of the room. It was covered in a gaudy silk dark mauve cloth that could only mean that the table as for the Primes. They stood out in their robes, a silver wall in front of the masters. No thanks.

Ameer had also decided not to don the robes of the Primes and sat with our friends. Relieved, I sat next to him and grabbed a pastry and some eggs. Faolan couldn't utter more than a grunt past his full mouth and next to him Garren, also a Prime, choose our group and was listening to Seraphina say something. He surprised me. I thought he would jump at the first second at being elevated in any way. Dath smiled warmly at me. Taury ignored me completely, pushing food around her plate. Refusing to let the tension stay between us, I addressed her.

"Taury," she looked up at me, "I don't know why that Erix guy choose me. It should be you. Besides, I don't want to be some stupid Prime anyways. I wonder if I can turn down the position and-"

"Please. Don't. You deserve it Nik. I'm not upset with you. It just hurts, you know? He gave no indication of there possibly being a seventh member. It wasn't right." She took a small bite. "I'll get over it. Promise. Having magic is already a big enough honor and my parents are going to be so proud."

The tears in her eyes had me reaching across the table to grab her hand. I didn't even care that I accidently bumped Ameer in the motion. Surprisingly, he lightly shoved me back. Taury noticed and giggled, the tension broken. Ameer shoved a light purple macaroon in his mouth and his nose crinkled causing the ring in it to shift.

"Where, did you get that?" I asked dramatically with my mouth watering.

"Ut oh. You've done it now," Dath said leaning forward on his elbows smiling playfully.

"Yup," said Faolan final swallowing, "We've tried every flavor of macaroon and you just ate her favorite, Lavender Mint."

"Oh." Ameer pulled another out of his pocket. "You mean this one?" And popped it in his mouth."

"Cruel, cruel man," I said with mock sadness. Then, he pulled out another one. I lunged for it. He stood up quickly and held it out of reach, his tresses now flopped to the shaved side of his head making him look boyish. Our table laughed as I squealed in protest. Just then, Erix stood up and quieted the room. Ameer stuffed the last one in his mouth grinning as the treat squished through his teeth. I folded my arms in an amused pout as I sat back down.

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