45 Faolan

861 55 12

I ran my fingers along every spine on the second floor. I had no idea what SM stood for, but I kept at it despite my thoughts. I hadn't told Nik, but I worried for the safety of my friends, and I believed Volar. When he had spoken to us that night, he didn't smell afraid. And when he spoke, I could hear that his pulse hadn't changed speeds.

The books at the end of the shelf ended at "SM 249.T4" and I needed T5. I whined in frustration. I was hungry and tired and missed my friends. I growled and started from the beginning. About halfway down the same stacks, I had remembered Taury mentioning she had to use a ladder the other day. A ladder! I ran through the stacks to find one.

I skidded to a stop, almost running in to the one at the front. I grabbed it and yanked it to where I hunted. The wheels above on the tracks squeaking at the speed with which I dragged it. At the SM section, I halted and climbed up the rungs. I dragged my finger along the spines again seeing the T5 and waiting for the numbers to increase.

There. A red dyed leather-bound tome. It was so massive that it took two hands to removed off the shelves. Feet on the floor, I took out the number Taury had written down for me. They matched. I flipped the book over and ran my hands along the title, "The Consideration of the Ninth Element."

Before I could open the heavy volume, someone stepped out from behind the shelves. I looked up in surprise.


"It's about damn time. I got sick of coming up here every night." Ameer stood before me, and a grin passed over my face. 

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