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Master Lambert's classroom was the room right before Ahren's. Now that we had been down the wing containing the classrooms, it wasn't as hard to find. I was really hoping he felt better after exerting so much energy healing my neck a few days ago. I had walked with Dath giving him some comfort after his admittance at lunch. Taury walked with Emyr and Lilta talking about the water class and Faolan and Rayze were sandwiched between Evander and Jiaxin, though he didn't seem to mind. Rion and Sharin had left long ago to do gods knows what. Alden walked behind all of us, and I could feel the weight of his stare.

Lambert's classroom was a strange combination of a clinic and a weapons armory. Just after walking through the door, we saw medicinal supplies, potions, and herbs thrown onto shelves, but organized with small labels. There were a couple of tall tables we could stand at and enough mortar and pestles for everyone. Each standing table had a sink and rubber gloves. The second half of the room was large and opened into the training grounds. Along the walls lay many weapons we had all already been trained on during Uppergrades, but even more were weapons I had never seen before. I itched for the feel of a weapon in my hand and sparring with someone.

Looking around, we did not see Lambert, or Rion and Sharin. Faolan sniffed at the air, then went out the doors to the training field. Because he was a wolf, we followed without question. Outside, Rion and Sharin were sparring with some short swords, and Lambert leaned against the building by the door, watching. Upon seeing us, he stood up straight. Some of his white hair sticking to the rock wall, as he did and smiled warmly at us.

"Ah I see you have made it." Lambert moved in front of us. "We will see each other a lot, probably more than any other teachers. You will have me for this class, Auramancy, once a week, as well as training in magic and weapons combat, twice a week. If I remember the schedule correctly, you will have combat training on Lunedus and Terrus."

He turned to address Rion and Sharin and told them to put down their weapons and return to us for the lesson. The afternoon was slowly turning to evening as the sun fell lower in the sky. Outside the heat had lessened leaving us comfortable. Once the couple had returned, Lambert began his lesson.

"Since, I will be seeing you a lot, I want you to first know that there is a separate entrance to the training grounds other than my classroom. You may enter the grounds straight from the foyer any time you wish to train outside of instruction hours. There is a door right before the room you tested in. You may have missed it as it is white." A bunch of us nodded, we did indeed miss it.

"Light magic is interesting in that it can create light, of course, but light can also be used to heal, to cast illusions, and even produce a magical shield of protection. You may even discover your own uses, that I would very much like to hear about should you do so. The simplest use of light is lighting a dark room, which is the task today. So, I want to help you tap into your light magic and see if you can light the classroom. You will perform one at a time since, as it stands, I only have one room." Lambert chuckled and led us inside. We placed our bags and things on the tables and waited.

"Taury, I would like for you to go first. Master Imogen says you have a talent for water magic. I'm not sure if she told you, but you can score high on an element, and not be talented in it. Your level is simply a saturation of the element in your blood, you see. Come forward sweet girl."

Taury didn't hesitate, now much more confident in her abilities. I was so proud of her. She pushed a braid I had woven over her shoulder, the rest of her straight black hair flowed back in her face rebelliously. Lambert raised his hands and drenched the classroom in utter blackness. It was ominous but beautiful.

"I like it this dark," came a whisper behind me against my ear. I jumped and tried not to panic. He touched my back. Ah. Alden. I'd know that comforting touch anywhere. It helped me through many panic attacks. I elbowed him and he hummed with quiet laughter. But he didn't remove his hand. I didn't make him. It was like a secret, and I wasn't sure what to make of it just yet. A shiver ran down my spine. We sat like that in the dark waiting for something to happen. Lambert whispered to Taury in hushed inaudible tones.

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