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We sat in Aquamancy learning about how to add types of water to casting. Charis explained that it would be necessary in a combat situation. In one hand we were to have a high-density low saline water and in the other, low density high saline. When hitting an enemy with both, the tides conflict, dealing more damage. Another approach was to have both waters in a sphere and to try to force them together before throwing it. The tides would war in the sphere and then the enemy when thrown.

Garren was next to me. Annoyingly so. We had stayed up late talking at my parent's house a week prior. He had sweetly made me a cup of my mom's tea blend. He told me he had always wanted to learn how to fish like my father but was always destined to be a logger like his father. We both agree that learning that having magic meant we were Fae was life changing. Growing up, we knew about the magic masters and the Fae, but did not know they were one and the same. Most of us had ears that had either fully transformed or were about to. Everyone was adept at shifting now, except Nik. Though, she didn't seem to mind. The time at my house felt surreal and safe.

Back at the university I felt guarded and on edge again. I still didn't trust Garren's intentions. The night he covered us in darkness still stayed at the forefront of my mind. He was always making suggestive looks and winking. But he had it all wrong. He was my best friend. And I was thrilled to have him back as such. If only he would quit his incessant flirting.

Like just then. He was looking at me while he made his spheres of water. They were perfect and just as Charis had explained. I rolled my eyes and focused on doing better. I created a large one and had both types of water waring inside.

"Mine's bigger," I teased.

He slipped up and dropped his water, which drenched me. He had bent over laughing historically at my lame joke. Charis looked at us both annoyed, but a smile split her sensual face. She pointed to the door cutting the class short.

When we got to the wing of bedrooms, I spun on him. "I can't believe you did that!"

"What? Got you wet?"

I stared at him, stunned at his boldness.

"Yes. You were being careless. I was going to go look through more of the book Faolan found. But now, I have to waste time getting changed and dry." My temper flared and tears sprung free, "And I can't waste anymore time with Emyr getting worse."

Garren stepped forward, his playfulness vanishing. "I'm sorry. Do you want me to help? Maybe I can read some while you clean up."

I wiped my stupid tears. "Fine."

My room was a disaster, and I didn't care. I wasn't a slob exactly. Everything was clean, just thrown about where I left them in a hurry. There were piles of books everywhere and clean clothes falling out of the wardrobe. I dropped the red tome onto my bed and Garren flopped down to begin reading. My heart pounded at seeing him laying on his belly reading a book. Shaking my head, I went into the bathroom and shut the door.

After I had washed, I dried my hair with air magic and threw a quick braid in it down a side of my face. I went to grab my change of clothes and, they weren't there. I groaned out loud. I had forgotten them because I was too distracted by the man in my bed. And now, I had to make things worse by asking for clothes.

"Garren," I said through the door, "I forgot my clothes."

I could hear him laughing at his luck. Cruel man.

"Does that mean I get to pick what you wear?"

"Just give me some godsdammed underwear Garren!"

He roared with laughter, and I slammed the door open in anger. He was standing there with my favorite shirt and pants in one hand and underthings in another. I stuck my hand out to him, wiggling my fingers for my clothes. His mouth was wide open, and he dropped everything onto the floor.

"Come here." He demanded.

For whatever insane reason, I listened. I stomped to him and swiped my clothes off the floor. When I stood up, he was there. He didn't touch me. He promised he wouldn't pursue me unless I did so first. My traitorous heart pounded.

"Ask me, Tor," he purred, "Ask me to kiss you and put us both our of our misery."

"If I do, will you drop this whole 'I have feelings for you' act?"

"Only if you do." His gaze was lit with flames.

I groaned and threw my hands up. "Fine."

He moved. Pulling my bare body against his with a hand at my waist. His blue eyes met mine, filled with promise. Then, so gently, he pressed his lips to mine. Like he was trying a new flavor. After his first taste he went in for more. He skimmed my lips with his tongue begging to let him in. Ready to get it over with, I obliged. And I was angry that I did.

He was delicious. Our tongues brushed against each other, and he deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and kissed back. The kiss was a simple and passionate. His hands didn't wander, he didn't tease or nip. It was raw emotions. And it scared the hell out of me. I shoved him away.

I walked back to the bathroom and threw my clothes on. When I walked back out Garren was back on the bed reading the book. My emotions were shocking because they left me wanting for more. I shoved them down, deep. We had work to do before I could deal with the aftermath of our kiss. I laid down next to Garren not caring where our bodies touched or not because I was a mature adult.

"What have you discovered?" I asked confidently.

He looked at me as if to say, 'fine I'll play along.' "Well, I just picked up where I figured you left off. Here, at your bookmark. It's really hard to read since it's so old. But if I understand correctly, then this book is saying that the proposed ninth element is based on using blood a conduit"

I leaned forward to read as well. My face brushed up against his shoulder. Which I ignored. Blood could be used to direct magic in a way that changed the makeup of an object or living thing. But how? I moved to turn the page, having to reach across Garren's front. He turned his face to mine, lips inches away. I breathed his air.

I cleared my throat, "Does it say what kind of blood?" His smile was absolute malice.

He pointed to the book "Magical blood. So, animal blood wouldn't work."

I finally let go of his gaze and read the passage. Sure, enough the blood could only come from a person who had magic running through their veins. Wait. Veins. My head snapped to Garren's.

"I know what's wrong," I whispered.

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