15 Nik

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I had already downed three men by sword when I saw my cousin, Garren, and Faolan emerge behind the members encircling Dath. The talk amongst the zealots was that they were aiming at families that had procreated with magic users and wanted to rid the world of them and their children, calling them abominations and a word I hadn't heard before, Rustmutt.

Zither, Jiaxin, and Evander enveloped the others in darkness as I fought off a masked Axion member. I shot a javelin of ice through his chest, annoyed at not reaching Dath and the family fast enough. They were after the family because her children were half Fae. The Axion were determined to rid the world of magic users and it fueled my anger as I realized I was one of them. I was the child hiding behind Dath. I sucked the wind out of a nearby enemy's lungs, and erupted earth from under another, impaling them through the groin.

"Remind me never to piss you off," Alden shouted next to me. Ameer clawing at the enemy on my other side.

"We have to get to Dath and that family. They are going to kill them."

In answer, he shot water down an Axion's throat and stood with me back-to-back. We fought our way forward like that, Ameer swiping low at any that drew near, until we were close enough to the group surrounding Dath. We broke through and into the center with Dath breathing heavy. Emyr flew above blowing fire on as many head as she could. The forty or so cult members were closing in on Dath's left flank. I moved there and Alden took the right. Our friends broke though the darkness to us, bodies dropping at their feet. Ruthless. So much for a peaceful outcome.

There too many, even with most of our team protecting the family. Their determination to end their innocent lives was sickening. The tides turned just then. The Axion began attacking us with magic, Dath continued to use his body as a shield. Garren and Faolan protecting the family at his backside. A member in front of me sent fire towards me and I threw up a wall of air that burned from the heat. It wasn't good enough. I backed into Ameer who held me up from the buckling force of the fire. Evander took one down and threw water at the one throwing fire. Alden leapt forward and ran him through just in case.

Taury threw water at any that came at her.

"Drown them!" Alden shouted.

The fight was going for too long and I could tell everyone was spent. My anger built at the lengths we had to go to. We needed a far-reaching blow. I had an idea.

"Lightning!" I screamed, "Everyone, now!"

As a team, we drew upon our Voltmancy and threw our hands in the air in one swift motion. The clouds overhead thickened and stirred. We brought our hands down in a manner of seconds and lighting poured from the sky surged into the crazed Axion. A thundering dome of electricity enveloped us shocking our enemies dead. The world went silent, and we relaxed for the first time. Students around us cheered and whooped at the victory. Erix made his was to us, stepping over the bodies, blood covering his normally immaculate face.

"Thank you, Team Cobalt," Erix clapped his hands on his sons' back. Rion and Sharin must have gotten stuck fighting down the street. Erix spoke to the woman and her children. "Do you need anything dear woman?" She shook her head violently and replied that she could stay with her sister. Dath escorted them a few blocks down the street, growling at anyone who dared to come near.

Erix addressed the students and civilians crowded around the dead Axion members.

"Tonight, was a series of disastrous events. This fanatical Axion group has gone on too long preaching death to those of Fae decent. For as long as Tarsen has magic users at your defense, we promise to always come to your aid. We are not the enemy. We seek to protect, study technological advances, and teach others like us." Erix spun around slowly. Hands raised in the air. "These young people in front of you saved your lives. Spread the word. Help us fight the lies that are tarnishing our reputation of love and protection. I you need rain for your crops, we will provide. If you need food for your table, we will provide." His voice projected through the city now. "If you need healing for the sick, we will heal them! If you need fire on a winter day, we will provide! We, are your salvation!" The city exploded in cheers, heard down every street, every store, and every dwelling. I couldn't have been prouder than at that moment that to be a part of something so good and pure. 

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