49 Alden

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I watched Nik perform a single lightning bolt with perfection. We sat in Voltmancy and Dolta has asked us to direct lightning into one bolt rather than letting it scatter. The master was being her usual grumpy self. She had completely ignored Nik's accomplishment, succeeding at the task on the first attempt.

I had been trying for weeks to get Nik to see that I had not deceived her in the truth of my father's abuse. During the winter masque, I couldn't take Dath pining after her like a lost puppy. Faolan had given me hope that night and it helped me take the step to try again.

The trauma Nik had endured was so like my own and I knew I had to tread carefully. If the truth came out, she would be devastated. My intentions for her had changed the moment she had a panic attack. When she went to cut her hand for the magic test I reacted. She had gone white, and I could feel she had magic. I did not know she would be perfect tens though. So, when she got picked as a Prime, I wasn't the least surprised. Again, she panicked. And again, I reacted.

There was something about her that I couldn't put my finger one. But was unequivocally drawn to her. What had begun as an assignment from my father turned into something more. The day she scored perfect magic saturation, my father asked me to stay behind. He punished me then, for helping her cut her hand. Burned my back and healed it as he always did. And then, asked me to get close to her. What he didn't know what that I had already wanted to.

That was about seven months ago. Throughout the school year, I had gotten to see what a beautiful person Nik was. She was always fussing over Faolan and even through her cousin's jealousy, she remained loyal to her. Where everyone saw a girl with immense power, I saw more. I saw a girl that had broken so deeply by a father that used her. She was my reflection in some ways. Except she exhibited a strength from her abuse that I had not yet obtained.

I could never tell her of my father's constant punishments because I refused to give him the information he sought. They had been increasing in frequency. Every time I kept my mouth shut, his onslaught to my back worsened. I had almost told her the Night of Nix. After our incredible moment under Phaewen's statue. I still went back and forth on if I should. It would clear my name and condemn me in the same sentence. My feelings for her left me in a limbo of decision making.

I couldn't stay away from her, but I had become the most dangerous thing for her. She had been almost right about me. I was a liar. But not about the way I felt and my father's abuse. I had lied to her about my father's intentions. I didn't know how to break her heart and tell her the whole truth about his brutality. She loved him and what he offered her. She had a freedom at the university, a life, and possibly, a career. Where she thought, I was trying to elevate myself, I was trying to elevate her. But, because I feared my father, my conflicting emotions turned her away.

I watched her perform the perfect lightning bolt over and over as my thoughts stirred. My father had noticed that I had gotten exceptionally close to her and had even guessed what we had done the Night of Nix. When our relationship didn't continue in the direction I had hoped, dad insisted that I pursue her anyways. I wanted to. Desperately wanted to. But I could not figure out what he intended to do with her. During the masque I couldn't help myself. Dath was failing terribly at wooing her. My ego couldn't allow her to be kissed in such a stale manner. But dad had cornered me that night, demanding I keep trying. So, I stopped. I was risking punishment, but I didn't mind it if it meant keeping her safe.

My father always asked for me around lunch to dinner depending on his schedule. So, it was of no surprise that he cornered me after Dolta's class. He was standing in front f his office while the student's gathered for lunch, the noise of the room increasing. I followed him, knowing exactly that to expect.

The office was as simple as always. When I brought Nik in there to recover from her panic attack, she had no idea of the prison behind the seemingly innocent bookshelf. He removed a gem that he kept on the shelf and a click sounded, opening the latch to the door. He pulled it open, and I willingly followed him inside. He always issued his punishments during meals times. It helped cover up the screams.

I removed my shirt, and he removed his robes leaving him in a black button up shirt and pants. I sat at on the lone chair backwards, straddling the back and waited. Fighting the inevitable was useless as I only made it worse. Dad bound my hands to the back of the chair using a tangible air magic. He began stalking around me rubbing his hands together.

"Son, all you have to do is tell me what you know about our sweet Niktda."

I sighed and laid my head on the arms. We had been through the process more times than I could count. The Pyromancy licked my back, and I clenched my teeth. He healed my blistered skin it as soon as the fire went out.

"I told you to get close to her."

Fire again. Then, healing.

"I want to know every detail about her. Or our lessons will continue. And believe me, I have some creative ways to get you to speak."

Fire. Healing. Repeating until he realized his time was up and I had to get to my next class. My father was discrete and operated behind closed doors. My brothers and I were the only ones to know of the horrors of his office. Evander got it for making mistakes, and recently for being caught looking at Faolan with something greater than friendship. Rion used to get punished the most. Dad would whip him with lightning or hold him in water until he passed out. He had begun to get quiet a few years ago.

He had met Sharin a few months before we joined dad at the university. It had been a gala hosted by the king. Lust at first site as Evander said. They enjoyed each other's presence and took every opportunity to express their admiration. She was an escape for him, I thought. However, our father broke him, I knew I was next. But that didn't mean I wasn't going down without a fight.

After placing my clothes back on and washing my own blood away in the chamber, I exited the office and back into reality. Where Nik stood waiting for me. Her smile doused the pain from just moments ago. Not being able to help myself I walked to her and hugged her. Surprised, she stood still for a moment and hugged me back.

She was clearly still waring with her feelings, and I didn't want to push her. I released her and she looked up at me with concern. My heart pounded in anticipation of what she was going to say.

"Did you really stay back while Dath kissed me so I could decide for myself?"

Not what I was expecting, I nodded. I searched her eyes as she raked her mind. I could tell when she decided on her next question when she met my gaze again.

"Your dad hurts you. And your brothers." It wasn't question, but a statement of curiosity.

Again, I nodded.

"Is that what he was just doing? He left the office before you."

Gods she was intelligent. I hated and loved it. And I hated that I couldn't lie to her. I looked down, unable to meet her eyes as I acknowledged the truth she spoke.

"Why?" she demanded.

I almost told her right then. Instead, I said, "I told you. When we make mistakes, we get punished."

Nik's eyes filled with tears, and she shook her head as she processed the truth of what I said. I knew either Evander or Faolan would tell her eventually. She had clearly been thinking about it throughout the weeks. Even when she found out about Dath's grandma she would watch me more, the way she used to.

"Ok," she sniffed, "but that doesn't mean I'm ready to go back to being like that night." She looked around at the other student's moving around us, embarrassed.

I leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "I know."

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