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The weeks following the Night of Nix were all levels of Hells. I hadn't spoken to Taury or Alden. Though I mostly hung around Ameer and Faolan, Emyr has slowly eased her way into my corner. She began sitting with us since the day after I walked away from Alden. She didn't say anything, just sat down, and had been ever since.

I threw myself into training, spending most of my time off marching through Lambert's classroom with a wave at him while he taught other teams. He didn't mind that I didn't use the white door from the foyer, and I liked his daily presence. Ameer had become a rock, sparring with me, and taking the abuse of my emotions turned violence. Emyr had joined us one day, before our Arcmancy class one Lunedus afternoon. I showed her the advanced skill of lighting a blade on fire that Lambert had taught me. She put it to use immediately making it her staple.

Lambert had come out while the three of us were sparing and added throwing axes to our repertoire. Emyr lit hers on fire immediately. The axes were much harder than the short sword I had come to favor. Ameer had the skill built in already and threw like a pro. I longed after his aim. Lambert approached us girls.

"Here, let me show you. The target, no mater alive or the hay one in front of you, will always have magic. You may seek out the water or earth in front of you and aim using that. Essentially, using magic as an extra sense. Try it."

Emyr and I closed our eyes, each holding an axe by the handle. I let the blade of the axe rest against my shoulder and relaxed my elbow. I searched with magic just like Lambert had suggested. There, right in front of me I found traces of water and earth particles They were not as strong as the ones I had felt in the garden, but they were there all the same. I opened my eyes and threw.

"Ha!" I smiled, my face sore from the motion, having not smiled in days. I looked to Emyr's target and hers hit right at the center, burning the hay.

"Excellent ladies! Keep practicing, but don't lose sight of your skill with a blade either."

"That was perfect form," Ameer beamed.

We walked to Kaito's class together, only just down the hall from Lambert's room. As always, the room was freezing. I sat well away from Taury and Alden. Faolan and Evander walked over and joined my table. I never told him I had witnessed his momentous event, knowing he would want that private. Evander's glances at him were nothing but fire and want. Though, the moment Rion looked at him, he would shut it down. Evander clearly was not ready to let the world know.

Faolan didn't seem to mind though. He was just as happy to be near him and when I saw that he had grabbed Evander's hand under the table. He winked at me. Gods I loved him. I gave him a knowing smile and he blushed. Ameer watched me, not missing any part of that exchange. He nodded with pleasant surprise and acceptance. I reached for his hand and gave it a quick squeeze in thanks for loving my friend as much as me. He looked down in surprise but recovered quickly and squeezed back. We let go and watched Kaito finish filling his Celestite gem on his gauntlet.

"Alright then Team Colbalt. I get to be the one to inform you of your second trial which will take place in a week's time. Immediately following the trial, you will have three weeks of leave for the winter solstice and to spend time with family. The night of the winter solstice itself there will a Winter Ball. A masque if you will."

"What are the trail's elements?" No one was surprised to hear Seraphina ask the question.

"Ah yes. Apologies. You are tasked with using only fire and ice." The room filled with gasps and groans of complaint. "Today, I am challenging you to make a type of ice called permafrost. Permafrost is a difficult to accomplish because it combines ice with earth. You must wield them at the same time. The soil must remain at a negative temperature, and you must also exert great pressure upon it. If you are successful, the soil will remain frozen through spring." He smiled at us, the traditional robes from his culture swishing as he walked. "I can't have hundreds of piles of permafrost lying around so, for this task, we will be moving to the castle. The permafrost you create must also be beautiful in nature, as they will be used as decoration for the masque. The team with the most successful sculptures, will be the first ones to meet the king and prince that night, an honor saved for royal familes. Yes, ladies, I heard the prince will indeed attend, coming back from his long absence."

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