1. Tokyo

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Edited 2019✔️

The wind was gusting through the branches of a tree. A girl walked through the shadowy back streets of Tokyo. Her short black hair danced all around her face. This was only her third day in this city and she had already memorized every small detail around her. She felt like she must have counted each crack on the side walk a million times.

Her hand grabbed for the front door handle of her new house, twisted, and pulled it open. She slipped off her worn-out shoes and shrugged off her old jacket, before quietly walking up the stairs. She felt goosebumps rise on her arms as she walked down the dim hallway. She wasn't afraid of the dark, but wasn't exactly open to it either.

When she finally reached her room she threw herself onto her bed and closed her eyes. Tomorrow a new day would begin and everything that today happened would just be a memory. But most relevantly... it would be her first day of school, which she was definitely not looking forward to.

Three Days Earlier

"Love, I know it's a big change, but I really think this'll be good for us."

Kii ignored her mother's words and stared ahead at the wall in-front of her, remembering all the good times she's shared here with her mother and father. This was her home that held irreplaceable memories, and not to mention her close friend Shinichi.

Starting over? No thanks. She thought bitterly.

"Well?" Her mother asked leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed, "Aren't you at least a little bit excited? We're moving to Tokyo! You used to go there every summer when you were younger. You even had a cute little friend named Light."

Kii rolled her eyes and brushed past her mom to pick up some boxes that were in her room. She knew the real reason why she was moving. It wasn't for her, it was her mother being selfish and running away.

"Hurry up Kii! I have to pay for every hour I rent the moving truck!"

Kii exhaled heavily out her nose and grabbed the last two boxes that were in her room. What once was a room full of life was now left empty, just like Kii's heart.


The sound of a car door closing woke Kii up from her sleep. She opened her passenger door and stepped out of the car. This was it, her new home where new memories would take place.

"See Kii? Isn't this nice? And what a lovely neighborhood. I heard the schools here are just wonderful. You'll be attending Daikoku. And Sachiko Yagami lives right down the street, so you can walk to school with Light!" Kii's mother smiled warmly at her daughter; full of hope.

Kii knitted her eyebrows together in confusion, "Daikoku? That's the school I'll be going to with Light?"

Kii's mother nodded and walked with her daughter into their new home, where their new life was to begin.

Day Two In Tokyo

"Good morning Kii. I made some breakfast." Kii's mother greeted her grumpy daughter.

Kii sat down at the table and stared at her eggs, toast, and bacon. She had lost her appetite the moment she woke up and remembered she was in Tokyo.

Kii's mother sat down infront of Kii and began eating her own food, "Oh, by the way we'll be eating dinner with the Yagami family tomorrow evening. Maybe-"

"-No. I'm not going.. you can go without me. Can't I just go look around here? I'm sure if I get a tour of this place I'll learn to like it here." Kii lied just wanting to get out of the dinner. She was in no mood to meet people and be forced to smile or be polite; when all she wanted to do was bark and bite.

Kii's mother grinned happily, "Of course! Just make sure you're careful and be sure your cellphone is fully charged. And bring pepper spray. And you should be sure to stay away from dark allies. I know how clumsy you can be sometimes! No talking to strangers. And don't buy anything suspicious! Be sure you bring the-"

Kii faintly smile for a brief second, "I know mom. I'll be careful, don't worry."

Sure, her mom was overprotective, but it was for a good reason.

Day Three In Tokyo

"Okay honey, I'm heading to Sachiko's. I'll be back soon. Love you, be safe."

Kii waved goodbye to her mother as she walked away. Once her mother was out of view she put on her shoes and coat and left the house to go look around.

Fifteen minuets later, Kii sat on a park bench with a grim expression. She really misses her home. There's no way she'd be able to adapt here. It was already so boring that she felt like running away and staying at Shinichi's house-

Kii's heart skipped a beat at the sound of something hitting the ground.

Kii turned around at the noise of what sounded like a something dropping. Standing up she walked behind the bench and kneeled down to a small black journal. She wiped the dirt off the cover to read the words Death Note written on the cover in some kind of erotic font.

Death Note?

Kii picked up the journal and placed it inside her inner coat pocket before walking back home.

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