17. Matsuda

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I'm not sure how I feel about the new cover I made, so if anyone is good at making covers PLEASE make me one. Inbox me if you will for more details.

Any Marilyn Manson fans here? If so comment your fav song. Mines the nobodies. Or rock is dead. Or saint. Or his version of sweet dreams..😛

"Hm.." L stacked another sugar cube on-top of the increasing tower that shook slightly from it's weight.

Kii exhaled as she watched him stack another. I thought it would be bigger news. More criminals died.

Suddenly L's sugar cube tower fell and scattered. They were currently at their new underground facility place and everything seemed quite depressing.

The doors opened as Aizawa walked in wearing only his boxers. In his hands was his pants. Kii would've maybe even smiled at the funny sight but she was too depressed.

"Why is everyone so depressed?" Light asked L as he glanced around at the gloomy expressions.

L looked at Kii for a split second and went back to Light, "We have no new leads."

Light frowned and went back to work hoping to find something.

• Ten minuets pass •

"Ryuzaki! Kii! I think I found something."

L and Kii took both of Light's side and looked at the computer screen. Light made sure they were listening before speaking, "All the recent criminals that have died were also business men. If you notice the first few are in-"

"Takaramachi..." Kii whispered with emotion.

L turned his attention to Kii, "I believe you lived there before arriving here, correct?"


L knew Kii couldn't have been behind this. He didn't necessarily have proof, but it was a gut feeling.

"All of it traces back to the Takaramachi Fantom Company." Light added, typing on the keyboard showing the building.

"Let's look into this immediately. Light, you'll be keeping track of what businesses and what people are killed. Kii, since you used to live in Takaramachi you know the area best. So-"

Kii cut L off already knowing what he was gonna say, "I know. I'll get to it right now."

"Oh, what can I do Ryuzaki?" Matsuda asked with a hopeful expression.

L thought to himself before replying, "I have a very important job for you." Matsuda looked happy, "Oh boy! What is it?"

"I need a coffee."

Matsuda pouted and left. As he walked down the hall his team's word's echoed in his mind.

"Please make Matsuda stop talking."

"Matsuda, you idiot!"

"That's just Matsuda being an idiot."

I'll show them I can be just as helpful as anyone else! And if anything goes wrong, I have this belt..

Matsuda felt eager as he raced to his car and drove to Takaramachi.

• With Rem •

"So all I have to do is write the names of all these criminals."

Rem watched in dismay. Humans are truly disgusting creatures.

The man laughed and wrote more and more names. The power had ready messed up his sanity.

• Back To Matstupida lol sry •

Matsuda pressed the elevator button anxiously. His hands shook, scared out of his mind. His heart beat irregularly fast.

The elevator chimed and the doors opened letting Matsuda out to his desired floor. Once he stood in front of the room he was looking for, he pressed his ear against the door and eavesdropped.

"As stated, Kira did in-fact eliminate the competition. Therefore, our profits have increased by seventeen percent." A deep voice spoke with no emotion.

Wow! Wait till L hears about this!

"Who will we kill next?"

Those words took Matsuda by surprise as he fell through the doors and on to the floor.


Secretly, Matsuda pressed his belt's emergency button and stood up ready to act, "Oops, my bad! Hello my name's Taro Matsui!" Matsuda fake smiled and showed his identity card, "And I have a proposal for you!"

The group shared uneasy looks but let him continue, "How would any of this be irrelevant to us?"

"You need a face for your group! And I have just the person for you! Tell me, does long black hair, silver eyes, and an hour-glass shape body sound sexy to you?" Kii is going to murder me. She's going to tear my insides out.


"Then Kori Ryouta is the model for you!" Matsuda said the first name that could come to mind, "With a gal like Kori for the face of your company, I believe you could make more profit! What do you say?"

The group agreed and asked to speak with the model. Matsuda called Kii's number and put it to his ear.

"On speaker." A man demanded.

Matsuda forced a laugh and nodded putting it on speaker, "Hello?"

After L received the alarm from Matsuda's belt and then a phone call to Kii's cell from Matsuda, L instructed her to play along.

"Hey, Kori! I'm here with the Takaramachi Fantom Company and we are currently thinking about having you for the face of the company! Whaddaya say?"

Kii winced and wore an annoyed look but had no choice but to play along, "Wow! I'd love that!"

Have her come here. Matsuda read from a piece of paper that was slid infront of him.

"So, Kori, could you drive up and give them a look at what they may be investing in?" I'm scared. But of who, Kii or these men?!

"Of course! I'm on my way!" Kii said after L made a gesture for her to agree.

Matsuda, you idiot. When this is over you're gonna wish it was them who caught you!

Was all Kii could think as she was forced into a very flashy outfit.

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